No Friction Expected at Louisville: Decision to Race at Two Tracks Said to Have Been Amicably Reached-Dates Virtually Agreed On, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03


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! NO FRICTION EXPECTED AT LOUISVILLE. Decision to Race at Two Tracks Said to Have Been Amicably Reached — Dates Virtually Agreed On. Louisville. Ky.. January 2. -It is understood that Col. M. J. Winn, representing the New LoalsvUle Jockey club, ami John ilachnieiater, representing the Douglas p.- rk Jockey club, have practically reached an agreement as to the racing dales thai they will ask Hi- Kentucky state Racing Commission to ;i-m::i to their respective tracks, following their decision not io niiew the pooling agreement under which tin Interests of tbe two associations were merged and racing was conducted only at Churchill Downs. The Kentu.-ky State Racing t ommiaaion will meet in the near future and it is expected that M.-",-, Winn and Hachmeiater will appear t.. explain the points that siill remain at issue. It has been agreed, subject t. the approval of the commission that th.-n- will he sprnu and fall meetings at eack of the LoalsvUle tracks, and il is nnderst 1 that tile dates :., he .idieil will Hot ece,i| in the aggie gate the total numher ..f days that racing baabeea conducted at Louisville under tin- pooling arrange mem. it is announced that tin- best of feeling 1 mm- between tie- organisations thai control the two tracks. Tbe plan- onl- mplate liberal tdakr offerings at both tracks.

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Local Identifier: drf1912010301_1_8
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