A Betless New Zealand Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-07


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A BETLESS NEW ZEALAND MEETING. A race meeting without betting ol an] description Is naturallj .. tarai affair, and it i~ lni| I tl and F.yreton Jockey I lub i Sea /• ■ « in. ti dl . it annual fixture undn ■ • • ud it ions will niake any farther .ti : thai .In. ■ Hon. I be club i- one ot those deprh u, r permit i,v the r . Hi* II . i ••n.mi-s1. „ n hlcb alio itt tot ■ Itlng ii i,i i ..mii.;. !i. w thout bett Ing fa. lit - • i bi •. kit il, i elthei bu ■■• oa a rs nor | ■ .1 the pk plcnii fea . •■ Im. ." ■ ij x ,| i eli.n .-.: . ell luge, i If r i- ., certain . m ■ ind it :ii tin. . rery carefullj under the lap -bat the bookmakers were ■St ■ ■ s. . xeepl to .i limit .! an. I i mat worthy ellenteli tin rernge ii. :n : than ii w old ■ ■ .• get a .Pick in a prohibition .lis 1 1 ii : . Retting tlierefon wan prai i Ii .iii. ■ ..nine .1 to i he iial i . r»a n -. « iii ii did ii"i app ir • eivi pa ■ i Ion t, tbi Ir promoti i 1 1 eemx, fairl obvious that if the rountrj clubs ere not ;■• have tl eir uei mits back thelt fati m ill n ! thej may In soli tan lu sucex linger fori ! i w • ■ leu generally "peaking tie- are ■ i to extinction oadei ■ ent arrange. j Weill."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912010701/drf1912010701_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1912010701_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800