Why Racing is Necessary: Federal Official at Washington Points Out How Breeding is Benefited, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03


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•WIIV RACING IS NECESSARY i FEDERAL OFFICIAL AT WASHINGTON POINTS OUT HOW BREEDING IS BENEFITED. Chief of the Division of Animal Husbandry of the Department of Agiicukure Calls Attention to Relation of Racing: to National Defense. Waaktagtoa. D. C, January i. Oeorgt M. Rcm-iii II. chief of the division of iiniinal husbandry of the Department of Agriculture, in an interview given to The New York Herald, tails attention to he direct and im|KMrtant relation of borae racing to the national defenae. Mr. Bommell. who la a recog nised authority .n i Ik- subject of breeding, and »ii » has no Interest la racing beyoad Its Inffnence In de ,111, the thoroughbred, -i ill tbe thoroughbred i- ,:,,ii ■-!„ usable in :in. country which requires ui ■Irj In Its national defenae. Mr. Komineli said: ■The experience of foreign arssies shows feat tii. department is correcl in planning t.. pay lue attention lo the thoroughbred in its plan t.. salve ill. mi in v remount problem in tbe Lnlted Statea. Horses with more or lean thoronghhred blood aw found as troop boraea in every European army, mil ure new being pur.li.-i-. .1 bj our remount offlc rs Practically every Beropeeu anay oaaeer rides at Irish bunter. n naif-bred borae or better. The Xea Vork mounted police ride boraea which are of trol ling and thoroughbred blood, aad ao it goes. "The effect of racing on tbe thoroughbred has been aad la exactl the sum.- as its effect n the standard bred borae. Racing mule and maintains ill.- breed. Wltuoel running race* the English pe.pl would never have bad their wonderful tboroughbrds :in.l without trotting races the American people i.mi i never Inn.- bad their magnificent standard l,i,,i-. it racing la stopped the breeding of hoses stops, for the incentive lo bleed is 1.111. .veil. ••fhe lercra campaigning to which a race 1 1 — • kjs subjected develops in time endurance, stanfna, L- . ,| uii, i and sound feel and legs as breed mar-L t. ristie-. r»r the borae that can go the pad: i-Hl one which loav.-s tin- impress on the breed J the f survive. These attribut* * in a horse oake ■h. valuable not only a- a sire of race horses. Put Vorc ..I saddl-- horses drivers, carriage h. - -. |ar* rtlHPUnts. etc., and it is for tins reasoi rucing doea indeed improve the breed of horses, a 1,. ii, is borae which can go through ■ racing career Wtnnlag race after race and then retire to the Mi..] a- sound as when he lirst stepped on a track is worthy the homage of erery man with good i v, blood In liis veins, and a sport, be it with ro or trotting boraea, which gives n- such horse* .1 i s, ims the consideration of thoughtful people."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912010301/drf1912010301_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1912010301_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800