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Hamilton Entries and Past Performances for Monday August 12 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK GOOD Racing starts at 245 p in Chicago time 145 XRnns well in mud Siqierior mud runner M maiden Apprentico allowance First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Track record 3200 5f 2 100 Ind Horse Wt Roc AWtIIan AWtIIan411i3 411i3 Paris Queen 104 101 112X725 4 i23 Coutido 105 103 112X720 3432 Farrier 103 1 OOM 1 15 715 715424S 424S Scallywag 110 101 115 715 7154115s 4115s Gerrard 10 101 112X710 112X71040GO 40GO 111X71040SJ2 Lewin 103 l00 5 111X710 40SJ2 Tea Rose 107 101 112 710 71040SO 40SO Fatty Grub 105 102 111 705 4000 Jewel of Asia 115 102 103 Or Or40S 40S Burnt Candle 105102 10S700 10S70040S 40S Brynary 101 101 105 700 700220S 220S Spring Up 105 700 700Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of ofthe the aliove be scratched 4213 Holly Brook 10J102 OS 705 3502 Martin Amorous 107 lOiy5 105 700 700Second Second Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 85445 145 4 104 1042002s 2002s James Dockery 03 140 3 100 1004253s 4253s Lad of Langdcn 103 140 S 10SX720 40043 Leopold 110 l4i 4 107X715 102X71532SS 411 Husky Lad J7 140 4 102X715 32SS Rolling Stone 100 148 4 114 710 4141 War Horn 104 14S 3 104X710 411 Pulka 10 148 r 111X710 3701 Caliph 100 140 3 104X705 4072 Bouncing Lass 3 00X705 00X70537S2 37S2 Apiaster 00 149 3 100x705 4255 Geo S Davis S 10SX700 3144 Noon IOC 150 5 108 700 700Also Also eligible to start should any of above bo scratched 1120 Rcy 04 148 3 927lO 927lOThird Third Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase3yearolds Steeplechase 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 97808 101 15 108 XlMt St Abe G 1COX700 1COX700I13I I13I Highbridge lr4XK5 U3i2 Liukola C I1SX090 9812 Steve Lane 1 15XIS3 4251 Ruxton G 133X085 t 133X085t Tliistlemjis ch g by Knight of thu Thistle Speed mast 3 130 fA D Parr and S Ross entry Fourth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record 3220 150 5 115 115Horse Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan COUNTLESS 11212 5 lOSft 0 0I I Froglegs llo 151 3110X745 1 Adams 115X745Duval Express 123 151 4 115X745 100X733Sotemia Duval 102152 3 100X733 Sotemia 103 152 5 103X730 103X730Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds SellingTrack 2yearolds Selling Track record 90375 111 6 113 Dorlon 1MX725 Flabbergast 1 1Tankard 113X720 Tankard 107X715 Old Coin 107X715 Ragnsa 105 715 Fred Levy 105X710 Barbara Worth JM5X7IO Marie T 95 705 Volita 1 1Fly 100 705 Fly ByNight M MFlittcrfoot 102 700 Flittcrfoot br c by byArmeath Armeath 11 Fill Sixth Race 34 Milo 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 90375 111 0 113 2837 = Worth 118112 3 1197 4250 Lahore 112 1 12 4 108X740 4140 Rosseaux 112 113 5 105735 4250 11307354000s Wintcrgrcen 110 112 G 1130735 4000s Chryseis 102 113 3 91X730 3404 Mediator 10S 114 4 100X730 4251 Sun Queen 3 90X725 4013 Guy Fisher 112 112 G 110X725 110X725Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile on tho Turf 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 97812 138 1 109 4121 Falcada 7101X725 40912 John Reunion 5 111X720 3833 Bachelor Girl l 5i 4005 Ozana i 1100713 110071337S2 771533KS 37S2 The Rump 01 7715 33KS Hedge 95 710 71042i4 42i4 Pluvious 4111X710 4141 Commoners Touch ill 111 3 95X70 3887s Shelby llo 117 r 101 705 4013 Napier 3 100 700 3227 Allaneen M 107 144 4 00X090 30 I3 Edith Inez M 114 147 5 110 KIO KIOAlso Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above bo scratched 4254 Union Jack 4 1020705 40G13 102070540G13 Leopold 4 107X715