Barney Schreibers Plans for Future, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-07


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BARNEY SCHREIBER S PLANS FOR FUTURE. LI Paso, Tex., Janaary o. •Baraey Bearesaer will leave la I few ila.v- for Missouri, where he i- Be got ia ting for the piirelia-.- ol I mw farm for the permanent location of his Woodlands Stud. Hi thinks In- ha- at last compromised a ».ih o soil that had been pending lure for two years against ■ railroad company on Seconal of the killing of sei eral horses la shipping that had been lea-.-.l by bun t.. i trainer for racing purposes. The Missouri turf mini has no intention of giving up breeding, hut wl! nriail III- ventures along this line in future. He iii- ii.. iii eighty two-yeai olds unsold ss yet, bat man! " tl he expects ts dispose of by the tii I .I Mar.h. He proited R selling his fatal leceatlj mar St. LoaiS, a- while he lost ..11 the Improi niciits. „• received *4o.ihni bmhv for th.- real estate than he paid for it when he first established the Woodlands stud. He ,ii-pose,i of all tin- stock he 1.0k to Mexico city except two bead, ami these he expects t.. sell in the next few days.

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