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1 i AMERICAN TRAINERS WHO HAVE SADDLED FIFTY OR MORE WINNERS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS i ! + The list of American Iraim -r- wad, dariag the past live years, have saddled the winners of tilly or. Store races makes an haayosiag -howinu. It i- beaded by II. • Bedwell, who. in two td the years covered bj the tahulalion. gained the lion.n and di-lim lion of behtg the lead-r and who in other years was close eaoagh to lae tap to give l.:m a total for the live year- far iu e — of that of any other trainer on the North American eoiilinenl. S. t.. Ilildreth. who last year transferred his activities to Franca, stands second in petal of wbaaers -addled and ami in respect to money woa, even attboagk the kg, area in his case Wc feu- uailj lour years. Mr. Bedwell was leadlag him la the tirst item when he departed from this conn Irjr. Third comes T. J. I!eale, trainer for K. T. V ils ,n. while Henry MeDanicl is foitrlli. The liirurc-[auaw: r- IJtlS , r- l!Ki!* — , | l.HO , r— Mil — « f l»l-— r~ Total Iraiucrs. Win-. Ami. Wins. Ami. Win-. Anil. Wins. Ami. Wins. Ami. Wins. Atnt. II. U. Bedwell til tSKJXBO 18 904.043 5* 2,183 S2 3,100 84 2,SB5 378 ,43:i •s. I. Ilildrctii 13 :;.s.i;s i ;:: 123 042 84 148,010 .i Hi. 118 X" 30IM»5»I T. J. Ilealey :; t 90.505 IJ W.000 U «,7.:Mi.-, :.l 34,457 M 27.105 -1" 2I2,»S32 Ii. McOaaiel o.s :»K."2 is 22.380 38 23.385 -• 12, l--" 38 12,107 2»fi 1 hi.ii° W. Walker 03 11.085 W 31.120 .It 1H.. 4." :;" 12,550 7 4,347 105 107,037 i.. M. Odoaa -II 14,504 , 23.575 12 ti.Htil 1 1 22,783 10 J.sti7 1st r.t.fittti 1. T. Cninn .; 58 30.485 tin 19.005 Lit 14,005 177 !I4. Is". W. H. Fizer ." ." Hi. lit :;.S 20.:M!0 13 5.405 •_ ! 11,855 1" 11,015 171 15.535 .1. W. Parker 32 8,816 84 17,845 ".i» 13.600 is 0.010 104 17. mm W. a. Berttscbell ... 14 !.:: "i :;n 10.130 20 0.886 r 7 L7. Ii:»r ::.". 14.136 102 70.461 •I. S. Ward oil 14,855 21 0.3441 II 14.885 is .».i. 11 .".ti 17.821 1" 7 00,022 I". Laaader 43 21.725 32 12.305 :;•" 14.080 :-. 18,008 K 8,030 150 70,314 «iliani liarlh 11 17. ».".. :::; 18,015 11 5.005 ".7 :H.s:m Hi 23.440 155 00,006 W. lahill Hi 25,250 ::i _°.7.:.*. ::•; 7.485 -- 7.o!i1 VI 4.177 117 tit;..".:.! •i. B.ate 53 35.865 54 -j;. .:.;:. "i s.7.«.s is 7..i2." I4t T5.H7:i F. l . W.-ir 38 20.380 s H.s7:. T2 |84t22 25 0.813 :::. 1S.«;7.I 145 80,081 ■I. I. Schorr il 25.481 H» -J..isi « .:; 58,110 111 lH..."i7-J J. I...U.- 15 2and205 12 2,895 .» :;.titr ::s 14,120 US 2N. t.V.i 140 77.054 t;. Ham is s..V.i*i :;.. 10.580 LV 22,028 Si 10.002 27 13.848 133 7"J.i.L" !l. u. Brandt is U3.343 20 l!».-_..ti 19 13,330 i". 13.890 13 5,830 120 II".. 71:; :. Piiiiiv Ht 10.485 Is 13.998 is 0,498 2!t 19,981 24 29243 129 s:;.ir.7 A. .sinioas :k-: is.t;:u". :; ; •£: ,:,2t :» 2:: I7.::7t» 127 81.175 .1. Fitzsimnioii- Is IO.805 20 12.300 22 11,400 21 11,032 12 20,111 120 00,488 1. Ilanlou 40 24.21." II I0.4P5 13 9.473 18 ." .!Mi4 I :;iki 125 66,477 •I. Powers 21 11,105 24 IO.3O0 ::7 38263 1s 7.380 24 9.009 124 si. tun A. G. Hlakclcy 19 28.505 ."-1 27.350 :;l 15,939 11! 7.47.". .". 4,810 122 8:1.270 W B. t arson 72 18,250 19 21,360 121 ::7.*.« ; T. Welsh ::i :;i.77.". :r, 31.423 ••:; :m».22-". lilt 153.425 J. S. Kvernian 13 li.iUfn .1:; .J.llli 15 7.1.I7 .:1 2r..:.!i7 17 21. lis 119 ;7.::tl2 W. II. Karrick Ht 8.595 8iti 12,400 32 22,485 27 14.10s ::tt 19,614 118 77.122 D. Woodford is 12. lit" 2b* 10.705 30 24.046 lit 10,040 21 l." .7s i 117 79.000 ii 11 Keene :;2 13,650 T is 3,495 hi 11,315 21 3.985 117 34.445 •I. W. May 23 0.420 -** ■• ■ 175 30 27,152 2d 17.201 2i 12. H7:; ill 72.021 l . Ileiiry 42 21.075 *."t3,23H 1" 2,805 I". 2 ; ni ih t.i..t.:.-. M. J. Daly 23 2S.!l7.. ::l 20.812 30 .".. !.»". S 5.210 II 8.200 112 77,7."-2 T. Hatfield :::. s.uii 43 14.845 2 i 5.180 s 2,720 112 :; t.!71 I.. Marion 12 19.208 ."•:: 29,516 10 .s.7!lo I ::.! I2 111 01.455 . a. Biaachl 2 t IO.850 21 11.370 22 t..:.s i 20 11,585 10 s. .-,:,:; m i.iiks K. Colston :;i 47.c.7t» ."»1 » 12 11.746 8 1.750 S 1.119 IfO tl7.::si It. B. Watkins 10 11.448 17 9,335 17 9.285 30 17.27t 27 16.919 110 04,248 s. A. h.pton 12 4.::7.» 11 10.456 tl 21.1sn 12 5,575 Hit 41,585 r. El at at 2 2. .;.".•". l«5 64.525 107 06.880 I. Meiormack 16 9.495 11 1.109 II I :::»:; ::.". 18.574 29 13,534 M2 17.060 H. ;arrity 20 7.835 33 9.980 29 ll.txio 12 4.750 7 1.70O 101 36.265 !.. Johnson :;r. 1 7. 1." 2 :;.". 15,898 8 ."..720 1". 9.967 :t ::.f 77 Iihi 31,908 W. J. Vdaag :«i 25,811 24 Io.."..". i 10 1.889 13 6.079 13 6,795 99 ..::. :ol T. B. Mninloid 2 1.395 ::■: 12.166 41 20.350 20 9.587 !»-t 13,417 W. . Westmoieiaiiil 25 s.:t7o ;,o 25.873 !» 3.364 12 2. .ISO IMi 10.587 W. Shields :s» 18.110 28 11.135 19 s.7:;r, 4 4.7.VI s 2.506 !I0 .:r2.320 T. !. Coles 25 11.615 27 16,090 13 s.ipi 12 ::.717 15 4.485 92 II.7S7 ■I. Kowe .. _. 50 284,336 .» 111.725 22 55.348 oi 151.400 I McLaughlin ".:i 20.670 ■■- 24J915 13 7.::ir. 12 2.71.". I 505 91 56.150 I I. Mayberry Is 8,038 19 ," .!tir. is 7. too il ::.oihi 27 l."«. is:, 90 38.196 .1. Whaleii is is. 110 ::o 37,385 -".l 22. St.". lo 1,675 so 82.905 B. Linuell 14 . 1,955 8 I.220 22 12.006 27 12.711 18 8.790 so 40.693 l S. Founlain 11 5.885 39 10.480 0 2.07." lo 2,985 20 9.740 so 27.273 w. Bead 27 14.340 M 23,006 :; 7.".:: I 339 s7 :;7. 12s . 1-. Presgrave 13 7.oo." 32 15.070 16 9,825 11 9.739 11 18,989 88 .".::. 17o W . Gabriel 2! 1o.:s2r :: !i75 11; 2,889 24 5.980 13 6.499 85 2-".. 000 •I. Dixon 16 7. Slo 2:: 9V233 25 6.830 19 1.2."..". 2 503 s.". 24.79:1 II. S. Newman 25 lo.os,-, :; r* s 1.050 • 1.000 12 15.382 si 29.467 W. P. Maxwell 2.". 8,710 .":: 7.2-".o 10 3,585 8 2.790 2 .:s:, st 23.72«J s. M. Headeraou lt 21 18.000 20 13.083 17 ;.s.",i; 83 :t».400 II. K. Bowel] I". 29,500 32 16.625 .". 1,995 82 17..170 .1. Tbjrwe 23 11.985 29 7.71o 12 2.480 7 1.875 II 127.". 82 27. OS". D. B. Freeman 19 :;.17.. 13 2..".tk". .;.". 1.549 1" 2.550 S2 12.836 II Mar-hall 29 8,345 7 3.420 1". 7.." .l 30 s..".r,.-. 81 25.880 I.. I.. Fitzgerald 8 l.ol.". Ht 1.900 38 5,840 27 7,040 s| 15.884 s Voitcli 11 20.330 15 8.129 15 8L225 21 9.685 is 10.970 so .-,7.:::l I. c Ualhther 12 L898 12 1.905 27 13.407 29 14.751 so :;7.7l:; II. Iennv 8 2,299 2S 11,528 22 s.v:;, -j ||.::l. so 33.900 F. M. Taylor 6 il.Mi.. 7 I.OIO 21 24,480 43 :;.".. !I7 77 78.712 !. M. Batch 32 17.:!7o 26 15.440 17 13,278 I 4::r. 1 *»2". 77 17.lln W. p. line 19 10,610 :;.". 9.770 9 4,475 It 2,000 :: 1.115 77 28.630 A Baker 20 ti. ! » 2". 13,075 7 ."..sol s i.s-jh in 8.580 76 ::s :;.. I. Schelke 2 199 is 23,155 20 8.881 70 ::2. ISO .1. Iniii i..t 16 7.SI0 27 9,985 31 8.400 2 599 70 2:1.485 N K. Moody 1 188 29 "i.07." 22 5.759 25 «"...".7." 70 1K.150 t. 1-. Snyder 23 1O.390 13 2..".2.". 15 ."..lis,". 9 2.535 15 1.825 71 23.160 M. Ilu-sch 23 12.220 SI IO.707 15 5,875 12 :,.oss 73 ::.:.!iso I. K. Madden 5K 211.797 12 2 ».7!»S 2 810 72 233.405 E 1. vTrighl 12 ."..42.". 1 ." .".o II 3.820 2s D ts:. -jn 10.155 72 29.435 V .1 .loMM-r 71 107.77:". 71 I07.775 A. Zimiuer 2." I2.!MIS 11 5.310 6 1.835 1 210 23 9.880 71 30.143 .1. J. Hvlan.l -S 19.845 17 7..V.I0 15 8.038 10 3.615 70 39.180 I W, Hiirlcv 2.-. 15.415 0 2.77o Is 11.271 lo 2.047 13 "..sir, 70 37.919 i 1 Collins 58 30.690 2 500 2 070 :: 2.708 ". 2.121 70 37,292 ! •. II. Hratitioii Ht 6.820 2i 10.889 s ::.7S,". 7 l.OOO 21 6,927 7o 20 2 12 : A. Bwiag is .;:,.t!7 21 12..".S7 69 ts.o::i W. Freeuuin 7 1.419 18 B.339 2 » f.r.oo 21 6.485 88 19.785 , 8T. s. Heath lo 2.2oo 26 7. "Kio :::: 9.532 :!• IK.822 I W . Short 17 3.495 10 ::.7! i || 3.480 22 5.325 69 16.4190 J W. Garth 2.". 13,745 15 7. .".2". 19 11.990 H .:.simi . ... ov ::7. Mio 1 W O. .loi.lin s 2.902 36 11,618 21 11.759 tis 26.279 i. P. Haves 16 9.340 12 3230 16 1.875 12 i;;r. 12 6.789 17 30.625 .t Johnston 12 1.990 I :;.1I.". 21 lo.ltMi :;o 11.445 07 29.170 1 s Judge : 1.245 is 1.360 is s.ui7 25 9.131 «17 22.72; I. W. Ho— 28 8,416 :: 1.423 I" :• 880 11 3.985 13 ::.. •:: .-. 60 21. too 1 «. N. Freeman 20 ."..0."." lo 2.620 It 2.366 10 2.385 88 11.020 I T Irelaad . ....10 : ;: :." II s.;,;,!.! •_•:: 10.391 16 0.17:: 2 2070 65 39.493 ; K Beal 18 7,889 0 ."..::sr. 9 3.327 11 1.265 20 0.840 63 25.507 1: t. .1.. in- 22 1.150 17 3.090 12 3.533 II r,.::lo 05 16.696 II R. T pkin- . is 10.070 s 8.150 is ll.::.-,o 11 12.600 0 r..S7.". ot loot., A. J. Johii-on lo ."..07-*. 21 I0.237 II |:j 8.658 o I 32.700 W. 11. Baikal 1 32 10.700 32 11.756 64 22.456 ! B. Johe 10 I.200 II 3.855 ::t 8.288 64 17.:";.". I. Striker ." 7tMt is 2850 13 1.70". 28 8.510 e.l 13 855 B. T. l.ittieliehl 2.". 24.085 12 99.983 II 8,883 *t 0.27.". 6 5.645 n:: 50.47". H. Herdel 6 17r. 26 8833 ::7 18,608 63 25.718 | IV. St. Vincent 32 7. so.". 7 1.799 13 1.995 II ."..." 63 17.870 .1 w Paagle 12 8985 24 7.886 is 7I10 7 1.985 1 195 02 23.910 [ l» Dennlson 11 3.816 l" 3.189 2". 5,415 II 3.865 62 15.390 ; .1. .1. Quinlau M :..."»2.". 20 4.729 13 3.116 13 3.785 62 15.000 1 I. Garth B 2.sso 10 6.385 ::7 22.010 61 ::o 27". 1 A Kick 9 1,885 ".i "..tiso 22 ::.77.". 01 11. ..m I W. i:wm 1 12". 17 8,185 2s 13,115 II 8599 88 28,145 r s. Wilson 98 s.*»::.". 16 4.440 1 290 0 2.11.". 58 15.980 ! 1! C. Ivan- 1 325 IS 2,680 33 8284 6 1.07.". r.o 10.S77 I J. Williams :,2 14.250 2.". 9.HB .",7 23.415 t;. Gray 17 :.7to is 6.395 ti 3.815 12 1.305 .".7 h :.v. 1 I Iarrar 12 2, 2 » II ...",.-,.-. I:: ::. ilo 21 ."..V"..". .".7 16.250 Byer 21; 15.725 10 10.145 0 3.910 2 630 56 30.410 i: wiivte 11 7. C» 27 15,305 12 3.400 H 121". :•: 2!t.07o A Allen 8 1.895 11 6.298 13 7.025 21 s.".:;o 56 24.850 II Kites 14 ."..01.". l:; 6.353 7 3.748 22 s 703 56 21. .".2" .! 1.. Browa 13 ::.77» 22 7. 010 -ji ti.riyn -1; 19.888 W Covington 12 :.. ""..". 13 9,110 17 1.170 II 2220 •" 1.940 56 10.10." I : Weiitworth 21 I.2VI 25 6,770 I I.270 0 3.028 56 15.310 i S Pok 0 2. K«» 1 2 3.105 s 8.170 27 o.7Si :.o 13.973 H Hill .... is ."..21.". 12 5.581 12 6.737 12 ."..SIT :.| 22.300 i i: B Allen 21 1.230 20 5,185 2 790 .. 1.820 54 1170.-, , .1 Nixon II 11.625 12 11.400 9 ill:,:: 12 10.200 0 9. pal 53 ,".:: r;s I c Hamilton 8 2.121 I". 9.520 32 20.62K .".:: 32.372 . ;. Weston 10 o..;77 9 199 17 11,240 13 8875 13 r,:: 30592 i I. J. Stevens it 1.07." 32 17.:.::.". » ."..71.". t: 1.071 .".:: 20 890 i H. Meiarreu 17 5.780 10 7,ti27 13 6.382 7 1.455 .".:: 2o.".2l W s. Trevej .... 12 1,875 21 9.388 "• 2.675 13 I0.825 :.| -_"7 -.::o i II W Hoag 16 11.117.. 7 2.70.". 12 2 sr.o 1 1.160 12 ::.:..i". .,1 --i : i , , • w Carroll t 998 10 and.02A 17 1.590 to i.opi 1 1.275 51 iookt. , t Mulholland 22 II. .".MO 0 I.9J5 :. I.tsi. 7 9,438 1o J. |v;, ;.,, 23*300 l F. M. Civill o5 15,420 s 3299 2 u:.0 o 1.588 50 .