Ordinary Card Decided at Juarez: Marzo and Henry Walbank Only Favorite to Score-Jockey Taplin Again on Hand, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03


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ORDINARY CARD DECIDED AT JUREZ. Marzo and Henry Waibank Oniy Favoiiteto Score — . Jockey Tapiin Again on Hand ■ Paso. T, .. January 2. --The ean oaTered al I .l-iai.z this afternoon waa of tbe most oiii.an kind. Marao and Henry Wall. auk were the on favorites to score, hut the other winners wen J no means neglected. .In. in. the winner ..! .!■ .., ■ aiag da-h. 1.. lug e-p. elall well suppoi ted. I-; .. McKlnnei -t Cleveland, ■ hvy stockholder r In the Jockej I lub Juarex, waa an t ted specta bar and «as agu. ahlj -in pri-ed I the Increase in 1 nitendau.e and speculation as cfipat .1 with 1 1 — t seas .ii. Jockey Eddie Tapiin has arrive* here from bis • horn- In I.akerstleld. Cal.. and wi ride as a free a. ,,n. As he .an do about 1"T pts] I-. In will be a W addition t- the l.mk of theiders ln-r.-. lis • ratgagementa Will be looked alter h K. Harris.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912010301/drf1912010301_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1912010301_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800