Second Race, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-03

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SECOND RACE — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Selling. 83623— 1:11 and—*— LADY MACY, b. f, 4 105 By Macy— Dolly Hayman W. McLemore. 999Sti Juarez 1 1:391 fast 21 MB 4 3 11 iu S6 Groth 5 Doncaster, Fly. Feet. S. Lumn. 99913 Juarez I l 1:14* fast 7-10 n 2 7 6 2 ink l1 Groth 8 FlyinaFeet. Balella. GoldenBuby. 99892 Juarez 2-1 1:13 good 2 100 4 4 4 2 4 2| Oroth 5 Kootenav, Yo Solo, Lyte Kuight. 99868 Juarez 7-8 1:2S last 3 107 4 11 1 11 2-i Groth 0 Pit a-pat, Xo Solo, Heretic. 99886 Juarez 3-4 1:15 slow 2J liX* 5 6 3 4-J 45J Groth 7 ThistleBelle. Crossover. Oxer. 99612 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 5 IN 7 5 2 2»4 2j Groth 7 Henry Walbank. Oxer, Fern L. 99740 Juarez 7-8 l:26§ fast 8 106 3 7 6 7 7 7 8 Troth 9 Leopold, Kootenav, Butter Ball. Wm Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 2i 108 3 2 3 3h 4=3 Groth " 9 Balronla, Marsand. Fly .Footsteps 99673 Juarez t-4 1:148 teat I lOS 11 10 6„ W 7 " Groth 13 Winc Widow. ButterP.all. Salall 96806 C. dAlene 3-4 1:144 slow 7 IOC 7 7 6 6* l«» Fraseh 8 Knfieid. Irish Gentleman. D. Gin. «J8t .l .. dAlene 5J f 1:07* good 10 108 4 5 3 45 l*| Bosen 10 Iawhuska. Enfield. P of Ltsmre M485 C. dAlene 3-11:14 fast 9-6 103 5 4 4 4i U Groth 8 Chilla. Venetian, BackBay. 16394 C. dAlene 3-4 1:13 fast 1 104 3 3 2 21 2nk Groth 9 Bavaria, Venetian Salali * 98370 c. dAlene 5-8 1:01 fast 6 105 5 4 4 4* 3 i Groth 7 Useeit, Pawhuska. Napa Nick *CM»C dAJ-na r.-s i:01| fast 21 103 I £ 4 2J 1» Groth 8 Useeii, Fern L., F. G. Hoc an. 17490 Butts 5-S 59| teat 4 99 5 5 6 51 31 Groth 9 Workhox. Salall, Uncle J. Gray. MEDDLING HANNAH, ch. m. C 112 By Bedeck— Hannah Moore Mrs. F. Farrar. wjs* luarez Sj t IM good 3-5 111 7 7 5 l! :;?- R Hoffman 7 Incision, F.G.Hogan, L. Knight •■■ luarez 51 t 1:06| test -1 112 1 1 l l«| 1« R Hoffman 7 Hidn Hand, Zool, Prince Winter 99907 Juarez J-4 1:121 test 3 MS I i 7 6 5" Denny 7 EdKeck, Liitle.Iane, AnHnterest 998.2 Juarez S-4 1:15 fast 5 112 3 3 4 2nk 2h Groth 9 H.Hand, L.Knight. Fundamental 99853 Juarez 3-4 1:144 slow 8 Wl C 6 4 4r- 3*1 Groth 8 Goldnnn, Balronla. Marie Hyde. 99779 Juarez 3-4 1:14J food 13-5 108 1 6 6 31 l1 Denny 12 Fern L.. Signor, Waner. 99724 Juarez 51 t l:0Sg test Z US 1 5 4 41 31 Cross 12MarieHvde. LadvTendi. Antio. 99706 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 10 llo 2 3 2 2" 6 "2 Gross : Balronla, Marsand, Fly .Footsteps 98618 Spokane 6-8 1:014 fast 6 108 7 7 7 7 7"iFrasch 7 Useeit, I.Gentleman." Dr.Hertv. 98673 Spokane ;:-4 1:148 teat 5 110 1 2 I 11 1=1 Fraseh 6 Oswald B.. Beda. Dr.DoughertV. S6543 Spokani 3-4 1:15ft teat 4 107 2 5 6 72 4"JW Taylor 10 .Desmond, B.ofFortune, M.Girl 98436 C. dAleni .4 1:15 fast 6 MS 4 2 3 V 8H W Taylor 8 s. Stocking. 11. Hand, J.Cablniss. 98328 G. dAlene 3-4 1:15ft test S-5 109 4 3 3 3« 1« Cavangh 9 Waner. Rev el Tovar, Chas.Urcen y.::t dAlene 8-4 1:14| teat 18-6 1*9 2 4 4 4J t*ft Riddle 7 Oxer, J. H. Sheehan, F.G.Hogan. 86148 C. dAlene 3 1 ! :15j! fast 3 103 R 4 3 31 l»| McDowell 9 Biskra, B. of Iroquois. Beda. JEANNE m, 7 112 By Ben Strome— Naoma 0. P. Romigh!. "•:••: Juarez :: 1 1:13ft good 6-6 111 2 2 3 3» 1", lines 5 Fly. Footsteps, Marsand. Zool. 99942 Juarez :•: f 1 :07i last 3 112 5 3 2 2ft lft Imea 7 Balrage, Hex. Annual Interest. 99907 Juarez 3-1 1:12* fast 2 MS 7 7 5 5 6 E Cotton 7 FdKeck, LittleJane, AnHnterest 99X83 Juarez ."J f 1:07 good 6 107 7 43 32 Buxton 8 Nimbus, Angelas. II. Walbank. luarez 5ft f 1:06ft slow S ill 3 4 3 2* r* P. Hoffmann Kootenay, Toy Boy, Flying Feet. 998S6 Juarez 8-4 lOS slow 6 108 7 5 6 5 S"|J Henry 7 ThistleBelle, Crossover. Oxer. 99812 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 21 111 5 4 S 41 5J1 J Henry 7 HenryWalbank, LadvMacy, Oxer 99775 Juarez 3-4 l:Ui good 3 110 4 4 3 S4 l1 J Henrv 7 LadvTendi. Marsand. Home Run 99704 Juarez 7-8 1281 teat 21 112 6 3 3 2 4J 4*J J Henrv S Frog. Anne McGee. Rompie. 89420 Latonla 3-1 1 :141 slow 21-5 105 5 5 2 1 l1 Ganz 11 J. H. Reed, Magazine, Bob Co. 90201 I.atonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 31-6 107 3 2 1 is 3*1 E Dugan 12 Phil Mohr. Al Muller. J. H. Bard .•9096 Latont* 3-4 1:12ft fast 99 105 2 2 2 2» 2* A Wrispen 5 Housemaid. Magazine. H. Scott 9S.M1 Louisville 1 1:441 hvy 20 106 3 3 9 9 9 8" Taplin 10 Balronla. PhilMohr. MerrvLad 9S3S7 Lsville lni20y 1:41 fast 42 105 10 5 5 6 61 67i Gauz 11 Q.Marguerito, E.Lee, S. Barber. 98336 Leinm..n 3-4 IJSt good33-10 1»7 3 5 6 61 4»i Ganz 10 Spalding. Crow Robb. Ihll Mohi ZOOL ch. 1. 4 105 By Dr. MacBride— Blue Violet P. F. Gloat. uarez 3 1 1:13ft good 6 M8 I I 2 2* 3-, Denny 5 F. Footsteps, Marsand. J. dArc. Juarez fast 10 107 1 S t 43 8*ft Denny 7 Med. Hannah, H.Hand, P. Winter 99S80 Juarez 2 4 1:15 good 10 i 7 I 8 5 3U 11 Denny IS Ilex, Acquis, Frank G. Uogan. 996SS Juarez 8-1 1:14ft teat 5 109 2 3 3 31! 3«i A Walsh 7 Kootenay, Gold.Rubr. L. Paxton. 94931 C. dAlene 3-4 1:15 good 10 107 2 4 3 2nk 28 Selden 9 J.ILSheehan, Sainest, Novgorod. 98757 a dAlene 6ft f 1:10ft hvy S 104 fi 4 S 2 * ink Selden 10 Rustv Ctiat. Americus. Tripping. 88413 C. IAlene 5J f 1:091 fast 8 105 4 4 4 31 2l Buxton 11 Eddie Mott. Barnsdale. Cantem. 98343 C. dAlene 3-4 1:151 good 10 102 1 2 4 21! 3SJ Pickens 9 Triste. Zinkand. Binocular. 88066 Anaconda 3-4 1:22ft hvy 10 105 6 6 6 6 6«"lHopkins 6 L.HarsonIL, Mon.Don.Daregton 88001 Anaconda 51 f l:0Sjt fast 4 112 1 1111 L"l D Roland 6 F.Ferris, H. Hawkins. Kin folks 97871 Butte 3-4 1: lag fast 23-5 102 7 5 6 5* 8"i Kederis 10 Flying. Gram»rcv, Barnsdale. 97839 Butte 3-4 1:15 fast 8 107 5 3 3 2* 3«l Remolds 6 F.Kcnihle, ParlorBoy, WlltrudeS 87768 I.utic F C 1:101 fast 7 102 I 3 4 4 6° Denny 7 Yo Solo, Parlor Boy. WiltrudeS. WEYMOUTH, ch, m. 6 105 By Jack Point— Sallie Appleton H. C. Keisel. 97622 Mkogee Ab 5-8 1:00ft fast :s 107 5,;1 i .• 11 Tal. Dip. B.Bramble. Lnc. Walter. H73« Tulsa 3 |m60y 1:19| last 3 103 Left at the post. F Cole 6 MaryRudd. EmmaG., L. Maxim. 97275 Tulsa 61 f 1:22ft test 2 108 3* Stevens 6 fivsinie. In. Walter, M.M.Bdlsh rulsa 111 1:231 test 1 107 2= Stevens 7 F.Stafford. Gran. Twist. G. Young 97080 Tulsa 6ft t 1:24 slow 8 102 Left at the post. E Smith 7 Hancock, Tallow Dip, Star Venus 97035 Tulsa lm70y 1:48 fast 0 162 2= F Cole 6 Engraver. Buchanan, TomToohey ok.City I m70y 1:47| fast 12 107 4* Stevens 9 C.W.Kennon, Sandpiper. Hartlng ■•■■■ i Ok.CIty lm70y 1:48ft test 6 186 3» T Smith 10 Heine, Luke Cates, Fair Fagot. 96600 Ok. City lm20y 1:471 fOOn 3 2 ft| F Jackson 12 Neclia. Fair Fagot. Cablegram.

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