Well-Known Bookmaker Dead, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-11


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; • ■ 1 ■ ■ WELL-KNOWN 300KMAKER DEAD. Marcus H. Cartwrlght, formerly ■ well known bookmaker on Alio near tracks, died on Tuesday 1 : heart trouble, from which he had been suffering for assay yearn, at the Del Prado Hotel. Chicago, where he had made his home for some tune. He was 52 years old. The passing of Mr. Cartwrlght was n..t unexpected. for the affliction which brought about bis death had rraduall] sapped bis strength until it was only a matter of bow long be might tight off the Inevitable. The remains were taken to Nashville, iVm:.. yesterday f r burial. It was in Nashville that Marcus Curtwright began bis career, and it ;i- a- a butcher l ov that he started, it is reported that he left an estate valued close In .lMN,tMHI. The call of the racetrack early to,,k Mr. art wrigbt from the butcher trade, and he tx-gan s meteoric rise la tin. me.-. His tir-t real success enase when he formed a partnership in 1 kmaklng with William Beverley al Nashville. Together they oner ated ail along the line, having a booh al the tracks from New Orleans to si. Paul in the days when rac lag louriahed. la the late nWa and early mcs. They also cut in at the eastern tracks around New York. Mr. Cartwrlghti activity at the racetracks e.inie to a clo-e abOUl 1VI5. but his interests did not cease at that time, for be had other- making book f .r bin:. among those whom be backed belt 1 Marsh Bedoa and Fred Pesch. In fact, be had many bookmakers wor.; oil: in hi- laterests. It was In 1893 thai the Bret attack of heart trouble came, and he continued to suffer from it until the time of hi- death. He eras a hi:,- operator, bat s conservative one la many ways. He gained fame around the racetracks because be was :■. eo atsteat layer against favorit w. He despised odds-on choices and 1 um- -aid-••Ill lose with favorites, but make nij winnings m II the]-." Mil. h of hi- money is Invested m Chicago and Naahvllle real estate.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912011101/drf1912011101_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1912011101_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800