Work-Outs of Horses at Columbia, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-11


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WORK-OUTS OF HORSES AT COLUMBIA. nohmibla s. C, Taaaerr 16. There is now ■ great deal of exeretoing of horses over the balf-mile track, which l- in good condition. Muff and Oeaaa slew..! the BMWt speed. Tie- track repreaenti ■ big Improremenl over the mile track, which looks [ aa if it will tiik. weeks to drj out. The., are ■on plenty of car- available for shipments to Charleston and departures are frequent. "Doc* Btrcett had intended to winter here, but hla horse* are doing so well thai be baa concluded to ship Seneca, Cowl and Anavri to Charleston the ; latter pari of next week. Hugh Penny has a ear L engaged for bia tan boraea for Tuesday next, his 9 starters .it Charleston will be finished before that time. Recent workout- over the in lie Id tOUiat WWM a-follows: Arany -Half mile in 53. Shows plenty of speed I through bia work, appaaalnnala Half atlle la 52%. Bpoewy and ready to race. Be — Half nuie in .".tj. Has not been ashed, to show much fast Work. Billy Murphy Half mile- in 55. Has been going : along slowly Em robm time. Catroke live eighths in 1 « h -, " .. Centre S!ct -live eighth- in 1:05%. Has all her ■puna and is ready to race. [ ; I : Captain John — Half mile in 52. Candidal* — Half mile in 53. Has been on the slow side for some time. Chilton Squaw — Three-eighths in 40. Has all her spend and looks good. Dell- -Half mile In 52... Eased up. Descendant —Fire-eighths in 1:07. Does not seem to show improvement . Eagle Bird— Half mile la 52. Shows all her speed and worked along easily. Bllaabetb Harwood — Kive-i ighths in 1419%. At her best racing form now. Erelli Half mile in 55. Has been let up on for some time. leather Duster — Three -quarters in 1:2Mb. Looks good and -lew- he i- ready. Goleonda Hue quarters in 1:23. Was going well in hand. Goldfern Ilve eighths in 1:07-,. Has not been isked to show much speed. Helen Barbee— Half mile in 5Hr.. Coming around after a short let up. Hoffman -Five-eighths in 1 :0S. Working along nicelv and is at hi- Inst. Hibornica Fire eighths in 1:0*;:,. S|ieedy In all work. trishtown— Five-eighths la 1:08. Looks good and i- now close to beat form. Jawbone Half mile la 5:;0. Was under a pull all the way. .1. II. Ban Three-quarters in 1:21%. Has not l een showing much speed lately. Joe Bosc -Half mile in 5*i. I»oks nod. Lochiel —Three-eighths in 41. Has been let up on for some tune. Lota Watches -Half mile In 55. Speedy and ready. Marjorie A. — Three quarters in 1:20. Has all her -peed and never Has better. Muff — Half mile in 51-.,. The best work shown over the track. Maronwrs Five-eighths in 1: .-... Now at her l.est. Myles oConiicIl live eighths in 1:06. Shows all hi- Speed in lii- work. Neiio — Half mile iii 5;; ... Eased up. Oaaaa Half mile in 51%. Quad work aivl coming around to form fa-t. Orperth -Half mile in 54. Was going along easily. Prince Ahmed Three-quarters in 1:21. Shows his old time speed in all his work. Permelia— Five-eighths in 1:07. Was working along ; easily. Queen Bee -Half mile in 525A. Looks good and has ; 1 11 showing fair work mils Rose Queen— Half mile in 51%. Bhowa all her good speed. Republican -Half milu in 52. Has been let up on: now doing nicely. Bash— Three-quarters in 1:1*1. Has plenty of si 1 and will be ready when wanted. Suffragi-t — Half mile in 5:;. Was going along well in hand. Sticker—Half mile in 52i. Has been resting for a short while. Sal Volatile— Three quarters in 1:22%. Coming ■round to her best racing form. Smirk— Five-eighths in 1 36. Hat all her early speed and should race well. Troy Weight -Three-quarters in 1:21%. I.. oks t" be ready to race to his best form. Toi-on dOr— Three-quarters in 1:22%. Based up. Tom Shaw — Five eighths in 1:07. Was going along ua-ily. e-t Point— Half mile in 54. Has not been push-il lately to show speed.

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Local Identifier: drf1912011101_1_3
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