untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-11


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• The American = |nn Racing Manual — I Ji*- IC IN PROCESS OF PREPARATION and will be ready for distribution ■£ on or about January 15. It will contain ail the features that have created such demand for it in the past. Orders may be filed for it now to be filled as soon as issued. I J A limited number of copies of THE AMERICAN RACING- MANUAL for 1011 remain on hand and may be had at the regular prices until the edition is exhausted : : : PRICES: Leather Bound . . 75 Cents Paper Bound . . 50 Cents Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as REGISTERED MAIL, with an EXTRA CHARGE of ten 10 cents for registration. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 441 Plymouth Court— Chicago, Illinois r~TI1ANKS~i O Mr. Bert B. OoRyer, l pee zeal u hv y 4h mate -■! the Mercy Hospital, thi city, O ► i;ik«s ibis mease of Ihzakhii fikadi aad O it icqnaintaBeea for many beaatifal hssjeeti O if i 8ewer« aad other eonrtestez received M ** dariag hi illness. Mr. OoRyec expects "*" if !•• leave the ho-pii.ii taring tin- forth- •oiuing week. All reaomunleatl Y -11 .iil ! be addressed !•- 11 Bee. Hi- A Kcxetary will asswet "no and all jl . p;omptl . A o COLLYERS NEWS BUREAU ! ** Per S. WAXMAN. Secretary, Suite 309 Oxford Building. jl 4 l 118 NORTH LA SALLE STREET. 4 it Chicago, :: :: Illinois. 4 DUDO, 9-5, WON was yesterdays Form Special. BEN UNCAS 5-2 WON u.i- Saturdays Form Special. This •takes tuo win n».i-s out "• last thri ■ starters. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE contalnlnz !•■ t tl ee free form specials, THURSDAY S FORM SPECIAL: May Grape 35-51-52-27. CODE X SPECIAL: Juarez Sunday Dove-Form-Mata. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 405. 22 West ftuincy Street. Chicago. Illinois. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW, CHICAGO. i lays] m Special. Round and Round, 7-5. Wun. . M.r.l-- Wire, John H. Bheehan, 8-1, 2nd. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Maine. Mifhtr. Moderate. Bantam. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACLNG FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 New Number Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111, DONT MISS SATURDAY R-nieinlier, its the day I am fpiinir to let you |g .n ■ REAL STABLE SECRET, one which has been under cover for a leaf time and just waiting for the right tiehl and li-ht time. The price will M prize you. it should be hfaj. This is one of these they formerly cut loose around New York. K.very-thlag is ready ror an OLD FASHIONED REUNION. The few Zfhe know whats what are lying low wait lag for SATURDAY. They have their uistieclwaa and know jut what to do — all money will be placed at dosing |ii«es. No mistakes will ke ma.ic. T.ii- " 1 thing" lias been ready for the word for the past two aeons. If yoo want ■ slice, just preaalze U Mad me S10 after this horse has won at 5 TO 1. It le~- than 5 TO 1 roe owe ne- nothing. You pay nil- alter the race, if yon agree to my terse* wad DM your correct name and address at once. IF I HAVE YOUR NAME DO NOT WRITE AGAIN. i!i will heat from bm. Ne postal cards recegaavd. H. WILSON Care of C. E. RAHME. 38 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE RACING LETTER JUAREZ: Maple. Awn, Aye. 85 Cents per Copy. 81.00 Monthly. Room 810 World Building New York City RACING EXPERT. JUAREZ: Sound. Nineteen. Sixteen. For Sale at AH News-stands. 25 Centa a Copy. 121 Nassau Street. New York City. THE TURF REPORTER. 188 N. Fifth Ave.. 2nd Floor. :: Chicago, 111. Wedneedayi Special Won. THURSDAYS SPECIAL: Yellow Monday Made-Lowest-Lower-Less. SPECIAL: See New Book No. 371, for sale at all uews stands and office.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912011101/drf1912011101_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1912011101_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800