untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-07


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AGAIN My People Win HORSE FILED WITH THIS PAPER. Tl l hone advised last week ttarted Tbura- ■ !:n :is per inv advertisement! and won easily. This borne was not the favorite, hul the contract with my connection* i such thai 1 1 : .;: ■; pabtlsa the nssM of horse or the details. ! :, name r home waa Hed with this paper and rone knows that whatever appears here. BMSt be ibe truth or it could nol i«- here. 1 advise only i.ne home and only then when I know every thing b "right." The horse that was t v have started Saturday could not go to the poal on account »f a coughing apell thai developed Thursday, causing a rise in i.-i:n era tore, but will start as anon as ready to win. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, my next special goes. My eoMM eibms assure Baa that this horse will v, ::■ as e:isih :is the Only horse 1 sent out last we -k. wiiirli iron on Thursday, at even better odds, and I e-.|,et to duplicate Uiis with a horse that will slari on THURSDAY wben the Texaa crowd will cut loos.- one of the best iii!n:;s at the meeting, a borne that in price will be ;e. good aa o Solo, 8 to I, won flled with this lunii. If von follow me and stick to my advice o!i will Sad that yon ~ ; Information such as is s. 1. 1. .m offered the racing public. Strictly inside. ■trictly on the h-vcl, and at prices worth following. TERMS : Ten dollars for both banes, which anaranteea you a u inner at 5 to 1 or the aabacrlption is continued, or If you want ■fednesdaya borse alone, you may remit Five Dollars, as I want to prove to you the Ktrength of this Information. Strictly one horse ad •bi.l in each instance, ne.cr more. ■ eiiplion. if for both bones, can be telegraphed :it ray expense. iv word is my bond, follow me and he always atmured of ■ aqnsre desL I know both horses are ready, and the "right" money will be down. Performance ; better than promtee, my record proves that. Thomas Burke Room 1111 World Building, NEW YORK CITY ■tMMUHMM Matt— »«t a— aaa—w mirmmmtam ] "THE WAY TO SICCESS!" "My New Daily One Best Bet Handbook System ill make ynii --Successful." It only takes ■ minute with the "Entries" to pfc k your "One H-st Bet" One Horse Only every day, and von ui Ij ne. t 5.25 capital to prove the aystem a "Sue-oss" "Complete System" gent promptly upon n.d of M. 0. . To th.se who appreciate | Hcnest Endeavor" that Lads to "Sure Success." I offer my services. Notice All Old Bub-send me their Correct Address, aa 1 have | something "Private" and "Great" for them. i WM. H. SUTTON. Chemist. 2651 Orchard Ave.. Los Angeles. Ca!. .MHaaBwnBHsiMBumHMHnMa CHARLESTON ! I am in a poeitioo to s.i ..u inside Informs! ion duriiic llilx meet I r. »n Wedneaday, opening day. I ail] have on,- thai will deliver the gooda. My price Im thi* urn is 03.0O. Send money b. t • 1 1 ejfii - ■ inane] ord I a A. J. COOK. Baana 725. Temple Couit Bldp.. 219 S. La Salle St.. Chicago. 111. "STOP" "LOSING! R. Wolsts System for Turf Speculation Copyrighted. GET THE WINNERS. Price .00 RUDOLPH WOLST. 3133 Payne Ave., :: :: Cleveland, Ohio. My New Years Greeting Special sent Monday, Jan. 1, 1912, was FLYING WOLF 4-1 :: WON and was Bled with this paper. Owing to the small OddS obtained on Flying Wolf Monday. I will not expect any ahnre of the profit! as I candidly tboughl this horse would be 12 TO i." TO I, because ! be bad not WON in his V2 preceding starts -yon therefore owe me nothing, but on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, I want yon to form in line for one of the grandest opportunities ever given to bone players. On Saturday I am in a position to give I surprise which will bring cheer b- every li use player within reach of this paper, while l have made many friends by aay liberal methods of doing bnsinesa. On Saturday I will open your eyes again and prove that, altboweh a horse has noi won in le or 12 siarts. there la no reason why be shouldnt do so. Thats the kind I am going to give ymi Saturday, one on which yen can win something worth while. The connections that I know as well a myself have been la... lag bach for quite a while taking it easy with thN one- and while the iriees on two occasions were 10 and 12 TO 1. the time had not arrived for action but Saturday they will be ready. The word bss been given and I am Informed that every chai.net will be sealed to prevent leaks. The few who know have their instructions — and know how to act. Its the choicest proposition I liav ever known of - its the opportunity of the season and you can be included free of charge provided vmi promise to send me the dsy after the race 0 If the horse wins at 5 TO 1. While this horse should be a biv: price, to protect you and niv-seif. I ss] -end me 0 If the odds SHOW 5 TO 1. and remember you i we me nothing if the odda are under 5 TO 1. If yon are honest and agree to this proposition send bm vein- correct aaast and address at once. Answer t dsj . IF I HAVE YOUR NAME DO NOT WRITE AGAIN. Von will hear from me. No postal cards or general delivery addt — M recognised. Address H. WILSON Care of C. E. RAHME. 38 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. | | "FRED MULHOLLAND . 3-1 WON and a third wen thfal n • rita ••"lo X Specials selections. Dont Fail to Subscribe for Our S2.00 XX SPECIAL SELECTION i for Saturday. January 13. See Book No. 243 for ! Full Particulars. BEN INCAS .... 5-2 WON I was yesterday;, Form Special. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE I Room 405. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago, Illinois. anaanaa. nnnnnnnnnng agnai - nana, — • -n, nansaj -ma— OUR NEXT ON JANUARY 9 AND 11. | JUAREZ TRACK. RIGHT FROM OWNER. | Not necessary for me to say mneh, as some of I ymi know what I have done in the last four I weeks. All I ran say is. l-iv.- sae ■ triil on 1 I Thursday, ami iriday morning you will be sati-■ed that you are -etiin_ ii-nt Information. Ion to arager . ." straight for me on sneh horses, remitting i th - winnings of $." the following day. Send correct name and addt aa. Only bonest betton need reply. i R. DANIELS. Room 1107. 538 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Pay After You Win. — I have exclusive Information on two bones starting at Jnares the coming week tliat will Win at a go mI price. Am connected with one of tie ■mmn sneeesafnl staMea there. One trial I will positively convince yon thai my information is genuine. Will continue to deliver the aaaaa i:oU during the entire meeting. I trust you, knowing I | thai when ii re.i ie tl.i-. m-t winmr. I oil will become one of mj steady clients. Terms, winnings of ■ straight .tM U-t. Send name and address for telegrams J. THOMAS. 115 E. Ohio St.. Chicago. j Phone Dearborn 372. ! Ex-Jockey Chas. 111/ L ii ILIt RELIABLE TIRE INFORMATION. Suite 4 Metropolitan Block. New Number 154 East Randolph St., Phone Automatic 34592, Chicago, III. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE RACING PUBLIC: In the yean of 1905-4 and I.miT. I was one of the leading jockeys of the American turf. Daring these mentioned year- I rode for such notable horse owners as II. P. Whitney. Ed Corrlgan, Sam llildrelh and SOME 0E THE STAKES I WON. The 0,009 Bans Handicap, the Kiverside Stakes, the Croat Filly, the Cincinnati Trophy, the Palace Hotel Stakes and many more Important stakes and liandieajis to numerous to mention. I nisi rode JERSEY LADY, 40-1, WON. wlnn that killing was put over. The owners of the above horse and the followers of Bay mounts made ore of the largest cleaa-npa ever known on the Canadian circuit, and I also rode Y01THEIL, 100-1, WON. and on this oeeaajoa the owner. Al Valentine, and his connections, made one of the greatest killings ever known in the history of racing in this country, taking nearly SlOfUHWl out of the rim; at New Orleans and from poolrooms throughout the United States. Gentle men. I have made connections with ■ certain party who controls the betting end nf one of the besl money-making stahtea now at Charleston, s. t".. ami through his own stable i winn Unas he i- enabled to learn "good things" that the ordinary turf follower could not gel for any sum of money. While at the Columbia meeting he never bet on a sinfrie loser. With such information we ought to win a lot of money. My inun told me to inform the racing public that the first special goes Thursday, Jan. II, 1912. and be advises me to have my clients i lunge to the limit. This sleeper baa been under cover for sonic time ami will i e turned loose on the above date fee a BIG CLEAN IP. The IWtier of this special "good thim;" has been waiting patiently for this opportunity a lonjr time. Tl ■ re is nothing left undone to send this horse to the post in tip-top shape. The parties in charge of this sleeper seldom make any mistakes. They have Meir their betting comniissioiiers throughout the country to bet on this horse and the DOOkaaaken will be hurt when this one comes down in front. Never in my whole career OB the American turf have I had so much confidence in a horse as I have in llos ell". 1 expect LARGE ODDS. Here is the opportunity of a lifetime to Ret in ■ ii Something that is real good. If yon mis special you have yourself to blame, not me. The I rice of this special fimd thill; is .00. If you have never experienced that feeling of hold-i g i winning ticket on a long-shot, then tome and see me Thursdav. January 11. 1!»12. ALL THIS COMING WEEK My connections have in store a number of "good things" that will be sent to the oosl tit and ready and with the stable rommiaaions backing them, con sequently we will be stringing along on only live propositions, the kind that j.o over at good odd-. CLOSE TO YOUR BREAST. Thats what I waal yea to do with all the Information that you receive from sae. Ifaimrmhfr. that vm are participating in betting coups that are engineered by most astute connections at the track and that this Information is furnished you in strict confidence with the understanding that you are directly interested in receiving same and is only for your ex-I elusive use. Keep entirely close-mouthed regarding the Information, thus protecting your own interest, as well as that of al! concerned. 5 WEEKLY. Those who subscribe for weekly subscriptions are entitled to all specials I send out. ONE HORSE A DAY. Thats all I will send to all my elicits. Hush your subscriptions at once. When sobscribiag, address CHAS- KOCRNER New Number 154 East Randolph St., Suite No. 4, Metropolitan Block CHICAGO, ILLINOIS i ! I | I I 1 I i BEN UNCAS, 5 2, WON This horse I wind my patrons for a plunge BET TO WIN. FLYING FOOTSTEPS 3-1 WTON I adviaed a Plunge Bet to Win on this one. MARK ANTONY II 5-2 WON MEDDLING HANNAH 9-5 WON and two losers were the only wires sent my Patrons the past Two Weeks. I am always doing business whether uiy Ad. appears in this paper or not, as I have ■ steady patronage. Patrons Not Getting a Wire from Me Wrili Know Their Subscription Is Closed. Regular Patrons Can Look for Wire Any-Day from Now On. JUAREZ. JUAREZ. WEDNESDAY— JANUARY 10— WEDNESDAY a Killing will !• • made on a horse that has been under cover for some time. The Parties behind this Killing seldom make a mistake and are clever people. My Partner Informs me this is ■ Real Good Tiling and with good racing luck will WIN in a canter at about 10-1. The Commission on lliis one will be placed away frmn the track, whnh meana yon will ••t a bis: price. 1 will also have two otfaiera that are the real stuff darlag the week. Patrons can look for Wire an] day aa we have si vera] Sleepers that may he cat loose any day. My Terms for u i Wednesdays Special will be Five Dollars and 1 Guarantee it to Win. Should this Horse gi : Beaten by Bad Racing Luck. I will give oil Three Winning Wires on my Guaranteed Specials. Remember. Winners Count, not Second or Third Horses On This Wire. CHARLESTON. CHARLESTON. I have a man at thi . Hack getting s line on the hois s there. He waa ;.t ColiHnbia during ii el bag, inn 1 only sent out s couple ol wires and they both Won, Ynca and Mark Antony II. lb Informs me he has sevenl Sleepers thai were train I away at Aiken. Benning and Louisville, and 1 look fo ■ Wire on Opening Day. Get Your Name On My Books and You will Be in On Anything That 1 Get. Only Those Having a Winner Due Them will Get a Wire from Me. .00 ONE A DAY. NO MORE S2.00 GUARANTEED TO WIN OR NEXT ONE FREE UNTIL YOU GET A WINNER. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E. J. Room 06. 106 N. La Salla 8treet. ts Chicago. 111. I I | j Responsible Parties who are in posh ion to make one Or two !?—"• beta I weekly on strictly private Inside Information and willing to divide winnings, send address where tele I grama will teach you any day until ■■ p. m. This I in formation is reliable and rlgtal and direct from parties Interested in these horaaa, RICH. WALLIS. General Delivery, :: ;: Louisville, Ky. DONT Read Thia, unless y..ii are interested in a successful sstthod f • lasxifylag the high percentage hone in any race in a moments time. A glance is sufficient and then the rawest ■oviee can place his tnget upon a pros able winner, and this horse may pay even money or it may pay 100 to 1. Prices, tips, track conditions, Jockeys, are not considered in nsmg this classtfed method. A hone don imi have to run la the money SO many times anil all thai bosh to come within this method. That is the reason tong-sbota are often indicated, and that is one of the Chief reaSOBS that a steady monthy inc.. me is derived by the use nf this ssetbod. lake any one hundred races and about the sain • number of" these ciasshaed honn will win and bring ymi In the same net progls. TO THE SHREWD HANDICAPPER THIS METHOD WILL BE A REVELATION. TO THE OCCASIONAL BETTOR and the small bettor, I way to success. Vim play all horses to win and win only and no stipulation is made as to price, choices, etc. Can be played ill nuutiel machines just as well as in the 1 ks. Read This list of long priced bones picked at Jnares and Columbia during December: JUAREZ: December 6— SAM CONNOR 25-1 WON December 13— LOTTA CREED 8-1 WON December 16— DUTCH ROCK 4-1 WON December 14 — ED. KECK 4-1 WON COLUMBIA: December 27— OAKLEY 7-1 WON December 13— KORONI 6-1 WON My method is the occasional tlat bet method, SO doubling, no progression. Ii is entirely different from any method yet devised and can in no wax iaterfere with any other play you mighl make. I make this fair and Square otler it this method fails to s|,,iw a profit of 3.40 OB S5.H0 Sal bet- at Jnares darlag entire month oi January. I will refund pair hast price. To be Ignied as per closing prices as shown in Daily Baring Form Finl time ssetbod has been offered to the public. Do not semi any communication without the money. PRICE .00. J. M. JAMES WILLARD HOTEL LOUISVILLE, KY. IREAD THIS! a JREAD THIS A i h OPPORTUNITY ! j ° ♦ ► ♦ it WILL consider a few more con- if O servative bettors who appreciate o the very best information. Only o t TWO or THREE horses a week. J £ One to go the OPENING WEEK ♦ | at CHARLESTON that will be x good odds. Others just as good it O to follow. Start you off with a o t LONG SHOT. Better infonna- o tion cannot be obtained. it ♦ TERMS: Winnings of a FIVE- ] DOLLAR bet. Telegraph win- jf nings next morning or information O will stop. Treat me fair and you !! will have no regrets. Telegraph ► name and address to • |v E. M., j care of Western Tnion or ► Postal Telegraph Company. * CHARLESTON, S. C. HERE IT IS: ELYING EOOTSXEPS 4-1 3RD LENA LECH 2-1 2ND ROY JUNIOR 4-1 Lo.t LADY TENDI 4-1 WON MARZO 6-1 WOfc LEOPOLD 8-5 WON ZOOL 6-1 Lost BOANO 3-1 Lost CHAPULTEPEC 6-1 3RD MARZO 8-5 WON HENRY WAL3ANK 6-5 WON TWO WINNERS FOR These are ihe horaea I sent out Ihi-; pa t week. They wen nhii with t u i- paper. I win- yon the morning i»l the race. Let roorself In on some itimmI tiiint bj sending mooej order a once. JACK GALE. 1205 Wabash Ave.. :: Chicago. III. WANER, 6-1, 3RD was Saturdays Wire. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 4 A GUARANTEED WINNER. Thi- home la guaranteed to win. at you cjel fren one areeki information, oi if yea desire, will REFUND MONEY. If you are ;i loser, here i. ■ rhnnrr to gal oat. In- i- aa iniieli of an abaotatn certainty as it can i e. sn i advlne all turf followers to anbacribe at once for thii- winner, as odda will !"■ goad. — TERMS FOR THIS WINNER— VIC. MOORE, Room 301. 35 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912010701/drf1912010701_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1912010701_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800