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WINS DERBY IS SUSPENDED CHARLESTON STEWARDS RULE AGAINST JAW ¬ BONE HIS OWNER AND JOCKEY Colt Beats Cracker Box and Flamma in Noso and Head Finish and Ruling Swifty Follows Because of Inconsistent Running Charleston S C April G Jawbone won the Palmetto Derby this afternoon but before the tumut attending the decision of this the feanre race of the Palmetto Park meeting had subsided the stew ¬ ards announced the suspension of the colt W A Alassey in whose colors and name he ran S A Clopton his reputed owner and jockey Hopkins who lias ridden him in his numerous races bore The ruling came as a result of the colts inconsistent performances lie having on the occasion of his pr ceding start finished last in a race that he was re ¬ garded as having at his mercy Tlie stewards rul ¬ ing further embraced all the horses running in the name of W A Massey and the entire matter was ordered referred to the Jockey Club Later it was announced that on Air Cloptons application thera would be a rehearing of the case by the stewards on Monday next That Jawliones reversal of form was glaring was generally conceded by all who witnessed the colts last two races but there may have been mitigating circumstances unknown to the general public that contributed to his poor showing in his last start The owners contention is that the colt sulked in his last start and that the increased dis ance of todays race aided him materially to vic ¬ tory There were some who saw fit to criticise tha stewards for not taking action against tlie owner and rider of Flamma for her inandout running as well wellThe The running of the Derby resulted in a great at ¬ tendance at Palmetto Park this afternoon From the standpoint of a contest it was one of the best races witnessed during this meeting The finish was so close that none aside from the judges could ac ¬ curately tell which had landed the winner Jawbone which had come with a cyclonic rush in the stretch got up in the last stride to beat out Cracker Box with Flamma only a head back and a half1 length iu advance of Bard of Hope The latter had domin ¬ ated the early running with Flamma and Cracker Box his nearest attendants and Colonel Holloway and Manager Mack following with Jawltone far back The latter l egan moving up at the half mile ground but was forced to run wide Bard of How showed signs of faltering on the stretch turn and was shortly displaced by Cracker Box and FInmma This paid seemed likely to be the ultimate contend ers for first honors until Jawbone loomed up with his sensational rush rushIlatteras Ilatteras winner of the seventh race was boosted 305 over his entered price of 500 by George Ham The colt was retained by his owner Ilatteras was tlio only horse run up during the afternoon afternoonII II G Bedwcll has purchased the contract that W C Daly held on jockey T Hanover and the lad left with his new employer for Norfolk tonight Jockey tonightJockey Jimmy Butwell decided not to finish the season out here and was a passenger on the speciU that left for Norfolk The race special gotten lip by E A Sweeney consisted of seven sleepers and two day coaches and carried about 250 riceprwVra for the Jamestown Jockey Clubs meeting Tlio post time of todays first race was deferred on account of a breakdown on the trolley line lineNick Nick Akin a starter in the opening dash for twn yearolds sustained injuries liirimr the rnrnh which will probably necessitate his tinl tinldelroyef delroyef The colt wrenched his knee tearing tlie liimont in a manner which makes his recovery donMfui will sawill 11 be continued here next s seas sa