Few Horses Left at Lexington: Departure of Shipment to Charleston Reduces Number in Training to About 115, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-07


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■—— — — — — — —— I— — FEW HORSES LEFT AT LEXINGTON. i i Departure of Shipment to Charleston Reduces Num- i ber in Training to About 115. Lextactoa, By., January • -Witt the departure . ol the Charleston brigade, nil of which with t ti- I caption of .1. C. Milams siring of fourteea wen ■hipped South Caroiinawards this week, only about .115 horses arc left in training ;ii the Keatuekj Asa "elation track. The Milaui string will l o Shipped Tuesday. J.uk Keene is talking about taking the Johnson N. Camden string to Louisville al out iSebru- , ary i to ! •• prepared at Churchill Downs. John M j Cafferty expects to take 1 • I - likoly bunch of young- , stcrs to Baltimore at about the saaae time, nil win Leave the stables of T. C. McDowell, W. 1.. . Lewis, Jack Baker, s. K. Hushes, John Boueaan, Walter Grater, Howard Oota, lames P. Boas, will lain McDaniel, William Steele, William Walla.- . William Woodard, Robert frames, If. J. Shannon. T. .1. Harasoa Qeorge tenia, Raleigh Colston, will Overton and one or two others to prepare here during tin- early spring. There were thirty -five two-j ear elds among the sort m shipped from In re to Charleston, fourteen be-in . in the stable of .1. w. May, thirteen in the BU s.ii string, live in w. J. Youngs stable, two la Walter Houses lot and our that •!• Tandy Hugh s took along for Bobert ItcCarter Potter of the Pe-ojueat stmi. Among those in w. .1. Youngs string us the bay geMlac by Vradaworth, out of the ■ toil mare QoM BoSe. This gelding was bred by Dosa- iniek uMaliey. a New Orleans lawyer, newspaper man and politician, and was quartered at the farm of James Btevena. Mr. OMalloy neglected the tiill for keep until Mr. Stevens put the mare and thy geldiag up for public sale at the local haymarket. W. I. Young bought the geldiag for .30 and named hnn Clinton. A few days age he received a letter from W. H. Fizcr. who is at Juarez, to the effect that Mr. oMalby had entrusted the matter of the keep of the two-year-old to him and that he had neglected it. He wrote that the sale of the gelding under such circumstances had put him in ■ some what embarrassing position and requested that Mr. Young accept .;ih» and send the gelding to Dim .il Juarez. This Mr. Young declined to do. Clinton has been broken and looks like the making of a good rao r. Tboasaa II. Bteveae, the veteran horseman who has seen making his home on the Pacific Coast for several years, arrived here this week to look after the mai.s and youngsters he has at C. M. Oorblns farm He arill select ■ doaeo yearlings and two-vear-olds from the collection and ship them to Coeur dAleae. among the mares for which a subscription was taken to the Futurity this week w;:s Moretroulde. the ive-year-oM sister t PltsHerbert. Moretrouble is owned by Messrs. s. T. Harhhmu and w. I. Treacy sad is in foal to Plaaadea. Moretrouble Was sold as a weanling in the dispersal sale of O. ii. P. Belmonts establishment here In 1007 and was purchased by Mr. Harbison, who shipped ber s..iith along with a number of other youngsters and r Mold her to a dealer in Alabama. This dealer in turn sold her to a farmer who had raised her eare-fully and had broken her to drive whin W. J. in. icy. aft T considerable correspondence, loca 1 her. lb and Mr. Harbison bought her. brought In i bach to Kentucky, and mated her with Plsnudes last spring. She is now at Thomas Piatts farm and is a good looking mate. Mr. Treacy last tall bought the yearling filly by McGee — Linke for 00 aud s .id ber a short while back t- William McDaniel ft. Co. for .«4 Mt. Mr. Mc- Danlei broke ber ami has given ber such good stten- tion that sin- has developed into one of the grandest looking BJlles at the Kentucky Association track, lb- let,;,. ,| kl.500 fur her a few days ago. ;. w. .1. Biseell has sectin d the name Chummy for his good tilly by Ornament — Chum. Chummy worked a quarter here in :2:;«. with much weight up. The All] by Buasell— Option that he bought from J. W. Ma] he has named Pink Lady. .1. . Keeno has suggested that the Kentucky Stare Racing Commission require a registration of color* beginning with the opening of the spring sea* a here and that they permit no colors alike or similar to be need. It is getting so," said Mr. Keene, •"that unless a man has a distinctive and peculiarly uadetdrable colors he i-. apt not to be able to distinguish his horse in a big field and short race unla i i i . they are quite at tie- finish. There is entirely too i much similarity in the combinations of colors and I think the State Baring Commission should remedy 9 lie- matter and prevent further contusion by requiring registration and no similarity." Mickey Shannon is at once trainer, groom and rider for the two-year-old colt by Hippodrome — ■ Witch Haael, by Horoscope, and. though the young in i ster ha. neves been "aet down." he h.oks to be a i good prospect. The celt is owned by Kay ft Coney. 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912010701/drf1912010701_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1912010701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800