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BREEDERS OF THE HORSE IN SESSION. Lexington Gathering Expresses Sentiment for Revival of Racing in Closed States. Lexington. Ky.. January 0. — It was proposed, bul not definitely decided at the meeting of breeders of horses of all t v in-- here today to ask the legislature t.. enact for Kentucky a stallion law similar to that in Wisconsin, which has tor its object Cue weeding out of unsound horses for breeding porno* -. Captain Conrad. United State- Army, recited the want- of the War Department in the way of ravairj horses, discussed th.- establishment of a remount sta thai in Kentucky and said the department would offer a prize lor the bent cavalry type exhibited at the fair here this year. Th.- borsemea voted to ask the legislstnre to appropriate 0,000 annually for the maintenance ol a department of horse husbandry at Ihe State Lni versify. The sentiment of the meeting was for tin better support and patronage of thoroughbred racing and its revival in closed states.