Racing Statistics of the Year 1911, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03

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1 I . . . [ . I I , • ; . . . . , , 1 : 1 . I RACING STATISTICS OF THE YEAR 1911 " - ■ + As a racing year 1011 was not without its good One in particular was the establishment of modern, up-.o-date plants at Lagoon, near Stilt Lake City, and Coenr rtAlene. just novae the Idaho border .ii, close to Spokane. These new ventures, supplemented by the usual meetings at Butte and Anaconda. elevated the mountain Circuit to a position of greatly augmented Importance and gave steady and profitable employment t a large contingent id owners, trainers, riders, stable help and horaea. The communities I. ied to supported the sport loyally and it is to he expected that the mountain circuit tracks will do even better hi HH2. Another item of Importance was the construction of the new racing plant at Laurel. Maryland, The meeting held there in the late autumn was largely patronized from Baltimore and Wash ingtOB and. in spite of decidedly liberal distribution of money in stakes and purses, was highly prohtahh . This track has a large imputation to draw from and promises to take the place on the racing map formerly held by the lienniug track. fhe hoped-for re-establishment of racing over the great New York tracks did not occur. At one time it appeared almost certain that the New York Legislature would pass the measure of relief, awaiting its action, hut in the long run spiteful opposition and ignohle considerations of poMey and i olitics prevailed and lbs otlieials of the traeks kept their gates closed. The uiost deplorahle attendant result was not so much in the fact Unit great communities wire deprived of the pleasure of viewing- an extremely popular sport as in the other fact that a numher of leading breeders h.camc dlacoaraged and Shipped hundreds of splen •iid broodmares and stallions to other countries for sale at auction to the Irreparable injury of oar own In ceding Interests. Posadhry the next New York Legislature to meet will act favorably in the matter, hut it i- doiihtliil. Meanwhile the track otlieials are plucky and hopeful and have announced and closed great stakes to Ik- run in future year- Kaeiag ever tie- Canadian and Kentucky track- was remarkably successful and marked by splendid performances hen- and there as the season progressed. In the racing of l.ilo tin- New York tracks furnished a total of 90,860. This l.ig sum was lost to the racing of I.tll. 1nder the circumstances it is pleasing to discover that there still remained the great aggregate of £2,337,957 for distribution among the successful owners nf the year. This is no slight return from the sport, alts-it it does not compare favorably with the annual aggregates of the years Wheat Ameruan i; ring was in its greatest state of prosperity. The percentage of winning favorites in the racing of 1!I1 1 was .40. as compared with .42 in 1910. .47 hi 19Qg and .40 in 1906. Allowing for weather conditions and comparative quality of the horses of the .1 Cerent years, careful analysis would show that the bersea Of I.tll ran as truly to form as did those of :ie preceding years, flu- following table gives a complete exposition of this feature of racing on all tracks except those at VaaCOBver, Seattle. Helena. Richmond ami Dallas: -= ~= -? -?-:*_? 3 * 31 S? ? Track and Dates. 8 j~ f fm B" g* |* I* |" b. I |£ ; 3 1 • 3 2 • • 8 2 3 g : • . ■•■.-■•• • K Oakland, .lanuarv 2 February li U 240 $ 7:;. kS.", 2M i:,0 !».". 47 100 M 15 .9 Tampa .lanuarv 2-Mareh 22 • 414 03,350 272 166 166 Mi lt 2 no r.S .40 Jacksonville, .lanuarv 2 April 1 78 474 235,585 420 222 1S4 li 7 18:1 32 34 .39 Juaree. .hi in 2 April 2 7S 408 188,600 .T..S 201 1H0 Ktt 188 40 H .Ms PenaacoU, March 31-Apr0 SB 22 IIS ll.ico 1U 77 47 23 4S M M .40 Jamestown. April 5-April 26 19 H o4.:!4.-. 191 8!l .",1 "4 U 15 15 .44 Iiiiili.... April 25 -Maj 17 16 1 S t».305 1!»S 112 4M 19 40 21 12 .40 Lexington, April 29-May 11 11 -,! 38,270 133 80 23 16 27 12 !t .:;.-, C.,1 nhuist. April 29 1 • 1 :;,M» •" 1 1 I I .00 OKden. May l-May 17 1"- M 10.150 ;is i;4 40 «aj :«» ya o7 44 Belmout Paik Terminal, May • •• B63 1 o :: i 2 .20 Plaintield. May 13 1 • S5 2 2 110 .40 •Chun hill Downs. May 13 .Ittne 8 2:i Lis 104.44O 214 IS 56 27 l 3 12 7 .H« Victoria. May 18-May 27 I ** 8,000 S4 t,4 is »; 20 1 :; .4:: Arlington. May 18-May 29 1 » •• tOvSaa 71 28 20 14 20 12 11 .43 Dclorimier Park. May Im May 27 7 "1 10 2m 84 51 19 11 21 7 lo ..17 Toronto Woodhine Pki. May 20-May 27 7 49 50.850 102 55 2S 10 11 17 5 .57 Lagoon, May 30-Joly 18 41 240 57,785 226 112 92 57 97 29 18 .:,7 Maryland United Hunts. May :;o-.luiie :i :". 21 6,225 43 . . . 9 2 in :; 2 .4:5 Montreal Rlue Bonnets ». June .l-June 10 7 SO 31.705 HO 50 21 11 IS |g S .42 Belmont Park Terminal, .lime 8 June 10 2 14 5,335 8 4 2 5 4 .57 Vancouver. June 10 June 17 7 4.". 9.070 95 09 Latonla, June 10-JaIy 15 SI 1S9 125.015 251 140 02 49 7S 10 15 .:.? Oklahoma Citv. Jflue l.l-.luly 4 19 119 25,230 107 111 49 20 44 14 8 .41 Brookline, June 17 June 21 t 19 10.705 gS 24 M 5 4 0 4 .86 Hamilton, June 17 June 24 7 BJ 38.633 124 66 B is 10 • 5 .40 King Edward Park, June 24 July 1 7 52 10.400 88 56 21 15 10 4 5 .40 Vancouver, June 30-July 7 7 44 11366 92 66 Elkwood Park. July 1 and July 4 2 i: :;..5i» 20 22 lo 1 2 7 1 .80 I .it Erie, Juiv 1-Jaly 8 7 4.t lus 57 20 s 18 18 5 ..".:; Hawthorne. July 3-July 4 2 12 3,650 27 21 5 :: 4 4 2 .42 Tulsa. Julv o.lulv 26 l:: s" 9.«30 122 so 2s 29 2:: 12 12 .35 Dclorimier Park. Julv s-.luly 15 7 51 10.200 S4 59 22 12 17 8 5 .4:; Vancouver. Julv s.iuiv 15 7 47 12.205 list 80 Win. Nor. Julv 15 Julv 22 7 56 27.930 108 01 T.i 9 IS lo 4 .40 Vancouver. Julv 19 Julv 24 I 36 9.450 89 65 Butte, Julv 19 August 22 ::o ISO 4::. MH 213 121 05 41 74 is 9 .:!0 King Edward Park. Julv 22 July 29.. 7 50 10.250 S7 62 25 11 14 lo 2 .50 Vancouver, Julv 22 Julv 29 7 86 12.MO 94 OS Fort Erie. July 29 August 5 7 49 28,760 113 63 13 14 22 1 2 .27 Irufferlu Park. August 1; August .» 7 58 14.900 1 4 79 .".:: 13 13 9 5 .50 Muskogee. August 7-AiigUst 26 Is 107 13.5.85 Its; OS |s 27 :12 20 22 .45 Islington lain. AagUSt B August 11.. 4 10 1.130 13 16 1» 1 l 5 0 .90 Hamilton, kugust 12-Augnat 1! 7 56 33.600 130 70 20 14 22 7 4 .10 Seattle Madlaon Park. Aug. l.eMig. 19 5 10 :;.ost :;4 2ti Anaconda. August 25-September 9 14 84 19,650 141 70 20 24 ."4 s 9 :;i Windsor, August 2s S.-pt. inh. r 4 7 50 30.500 111 01 20 9 21 0 :t 40 Mn viand United Hunts. Aug. :;i Sept. 4 :: 19 :,. 050 40 :;4 9 5 5 :: :: .47 Hawthorne. September 2-September 4... 2 12 ::.oim» 21 17 5 5 2 5 :: .42 Buffet-in Park. September 9 September lit 7 88 14.7 o 1in 75 36 13 15 7 9 .5:: Montreal Line Bonnets, Sept. ©-Sept. Hi 7 52 34.830 111 06 2:: 12 17 9 4 .44 ropeka, September 1 1 September 14..... 4 11 1.200 19 ... 7 2 201 .04 coeur dAlene, September 11-Octoher 28 M 210 72.090 227 139 7o 82 ss 26 11 .:", Livingston, September 12-September 15.. 4 12 1.275 20 ... 0 0 o 2 2 86 I.,ingt..u. September 14 September 2:;... 9 54 22.1S4 1119 70 14 16 24 4 0 20 Hutchinson. September is s.-pteniber 2o. 0 25 5.2 s 49 35 9 9 7 r, g ..;i; Toronto Woodbine P*k, s.-pt. 2.;-Sept.:;o 7 49 47.-50 list r,s o,, - j._, vz s 41 Trenton, September 25 1 5 7."k :; 2 ., 1 j j„t Ilel.-na. September 25 September 30 0 30 10.220 47 35 Churchill Hi.wiis. Sept. 25-Oet. 14 is p.s 72.520 175 !i;» ::7 25 40 9 i .::i Oklahoma tit September 26-October 7. 11 88 il 130 92 ti7 2:: 11 is 0 4 .44 Spokaue. October 2-October 7 ft 22 K.430 ;.:; 17 s :: u 3 3 ■;,; l.arnl. October 2-Oetoher ::i 20 103 103,325 221 114 56 35 72 M S :!4 Dufferln Park. October 3-October it».. 7 ■".:: 13,550 sn i;i 22 1:; 19 4 :: 4- Lynnewood October • 1 8 2.940 23 ... 1 1; 1 1 g ]o l..cust Valley, October o 1 5 l.tsst 14 ... 2 2 I S S .46 Pimlico. October 7-October 2:; 14 9:! 61.895 1 1»; 83 51 24 is 29 12 58 Kiehiiiond. October 9-October 12 5 21 5.550 ::2 24 Muskogee, October 9-October 11 0 11 1,025 22 is 11 J 1 § j 7., Dallas, October 14-October 2S 1:; ::9 9,200 , l.atoina. October 16-Noveaaher 11 24 145 ino..".7o 198 115 55 36 59 10 12 38 Belmont Pk Terml. Oct. 28 and Nov. | 2 • 2.110 17 ... 5 1 :; r, .-,,; Mexico Citv. Oclolier 29-November 20... 12 72 ::7.92s 7:; 30 35 17 20 24 29 49 Marlboro, November 1 November is 16 98 20.1100 121 si -j-.t o4 4- - "s .. ! Jamestown, November 2-November 80.. 25 150 45.060 ls: 95 o» .: 57 15 16 43 Belmont Park Terminal, November 7.... 1 7 1.206 10 ... 4 12 4 2 57 Columbia, November 30-Deeesaber SO... 26 155 .°.2.7is» iss 117 i;;i 40 41; :;i 22 4", Juarea, November SO-December ::i 29 171 55,130 204 lis gg 10 os 12 7 :;s Tftal 1,687 62288 S2 .: :;7.957 2.:;s2 i.:;72 20 vis "007 .40 •Two dead heat-. ..No l» tting n one race, tone dead heat. r 1 t • a • ; • 1 1 1 1 i 1 f i i- t j 1,. Mowing is tin- record of the comparative dia-1 irihiitnu by organlsatioes in 1616 and lull: Dterribe Dtetribu-Racing Aasociatkma. tioat 1916. t ion 1911. Live Stock and Agricultural State pair Assn $ 347,425 $ 235,585 Latonla Jockey Club 171.750 225.385 Jockej Clnb Juarei Is7.l05 213,730 Louisviili Baring Aasociation. . !44.5: .: 176.900 Maryland Jockej Club 140,055 131.200 Maryland State Fair 103.325 Ontario Jockey club 90.508 • Jamestowa Jockey Clnb 40.475 79.4::.. Nee California Jockej Clnb 254.810 7;;.os-, Coeur dAlene Pair and EtactBg Association "2.890 Hamilton Jockej lub 66.845 295 Montreal Jockej Club 04.090 BBS Florida State Mid-Wnit.-r Pair Association 7i.:,5.i 63.380 Kentucky Association : 9.711 00.451 Windsor lair Orousahl and DriMiig Park Association ... . 55.705 88.490 LagOOn lair -unl Kacing Asn. ... 87.785 Niagara Raciag Association 87,940 :,i;.s7 Butte Jockey Clnb 48,830 4... 000 Mexican Jockey Club :.7.tjs Columbia Baring Association... .... 32,700 Southern Maryland Ita. mg As- siK-iation . 14.520 31.450 Metropolitan Racing Aaan 25.350 29.600 Oklaboou City Jockey Clnb 22.900 25,230 British Columbia Thoroughbred Diatribe- Diatribe-Racing Associations. lion 1910. tion lull. Aasociatioa s 39.073 * 22.290 Vancouver Jockey Clab .... 21,878 Victoria Cooatrj Clab 7.5ist 21.450 Kine Edward Jockey Club s 7;,.! 20.050 Montreal Driving Club iosisi 20.41x1 Anaconda Jockey Club 19,300 19.686 Muskogee Jockey Clab 1 ; :,s.-, Toronto Driving Club 13,880 New Peaeacola Pair and Uacing Aasoclation 19.25 11,686 Maryland Dnlted Hunts Assn. . "..:i7ii II.S75 Oklahoma Stat. Fair 12,780 11,130 1 lit tokllne Coaatry flub .... 10,763 1 Montana Slate Pair 10,220 I Ogden .lock.y flub 16.686 16.156 1 TuNa County Pair Association and Jockey Club 6,336 6.686 » Texaa State Pair Association.. .... 9 Lihi 1 Spokane later-State Pair Aase. .... .s.4.:o • Lnlted Hunts Kacing Assn.... .... 7445 Virginia State Fair Association 8.880 1 Hutchinson State Fair .... 5.200 i Chicago Letter Carriers Assn. .... 3.680 Chicago Business Agents Assn 3 000 1 ElkWDOd Park Steeplechase As- socialise .... " 350 Seattle Blood Horse Association ; inn I Lyniiewood Farm. Klkins Park, a 2.9 10 I Continued 011 second pajje.j 1 I . • : • . 3 . - r r . a 1 . : ■ • i t ■ ■ . - 1 . • . . . f I - - . : • , , , j- .. • ., 1 . . • • .. RACING STATISTICS OF THE YEAR 1911. II Continued from lirst page. F Mstribu- Dlatribu- .: K.ieing Associations. tiaa !•». Dda 1911. 1 l !ou Brook Steeplechase A- _ ,.: siM-iatioii .... $ 2. l."." ., Muskogee Fair Association X 2~* .! Rockaway Hunting Club l.::oo g Park Couatj Pate and Racing q A--01 ial ion .... i.-T" n Topeka, Kan-.. Iair As-n .... 1.200 j. Lexington Blue Grass Pair As J. - . la t Ion 1.180 x Piping Rock Bone Show Aaaa. 1,000 ,. Trenton Inter-State fair Assn. 750 ,j Watchung Hum Club NB , Totals ?2.0O5.138 ..:37,".t."»7 ! •" s I • _; aphi. ally the distribution was as follow-: | Racing Races Locality. Das. Run. 1910. 1911. » Kentucky 120 710$ 353,990$ 463,929 C Eastern ana. la 1 P.» 88C 391,888 436,710 I Florida 109 1,000 469,100 310,885 C Marvlaud ss .".C,2 169,545 277.So i h Hexic 110 714 1S7,1C5 251.65S Virginia 4.i 288 46,475 84,985 Molilalia 54 oOO oo,l:50 74.14". California 3! 240 254.S10 73,085 1 Idaho 88 210 72,690 Utah 56 338 86,455 67,935 British Columbia ... 41 207 47.17.". 65,015 x Oklahoma 87 ::72 4o.000 c.l.Lui South Carolina 20 17,o 32,700 v Washington 11 38 11,430 New York S 45 790,Go0 10.000 Massachusetts :; P.l 10.765 Texas 13 Si 9,200 1 Illinois 4 24 7,250 Kansai 10 :G 0,400 1 New Jersey 4 2:; 4,685 1 Pennsylvania l 8 2.040 I Wyoming MJB38 I Colorado lo.OOO 1 . s Tola Is 1,037 C.2S9 ,942,333 ,037,907 I I Third to Sheepshead Bay and Gravesend in 1910 J_ in the daily average of money paid to winning j owners. Toronto, became the leader in 1911. with the distinctly creditable average of over ,000. . Two other Canadian tracks. Hamilton and Montreal. J .am second and third in this honor list. Iiuilieo • led the tracks of the United States with but a , tUght margin over Churchill Downs. Windsor. La- , tonia and Tort Erie were tin- only other tracks crivii ,m a daily distribution in excess of ,000. The . following table gives the showing of tint various i tracks in this important department of racing: Racing Races DailyAv. DailyAv. . Track. Bays. Run. Dia.1910. Dis.v.iil. , Toronto Whine Pk. 1 14 98 .S93.43 ,022.14 , Hamilton 14 113 4.846.11 5,100.9.M , Montreal Bine Bon- u eta 14 102 4.577.S4 4,753.93 Pimlico 30 201 4.908.50 4.370.00 Churchill Downs 41 240 3.441.40 4,316.15 Windsor 14 100 3.978.93 4.177 n Latonia 55 334 3.180.oo 4,097.91 . Fort Erie 14 9S 4,139.57 4,062.14 , Laurel 88 163 3,974.04 1 Brookline 3 10 3.555.00 , Mexico City 12 72 3.160.67 t Lexington 20 120 2.481.88 3,022.70 Jacksonville 78 474 2,799.39 3.019.98 . Lynnewood Park 1 8 2.940.00 , Dufleiin Park 21 170 1,811.72 2,054.76 . Coeur dAlene 88 21c 2.019.17 Juarea 107 642 2.282.50 1.997. is Maryland United His 6 40 1.990.00 1.979.17 ; Oakland 39 240 1.572.90 1,873.97 j Hawthorne 4 24 1,812.50 .l Jamestown 44 207 1.602.58 1,805.34 i Helena 8 30 1,703.33 Blkwood Park 2 13 1,675.00 i Vancouver 34 223 1,415.18 1,647.60 Edward Park... 14 102 1.250.00 1,476.43 ;J fog lorimier Park 14 ,102 1.200.00 1.457.14 Butte 30 180 1.527.66 1.433.33 , Belmont Park Term- * , inal 6 35 1,433.33 Lagoon 41 240 1.050.75 1,400.39 Spokane 6 22 1,405.00 Anaconda 14 84 1.378.57 1,403.57 Victoria 7 44 1,250.00 1.371. 13 Marlboro 10 9S 1,452.00 1,306.19 J Cedarhurst 1 5 1.300.00 Columbia 20 155 1,257.70 Oklahoma City 30 171 1.273.21 1.212. 00 Richmond • 21 1,110. 00 Arlington 10 60 1,055.00 Piping Rock 1 5 . Tampa 09 414 1,006.91 918.00 Hutchinson 6 25 ..... 866.00 Trenton 1 5 750.00 Tulsa IS 88 779.17 740.77 . Dallas 13 39 707.70 Ogden 15 90 842. J4 070.07 , Muskogee 24 121 833.75 ; S ittle 5 10 800.00 Plaioaeld 1 5 585. o0 • Pensacola 22 lis S67.10 54::. is Livingston 4 12 .... 318.75 Topeka 4 11 300.00 ; Lexlagtoa Fair Heetfaag 4 10 282.75 Total 1.037 8J88 ,354.29 ,254.35 lor the third year in succession, the honor of beading the list of American money-winning owners fell to S. C. Hililreth. Mr. Hildreths total coin- pared poorly with his showing of the previous year. In 1910 his h iraea won 52,015. wliile his wlaaingl for 1911 aggregated only 7,473. J. W. Schorr. K. T. Wil-on and R. F. Carman follow Mr. Hildreth in the order named. The thirty leaders of the year are a foUoWSt Won in owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. 1911. S. C Hil.lietli 64 39 28 7.47:. J. W. Schorr 50 56 55 38,588 : R. T. Wil-on 57 58 52 37,401 ! U. r. Canaan 48 46 38 35.447 ! W :. Vankc 60 42 33 27.271 ! G. H. Odoai 45 29 23 27.213 A. Belmont 41 17 23 20.705 ! H. C. Hallenbeck 21 13 16 24.4so ! 11. ;. Bedwetl 71 tr5 60 24.100 - P. M. Walker 43 33 23 20.795 ! ! V. McLeaaore 44 44 33 20,365 T. C. McDowell 28 18 15 19.068 Beverwyck Stable 2S 29 30 19.070 .1. R Walnwrlght 38 27 30 l.7::i R . Smith 11 12 9 17.102 W. B. arson 74 48 40 16.690 I P. s P. Randolph 24 15 12 10.020 1 Henderson .V Hogan 34 34 35 16.349 I Wm. Garth 32 26 32 16.325 1 B. Schreiber 58 55 49 15.0si R. K. Watkins 27 34 24 15.440 1. w. BurttacheU 21 19 16 15.290 : S. Louis 32 37 35 14.855 A. Sin - 23 17 20 14.070 T. K. Coadraa 14 15 22 14.840 r. I. 1ons 24 21 23 13.590 H. R. 22 24 IS 12.930 GaUaher Bros „ 25 15 22 12,857 : R. Parr 19 20 18 12.635 Powell aV 40 41 42 12.:.s2 | 11. C. Hallenbecki crack twa year old colt. Worth, : heads the li-t of ihe money -winning horses of Mil. His record of 6,645 won illustrates the limited ! opportunity that a good racer had during the year ompared with Ihe 2,630 that Novelty won aa the l-adini: winner ol the preceding year. Governor Gray, now .had. ftnlahed a close second to Worth, with S. c. Hlldretha Zeaa and p. S. P. Randolphs Plate Glass third and fourth respectively. Following is Ih. record of the thirty leading BMMiey- winning borsea Of the yen: Horse. A. 1st. 2d. 3d. Cup. Won. I Y 1 2 10 1 O 2 0.04.". governor Gray dead.. 3 7 : :: 5 15,051 /eu 3 S - 2 2 13.900 Plati 1 :ii- •"• 15 4 1 7 13.165 Meridian •: 6 6 1 4 11,655 I: id Hi Worl 3 13 3 3 !» 10.850 Law ton Wiggins 5 11 8 1 11 10,285 11., Nigg r dead 3 4 6 5 7 9.510 Follii Levy 1 12 lo 5 10 9.::i M. adow 5 11 7 . 5 0 295 Star Charter 3 5 6 8 12 9,225 Mol ant 2 in 2 2 3 8,010 Shooting Star . . . :: 1 o o 1 7.915 Man iger 2 1 0 0 1 7.003 Asyiade 2 1 3 5 2 j 030 St. Da-- 3 5 I 1 6.890 AM. haran 2 7 4 2 1 i;.7::2 |. --. : _ Boj .. 5 4 3 1 I 0 • Sit Johu Johnson 6 7 4 2 5 0,620 Call--.- 2 7 It 0 . . 605 Carlton . t s 3 5 11 6.595 II _ Private • S 4 I :; Ii ft 16 m.m-U.c 3 lo 14 6 19 5.928 Arase. 6 13 11 :• 8 5 M0 1 Welkin 6 0 4 2 4 5.820 1*1 1 u.-- - ..9 7 2 1 7 ."..77". hern la » -• 8 10 7 5.685 i;iiv I i-i. ■! 5 7 1" 2 10 .. 1 2 o 7 10 5.315 i.a i 1: inkiu 2 13 1 2- :: 5.180 T Kein.i w.i- in. .-1 aoceessfnl f the oekeys. Hi leads McCahey bj ■ small margin, with Hopkins third. Byrne fourth and Molesworth tiiih. The rac ord of th. Uilrtj I. tding lockeys of the year is • in the f«Ilowlns tabulation: .., , Mi- it. lm. 3d. Dap. P.C. Woa. Koenier. T 818 102 133 112 106 .20 8,308 HcCabey S57 153 146 121 437 .IS 83,191 II F .: 1 ,.: ., .! g q n j. J. x ,. ,j , ! s | » C I C h 1 x v 1 1 1 I I 1 s I I J_ j . J • , , . i . , , , . , 1 , t . , . ; j .l i i ;J , * , Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2.1. Id. Uaa. P.C. Woa. S Hopkins ov.I 130 83 88 307 .20 837.235 1 I Byrne 688 130 123 104 831 .19 65.925 I Moleswortb ...ois 117 127 87 317 .is 54.754 J Cla-s. J 444 102 72 58 212 .23 44.404 » Troxier 344 9S til 51 134 .28 ivjs:; s Loftus 572 88 loo 72 302 .17 57.982 I Taplin 502 94 92 S7 289 .17 42.880 • Rice, T 4:10 93 88 79 .10 45,816 1 Gooee 858 88 78 91 .-ws ,13 48,384 I Shilling. C. H.208 75 39 29 05 .36 51.588 • Gross 850 72 65 98 415 .11 28.080 1 Scbuttioger ..494 09 so 89 270 .14 32.990 S Peak, C 44s c.s 72 53 255 ,15 27.410 I Kennedy 424 07 70 5s 228 .10 48.381 1 J Grand, C 889 85 OS 5s 17s .is 14.205 M Bergen, .7 372 83 50 6.5 1!»4 .17 11.320.1 Dugan, i: 251 82 37 30 122 .25 45.033 i I Turner. C 322 02 51 49 100 .lit 22.008 1 Hoffman. R...455 01 81 72 241 .13 20.901 I Bums, I ::to CO 58 60 172 .17 36.300 Small 200 59 41 25 75 .29 11.110 Riddle 348 58 83 54 is:; .17 14. o.:.". Wilson. J 358 58 51 80 ISO .16 38.656 Mel.w.ii. B...299 57 40 4s 14s .19 14,785 • • Callahan. J 4si 55 07 49 311 .11 20.819 Buxton 540 55 88 71 34s .10 15.785 1 Cavanangb ......49 54 47 38 209 .15 11.330 1 Keogh 312 53 34 50 175 .17 16.170 I To w. B. arson, a newcomer on the turf, fell the 1 distinction of heading the list of American trainers j for 1911 so far as the number of winners saddled i- concerned. 8. C. Hildreth. who stands second to 1 Mr. ear-on in the Item of winners saddled, is far and away the hader in re-ncct to amount of money | won. The record of the thirty leading trainers of the year is shown below: Trainer. Winners. Won. S arson. W. D 72 0,250 I Hildreth. S. c 07 49,418 S Garth, William 57 :4.s::n 3 Burttscaell. W. A 57 27.120 1 BedweU, II. C, 58 13,190 S Healey, T. J 51 34.457 J Parker. J. W 50 13,590 ! Swing. A 4s 3.5.447 I I Scbelke, F 48 23.15r, 1 Keene. G. II 46 11.315 B Mum f.r.l. T. B 44 20,350 I Odoai, G. M 41 22,793 1 Schorr. J. V 40 32,981 1 Lowe. .1 3S 14. 120 I lif/ger ild. B. L 88 5,848 I Joplin, W. 0 30 11,618 ] Simons, A 35 21,650 1 McCormack, J 35 19.574 1 Walker. W 35 12.550 1 Freemaa, D. B 85 4.540 i Luaader, F :I 18.668 S Bvans, B. c 33 0.254 | Bockner, W. H 33 10.710 3 Everman, J. S 31 20.397 1 Whalen. J 81 22.815 3 WatMaa, It. B 88 17.270 1 Beany, ; 29 19.991 j Blanch!, O. A 28 11,585 1 FlMii. J. W 28 13.115 1 W light. K. K 28 9.485 | I I. Williams carried off the honors among the i ■teeplechaae riders with W. Allen a creditable sec- mid. The following embraces the record of the i steeplechase riders who piloted one or more winners j during the year: | Steeplechase I Jockeys. Mt-. 1st. 2d. Sd. Cap. P.C. Woa. I Williams. F 07 25 13 8 20 .37 5,445 1 Allen. W 74 21 15 4 34 .2s SI. 885 Ki! math OS 13 21 9 25 .19 10,550 I Henderson. M 36 10 5 3 18 ,2s 7.505 ! Noe, W. W 41 9 5 11 18 .22 4.540 I Dnpee, Jaa 63 9 11 18 3o .14 5,015 1 Doiiohue. T 16 8 5 2 1 .50 4.320 ! Tuckey 45 7 8 0 23 .16 2.970 I Lynch, J 20 6 5 7 8 .23 5.355 I Lucas. R 39 5 6 10 18 .13 3.480 1 Saffel, H. L 37 5 6 1 25 .13 2.420 3 Male. 11. J 12 4 2 1 5 .33 3.030 1 I Turner, 8 13 4 3 1 5 .31 1.195 I McAfee. H 13 4 2 3 4 .31 1.660 1 J Day t ui. J. W 14 4 0 6 4 .29 1.970 1 J Hannigau 16 4 1 2 9 .25 2.455 . 3 S 1 I I J » s I • 1 I • 1 S I 1 J M i I 1 I • • 1 1 I 1 j 1 | S I S 3 1 S J ! I I 1 B I 1 1 I I ] 1 1 1 i S | 3 1 3 1 j 1 1 | I i i j | I I 1 I ! I 1 ! I I 1 3 1 I I 1 J 1 J . 3 Steeplechase Jockeys. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Clip. P.C. Wiiii. Boyle, II 20 4 5 1 9 .20 .osr Jackson. A 9 3 1 0 5 ..;.: 01: MeClain. S 19 3 5 3 8 .10 1.354 Simpson 25 3 8 8 11 .12 _..:n Dal v. J 3 2 0 0 1 .tit; 300 Ryan 8 2 2 3 1 .25 1.861 Humble 10 2 3 0 5 .20 03 Critlin 2 1 O 1 0 .50 189 Tyler, R 3 I 0 0 2 .33 175 lord 4 1 1 1 1 .25 -SO HcKinney 4 1 1 8 2 .25 M iPage, ii 7 1 0 .14 Mt Jackson. W 8 1 0 3 4 .12 uW jVourell 9 1 2 2 4 .11 01 English, R 11 1 2 4 4 .88 425 Hughe- 12 1 1 1 9 .OS 390 llei.ler. I 14 12 2 9 .07 BSE Booth, W is 1 1 4 12 .88 -70 Pending. R 22 1 3 3 15 .05 1.150 The honors among the gentlemen riders were carried oil by Mr. 11. L. Bell, with Mr. .1. Tucker ■ lose second and Mr. AlaefS third. The record "r he amateurs who rode one or more winners during the ] ear follows: , Gentlemen Riders. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Dap. P.C Won. Mr. II. L. Poll 31 11 0 9 11 .35 ,440 Mr J. Tinker 21 10 5 2 4 .05 1.700 Mr. Alpera 32 8 9 8 8 .2s 1.030 Mr. II. Tinker 25 8 7 2 S .32 2.345 Mr. T. Wright 31 -8 4 7 15 .24 2.965 Mr. B. C. Cowdin. Jr 9 5 0 1 I .56 515 Mr. K. Tucker 19 5 5 1 8 .26 1.705 Mr. B. Tuekerman. Jr 20 5 4 2 9 .25 1.881 Mr. Hamilton 6 4 0 0 2 .00 561 Lieut. Rockwell 17 4 4 1 8 .24 l.:jtf5 Mr. R. Mortimer 4 2 3 9 .22 1. I2.* Mr. Von Stade 6 3 111 .50 1.173 Lieut. I.vinan 0 3 0 1 2 .50 ssn Mr. Sullivan 6 3 0 0 3 .50 100 Mr. Bernolfo S :; 0 0 5 .37 Mr. C. L. Appletou. 9 3 2 1 3 .33 888 lent. Tale 10 3. 2 0 5 .30 1.145 Lieut. Alexander 10 3 2 2 3 .30 SOo Mr. M. Stevenson... 17 3 2 1 11 .is 050 Mr. Black 19 3 1 0 15 .16 1.700 Mr. Holland 2 2 0 0 0 1.00 MM Mr. Hyera 2 2 0 0 o l.oo 210 Mr. Kelly 2 2 0 0 0 1.08 175 .Mr. C. L. Crawford. 3 2 10 0 .88 Mr. Alderman 3 2 1 0 0 .06 255 Mr. A. Blute 3 2 0 10 .88 930 Mr. H. Bowles 7 2 0 2 2 .29 605 Mr. R. Belmont 16 2 5 4 5 .12 553 Lieut. Shirley 1 10 0 0 1.00 475 Mr. Pearce 1 l 0 0 0 1.00 400 Mr. J. Heal 110 0 0 1.00 33il Mr. W. Bailey 110 0 0 1.00 243 Mr. Blount 1 1 0 0 0 1.00 75 Mr. Turtou 1 1 0 0 0 1.00 Mr. D. Pons 2 10 1 0 .50 888 MT. .1. Blute 2 1 10 0 .50 525 Mr. R. Shannon 2 1 0 0 1 .00 225 Mr. Jordau 2 1 0 0 1 .50 75 Mr. Wall 3 1 1 0 1 .33 300 Mr. Henderson 3 1 0 1 1 .33 240 Mr. Saw tell 3 1 0 1 1 .:::: 200 Mr. R. McLaughlin. 3 10 0 2 .:::: 175 Mr. Weaver 3 1 1 0 1 .33 115 Mr. Langford 3 1 0 0 2 .33 HI Mr. J. II. McFall... 3 10 0 2 .33 110 .Mr. J. Spencer 4 1 1 2 0 .25 M Mr. . McFall 4 10 2 1 .25 13 Mr. R. D.iuieN 4 1 0 0 3 .25 240 Mr. o. F. Ileisch- manu 5 1 2 1 1 .20 420 Lieut Rombough... 5 12 11 .20 :;si Mr. Width v 5 1 1 8 3 .20 135 Mr. Cooper 6 1 1 8 4 .17 240 Mr. J. R. Fell 0 1 0 1 4 .17 210 Mr. R. Smith 7 112 3 .14 8M Lieu;. Adair 7 1 1 0 5 .14 41 1 Mr. 1:. HcKeoa s 1 0 1 o .12 ion Mr. CaUaghan 9 1 4 2 2 .11 ::05 Mr. I. Dows 9 1 3 0 5 .11 193 Mr. Taylor 10 1120 .18 540 Mr. K. Whittendale.10 1 4 0 5 .10 435 Mr. H. Lee 16 1 2 2 11 .07 375 Mr. S. ,Tosephthal...l6 14 2 9 .07 88J Mr. W. EL Wildey..lS 12 3 12 .06 35

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