Gossip from Blue Grass Region, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03


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1 1 I 1 » 1 • 1 i 1 I I GOSSIP FROM BLUE GRASS REGION. Lexington. Ky.. Jami-iy 2. —Thomas c. McDowell has decided not to race any of bis boraea this winter and has abandoned bis plan- for shipping to Cher ii -Ih He -aid todaj that he bad come to the con elusion that h - bad heal remain in Kentuckj .111 1 await the opening of the spring meeting here in April. J. C. Milam today -..hi the f. 111 year old Hob Bryan, bj Ormicanl Concrete, to 11. V. Colt, of Ueneseo, N. V.. who is here buying cross country boraea Kd T. 1. raves today received .S2.i oo fr mi Ileinr McDauiel in payment for a two-year-old filly by Nastu, mini fhe Red Filly, which i- now lu charge of Will Mchaniei at th.- Kentucky Association truck. Vice Chairman Hilton Vooag of he Kentucky State Racing Coiiiini-si.,|i. -aid tonight that in. call f..i a 111. -.■! ing of the commission to consider the .pie-ii,.n of date- l.n Kent 11, -kv tracks the comtug s. a on has been issued US vel.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912010301/drf1912010301_1_9
Local Identifier: drf1912010301_1_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800