Nominations in Futurity of 1914, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-07


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NOMINATIONS IN FUTURITY OF 1914. N.v, Tack, January ti.— Resides Jam.s R. Keene. other absentees among the nominators for the Futurity of 1814 who formerly owaed many mans and enter. ■,! liberally In the Futurities are B. Sohrei-ber. Milton Young, Thomas Clyde, Irving H. Wheat croft and General Stephen aanford. The tifisi is ■ of Hi. Coney Island Jockey Club think th" number of entries, 375, encouraging under existing circum stance-. The following are the name- of the nominators and th.- number of mares entered bv each: August Belmont, 45; E. K. Bradley. ls: j n. Brown, 1: J. N. Camden, 20: C. S. Campbell, 2: I- li Cassatt, 13; B. K. Csssatt, 1: Charles W. Clark. 2; I. K. Clark. 2; Woodford Clay, 1: J. K. Davis. 2; W. P. Drewrey, 1; A. A. Procter. 1: Mnr-111 Doyle. 2: A. J. Gallaher. 2: Ii. F. Guthrie, 2- .1. B. Haggin, l".: Harbison »V Treacy. 1; c. L liar rison, 4. II. P Headier, ii: II. II. Hewitt. .".: F. l:. Hitchcock, 3; Bobert Kelly, I; William Lakeland. V J. S. McCullough. 2: Thomas c. McDowell, :;■ John L Mad. I n. 88; .1. It. Marquette, Jr.. :;• Mlltou Stable, 1: William Mulholland. 1: F. J. Nolan :• ttak Bidge Stable, s: Oaech Stable. 4: Henrv T Oxnard, 40; II w. Park, 1: r .1. l.n-. 2: w. !.. Powers, 2: Bamapo Stock Faun. 7: ti. P. She.--man. 1: J. .1. Smith. 1: George Starr. 1: II. p. Whitney. 22: Parker Whitney, 13; R. T. Wilson 4; Catesby Woodford. :». The owners represented are breeders in New lock Pennsylvania, Canada, Kentucky. Virginia, Illinois I..W a. New Jersey, California. Maryland. Maasaebu -■ 11-. South Carolina and other states. Li |g02 there were I.211 nominations for the Futurity. Secret arj Scbaumburz of the Cones Island Jockey Club -aid I. ..lay that he hoped to receive entries from W. OB. Macdonoiigh and A. U. Bprecklea, Hole I California breeders.

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