Horses Congesting Charleston Track: Nine Carloads Arrive from Columbia Sooner than Expected and Embarrass Management, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03


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HORSES CONGESTING CHARLESTON TRACK. Nine Carloads Arrive from Columbia Soon* Thai Expected and Embarass Management. Charlestoa, s. C., January 2.— Rapid sta* - I ■ wards completion of the plant here were inaie tedaj when the -ill. bra Cut." as a bis till tear the three-furlongs poat is racetiouslj termed, wa- nearly completed, One more day will witness Itaeomple lion and the managements anxiety will be i*p -ased 1 with, for with tbe completion of the fill l other necessities will become matters of minor dgall and I I the opening will take place as per schedule u Janu- i,|V m. in. opening will see man] rough Ipoti at that hut the BnlKbing touches can he put u ajhlle the meeting I* " progress. The most brportant untinlsiied item after the opining will be lie hck or paint on the plant. Nine carloads of racera arrived unexpeeedl; .lav from Columbia and their arrival gave be nun . ageineul some concern, as arrangements or their . bunalng had not U-. ii completed. Tbey wge taken rare of in stalls that Lave been reserved pr others that were expected, the rapidity with thick tin-lmrses an- beginning to come here i- e -,-1 ii. tor tin erection ot the stalls is nr keeping . ..,..• with tin arrivals, fhe Kenning cAslgtina-nl [ i- due here on Thursday next and will inwde tbo e . owned bj v. P. Bareh. Dr. .1. s. Tyreel Capt. P. M. Walker an. I Harry Shannon. fhe xh linen I n| I I ■umber over slxtj uorscs. The Sorfolkjsbipment. number nearly one hundred horaea, i due herd , In Saliudav next and will Include tbejborsea of • lie- Beverwyck Stalde, Eugene Moyae, 1. Martin. John [taffy and others, fhe Kentucky ontlngent ; . will require a big special train and vtll Include many Rood racers that have been resting i tin blue . grass -••lion since the cloec of tin- meeting. Those owned by K. I. Carman and Wiliam Kai ricks lot, ii. w at Alkea, S. C. are exacted here . W II hill the BeXt few 1 . 1 -. . Sum- 1.160 boraea are expected to !*• c hind f r some part ..t the meeting, at i of this uaabei 750 , I have alread had stable space assigned tlsn. I im-re will he no dearth ot g.MMl lidiL material , I here, according to report. Those alredy on the ground Include T. K.einer. James Rtwell. .1. j - ii upon. Kennedy, Gordon, McTaggai Hopkiaa, « I iiruei and Byrne. II. I. Bedwells string will get in fro. Columbia 1 tomorrow. Others that will arrive froa the sane point at the sann- time are tboee ownefby E. V. : M , I. .1. Mil.-. S. A. Clopp.ii. .1. I., kdland and 1 .. Ill-is.

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Local Identifier: drf1912010301_1_3
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