Anti-Racing Bill is Filed: South Carolina Enemies of Sport Lose No Time in Introducing Measure, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-11


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AXTI-KACLNG BILL IS FILED SOUTH CAROLINA ENEMIES OF SPORT LOSE . NO TIME IN INTRODUCING MEASURE. . * Belief Prevails That Legislature Will Not Enact . Bill Into Law — Pleasant Weather Permits Good Progress at Palmetto Park. I Charleston. S. C. January 10.— The pleasant weather H"W prevailing hero is expediting the Con I StmetJoa work at Ialiiiotto Park, as the employment of a tall working force is made convunient. Tlie management is taking advantage of the additional time before the opening and started today to strengthen the culvert at the big rill. To eliminate the danger of its weakening, the builders began uncovering the dirt and will lay heavy planking to form I sort of bridge and relieve the pressure on the culvert. The work will require about a day. The painter- arc still at work on the grandstand and adjacent structures. There is no further anxiety that the IIMM will be unfinished for the opening. She enemies of racing lost little time in introducing in the Legislature a mc;i.-urc intended to prevent racing here, but the general belief is that tiny will bo mar ccaafal !■ their effort to have the bill eicietod into law at this session of the Legislature A horde of race-goers arrived from various points lln- morning. Among them were Harry J. Shaw, who came from New Orleans; Mose Coseman. N. Frank. George McKoberts. Jack Sheehan. W. Ham inerslcv. Ihil McKim. John Lewis, Harry Stoddard. Al Adler. Henrv Weimhoff. George Dillon. I*. W. Den and V. H. Shadley. The latter will act as the race track postmaster. Bookmaker T. J. .Shaw, who at present is in New York, wired that he would be here by Monday next. Andv Malone of Kansas City will also be in line on the opening day. Some of the others layers who are already on the ground are Henry Hanf. Al Hanf, Harry Block, Ihil King. John Lewis. "Frisco" Gard- •■!■. ill. tries Walters. Jack Sheehan. Gene Austin. Hic.ii m James Jackson and George Lambert. B William Steele received a cablegram from Baron V ppcnhoimcr of Belgium asking for a contract on his sou. jockey B. Steele, for the season of tglS. Laden Lvne. who is also under contract to Baron Oppeuhclmer, is acting as agent in the transaction. As ret Mr. Steele has not decided what he will do In the matter. The contract calls for a retainer of ,500, with the usual fee of 0 for losing and 5 for winning mounts. Jack Sheehan brings word from Memphis that T. P. Haves was mi that city several days ago looking over the Billings Iark track with a view of giving a spring meeting for thoroughbreds in Memphis next April. I*. Y. Heffner, whoa* horses are being littod at Aiken. S. .. rinf oaet to note progress on the plant here. He reporta thai Messrs. W. II. Karrick and K. r. Caraiaa l are been active in the preparation of their juveniles for the early two-ycai old races and that Mr. Karrickl lot especially are extra 1 1 lookers. Phil T. China put through an important deal a few davs ago when lie arranged with James U. Keene to breed fifteen of bis choicest mares to Voter. Ben Brush. Pisgui-o and Peter Ban. The produce of this mating will be kept in this country provided racing is resumed in New York. If not. they will be sent to England to be disposed of al public auction. Additional .names approved by tin Jockey Club for two-year-olds that will race here include the following: Property "f GaUahet Bros.— Arcane, eh. e, by Blues — Bnhy Hay. I rank Huston, b. e. by Orlando Cold Mint. Incle Obic. ch. e, by Boanerges— Ethel T. Vaaderen, b. e, by CcsaiUn Manaiel 11. Property of O. w. J. Bi-seii— Ooanternart, b. c, by McGee -Little Whit. Kthei Berry. eh. f. by Oeaarfcn — Konsoiette. Jack of Heart-. I». e. In- Scintillant II.— Domino Whist. Monitor, eh. e, by Woolathorpe — Beautiful Bells. Property of Boberl Davies — Calgary, eh. e, by Ogdea star of the West. Dr. Neet. br. c, by Ceaarion — Baal India. first Sight, eh. . by Peep oDay -Penury. Fountain Fay, eh. c by McGee — White llume. Liberty Hall. b. C, by Malta Santa — Baltimore Belle. Moving Picture, b. f. by Ogdeii — Linda Lee. . Spring Maid, blk. f. by Dick Welles— Flash of Lightning. Property of Hugh M.-Carren — •Urinous, b. c. by Hastings — St. Agnes. Kthelberg II., b. f. by Hapsburg Ethel Wheat. Roseburg IV., ch. c, by Hapsburg Florida Rose. Stimnie. b. f. by Hapsburg -Stannel. Sweet Times, b. c. by McGee— Sweet Aurora. Willis, b. c. by Nasturtium — Fair Gift. Property of J. L. Holland — Faces, b. •. by Martinet — Loreta Phillips. Kale. net. b. C. by Martinet — Mi-s Vera. Fall and, ch. f. by Martinet — Ethel Scruggs. Flgola, b. f. by John l — Agnes Brennan. Eiikens. blk. e, by Join F. Memories. Flabbergast, b. c, by Martinet -Caacabel. Eollane. ch. f. by John F. — Jane Holly. forge, b. c by John i". -Blessed Pauiomil.

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Local Identifier: drf1912011101_1_2
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