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LEXINGTON STAKE DATES SELECTED Kentucky Association Course in Good Condition and Training for Spring Meeting Begins in Earnest EarnestLexington Lexington Ky April C Racing Secretary W H Shelley this morning made announcement of the stake dates for the Kentucky Associations spring meeting of eleven days which is to open just three weeks from today The dates were fixed by the Executive Committee of the Kentucky Association at a meeting Wednesday morning and arc as fol ¬ lows lowsSaturday Saturday April 27 Phoenix Hotel Spring Handi ¬ cap for threeyearolds and upward one and one sixteenth miles estimated value fllOO Tuesday fllOOTuesday April 30 Iroquois Stakes for twoyear olds four and onehalf furlongs estimated value 1350 1350Wednesday Wednesday May 1 Ashland Oaks for threeyear old fillies one mile estimated value 2100 2100Thursday Thursday May 2 Breeders Futurity for two yearolds four and onehalf furlongs estimated value 0500 0500Saturday Saturday May 4 Blue Grass Stakes for three yearolds one and oneeighth miles estimated value 2500 2500Monday Monday May C Breeders Futurity Consolation Purse for twoyearold fillies four and onehalf fur Icngs estimated value 700 700Tuesday Tuesday May 7 Canideu Handicap for thrce ycarolds and upward one and onequarter miles estimated value 2500 2500Wednesday Wednesday May 8 Breeders Futurity Consola ¬ tion Purse for twoyearold colts and geldings four and onehalf furlongs estimated value 7 H HThursday Thursday May 9 Brewers Selling Stakes for threeyearolds and upward one mile estlmated alne 1150 1150Mr Mr Shelley will return from Louisville tomorrow to remain until after the meeting and will at once enter upon the preparation of the program which will be published within the next ten or twelve days daysHeavy Heavy rains on Monday night and Tuesday made the mile track BO muddy that it was Friday before it was good enough to gallop over with safety Friday afternoon superintendent James P Ross put a couple of teams at work scraping out the boggy places and refilling them with fresh soil He will have the course iu firstclass condition by Tuesday if there is no more rain rainThe The Executive Committee authorized the purchase of a team of spanking big mules harness and wagon as an addition to the track superintendents equipment and Secretary Garrett D Wilson was authorized to buy fifteen carloads of sand or as much more as is needed to be delivered the week following the close of the meeting This is to be spread upon the inside track During the summer the mile track is to be resoiled the drainage is to be improved and the grounds generally overhauled so that trainers wintering here can have no com ¬ plaint as to quarters or course This should have been done last summer but the association having the expense of the improvement of the betting ring and paddock to shoulder did not feel justified in expending the additional sum of 4500 or 5000 that these improvements will require requireThe The first real work of the season was that of yesterday morning The weather was fine and the footing firm Railbirds were plentiful and every ¬ body was in good spirits Some of the fellows who had been asking one another Do you suppose well be ready to race when the meeting opens wore broad smiles as they snapped their watches and read the dials Will we be ready Well well be ready enough to run the eyeballs out of some of those Charleston horses they said saidIn In the twoyearold division the best move of the morning was that of Charles W Moores chestnut White Heather by McGee Virginia Moore the dam of White Plume He was worked on the outside of Walter Graters black colt Lewin by Orlando Frankness a sister to Whidden They broke away threeeighths of a mile from the finishing post and came over the Jiill and down the stretch in 0 Lcwin was level at the end but White Heather was running with his mouth open The boy had taken him back three times during the run White Heather Is a candidate for the Breeders Futurity and barring accident he will give a good account of himself He is a colt of more than ordinary quality and probably will prove a credit to his sire now the premier stallion In Merc Hill Stud StudJohn John W Mays half sister to Dorante a bay filly by Filigraue Lady Augusta by Luke Blackburn worked threeeighths In 37 with the owner waving the boy to slow down at the finish This filly came in during the week from Charleston where she has had the benefit of better weather and as bad as It was at times a generally better track than here The twoyearold King Stalwart which Homer Selby recently brought from Juarez also worked threeeighths in 7 handily This colt is a candidate for the Breeders Futurity FuturityA A shapely brown filly half sister to Flip Flap by Orlando Alvaretta by Cavalier owned by Franklin Brothers farmers residing in Clark county fird trained by Drnry Riley showed up prominently She broke behind Hazel Bnrke and Curlicue and ran threeeighths easily outrunning the two older horses through the stretch This filly was timed in 38 Hazel Burke and Curlicue worked fiveeighths in 103 103Jack Jack Baker had out Joe Morris and Jeff Bern ¬ stein and a couple of twoyearold fillies belonging to C L Harrison one a chestnut by Oddfellow Rose Pompom the other Tyree a brown filly by Broomstick Ethel Pace Joe Morris went fivc oighths iu l05f with his mouth wide open and asking for his head Jeff Bernstein cantered a half in 55 The fillies worked handily threeeighths in 38 Botii of these are eligible to the Breeders Futurity In addition to these trainer Baker has the threeyearold Bonanza an eligible to the Blue Grass Stakes and Winning Witch a Kentucky Derby candidate belonging to Mr Harrison He is also training a couple of twoyearolds of his own they being Bernard half brother to Jeanne dArc bay colt by Out of Rcacli Naoiua by Oddfellow and an unnamed brown colt by Out of Reach Fairy Dell the dam of Oesa Sylvan Dell and Three Links by Tournament For J C Milam he Is train ¬ ing Phil 1C and Colonel Alex Labolds Volita These he will turn over to Mr Milam upon his re ¬ turn from Charleston The Baker horses are all in good condition Joe Morris looks better than he over did and Jeff Bernstein seems to have wintered perfectly perfectlyBarney Barney SchreibeV sustained a heavy loss this week when the young Star Ruby mare Miss Spooner which was injured while coming off the car upon her arrival here slipped a fine colt foal by Sain and died a few hours later The Schreiber mares are temporarily at a place on Todds road but will probably be removed to John S Barbees Glen Helen Farm which is nearer the Idle Hour Farm whither they will havo to go to be mated with Snin and Jack Atkin Charley Brown who is training eicht of the Sclireiber horses at the Kentucky Association track is sweet on Clara Atkin the sister to Jack Atkin She is a beautifully turned filly and Is good mannered and sensible and lias speed speedE E R Bradley lost a valuable foal this week when the bay colt by Cunard Wayward Lass dam of Bachelor Girl died of inflamation of the bowels There arc twenty foals at Idle Hour Farm and superintendent Clif Hammon says they represent the l est collection of foals yet produced at the Bradley establishment George C Bennetts Dis ¬ habille foaled a day or two ago a fine brown colt by St Savin The horses in training at Idle Hour Farm are progressing satisfactorily Helmet has been threequarters in 118 and the fastest by a twoyearold thus far is threeeighths in 37 by Brookfield This is the star of the collection and the one with which Mr Bradley hopes to win the Brooders Futurity FuturityThoroughbred Thoroughbred foals Injlonging to James R Keens dropped at Castleton this week were a chestnut colt brother to Ballot by Voter Cerito a brown filly by Voter Mosquito and a brown colt by Disguise Fairy Slipper SlipperWalter Walter Taylor younger brother of former Jockey Tommy Taylor was painfully injured when one of James P Ross twoyearolds went into the fence with him at the Kentucky Association course this