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ROGON 31 WON WONOCCASIONAL OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALNEXT NEXT THURSDAY or SATURDAY XXX SPE ¬ CIAL goes Patrons who wen ailvisetl by letter can Bet with confidence confidenceTerms Terms 3 for This One Big Killing 5 Balance ot Charleston Meeting 5 5Since Since March 18 Patrons who suhscrlhiil for bal ancc of Charleston Meeting got the following good things thingsDR DR DUENNER 41 WON WONBARD BARD OF HOPE 121 WON PREMIER WONPREMIER 31 WON WONMARTIN MARTIN W LITTLETON 31 WON WONRYE RYE STRAW 21 V70N V70NWANDER WANDER WONUNCLE 52 WON UNCLE 2NDSTAR JIMMIE GRAY 151 2ND STAR BLUE 41 2ND 2NDand and Nino Losers LosersPatrons Patrons subscribing for ti rest of Charleston meeting will get uiy Occasional from Jamestown Free up to April 19 I will attend the Louisville Latcnia and Windsor meetings rtrsoiiailv and it will IK to your udvantajro to have vonr inline on my books All wires sent direct from race track trackEx Ex Jockey Marshall MarshallInitials Initials E J Room 65 108 N La Sallo Street Chicago 111