Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-07


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NOTES OF THE TURF. The rules of th - Charleston Fair ami Ractag Aasa elation prohibit the use of ail electrical devices In working hor-e- over the Charleston coarse. Place meat y at the Charhston BntStiag will b. -•in. whit more liberal than ordinarily. In . P» purses, tin- winner wlH get 8310, the second horse |00 and tie- third horse 830. The $."100 purses will be divided #.:7".. .".. and .S..n. Division of .*i;0u pur-- will !"■ 8450, 8100, and 0, and pur-.- ol "o will be divided hB" 00, . mid 0.

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Local Identifier: drf1912010701_1_4
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