untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-17


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a ! 4 ] ] 1 4 I 4 4 , . • 4 i | [ , . JUST OFF THE PRESS j| ]| The American Racing Manual il for 1913 ! [ An Excellent and Low-Priced Book of 460 Pages * ][ It kalda Information for people Interested lu raelnj; eoritalm i !| f In no other publication. It is simply a mine f records!. .. OF THE NEW FEATURES of this Publication I? a Tabulated 4 j ONE Compilation Showing the Winners. Values, Times and Other Par- tiealaxi of the Great Races of the World, from Their Institution, , , a Iadadiag the Epsom Derby, Epsom Oaks, St. Leger, Two Tlioua- 4 * it mul Calsoaa. One Thousand Guineas, Grand Prix do Paris. Freni h Derby. f ► French Oaks, Melbourne Cup and Other Important Events of the Turf in ForeJra Laads. No Other Publication in the World Carries All This In- L I.i n, at inn. i . Among Other Featuies It Has: o METHOD FOR CALCULATING PAHI-MUTUEL PRICES 4 ► ► With Examples. [ Rsdag Records of TfiotroaasvetBi in North America for l!1i!. 4 Complete Lis I of JuYetaUe t?iaaera of 1912, Arranged Under Their Sires. Naines and Aililf-M-.- of Secretaries of Racing Association*. .. f Vearling Sales ■ : 1912 in United Stales ami Canada; also Aaaerieaa Ifeai jj ► ling sai.-s iii England. ► i:n.uii-i, Racing Records t, Date. J ► Three HauiUcap Systems, with Ksamples. J| 4 American Racing Recorda at All biatancea, 4 tjff Anatraliao Racing Records. 41 Leading Winning Two-Teax-Olda since 1970. 41 ][ List i r II..1-1S Thai Have s,.id for Ureal Prices. ,, Recorda at All Distances of the Tracks of the Halted States, Canada 0 [ and Mexico. IE Remarkable Feats of Jockeyshlp. ► Leading Ann "lean Siri s Since 1S7 1 ► 1. r.-at Money Winners of the Americsa and Inirliyli Turf. I ► Twenty beading: Sires of 19121. 4 it Uookmaklng Percentage Table. • ► Horses Which ! inl in 1912. it 1 i;ilile of the Com para tlTS Speed of North American Tracks Mt All o iv Distances. • « Table Of ihe Mile Speed of All Tra.-ks. .. Kngluh Betting Rules. .. First, Second and Third Horses, Jockeys, Weights, Values, and Times of * f American stakes. ► Winners of All stakes of 1912. * ► Racing Statistics or 1«*1 li. i 4 Horses Digqnallned in HU2. ♦ O Scale of Weights of 1 he .looker Club, Kentucky State Racing Com miss ion, A Jockey Club Juarexi western JiKkey Club, Pacltc Jockey tini.. 0 j Canadian Racing Associations. Souther a Jockey Chili. Aineiiean Turf Association, alexlcaa Jockey Club and of Kngland. a ivca.1 Heats in v.n-.i. 4[ ]t Horses Bid Up In HH2. [ Record of .ii.es Baa iu 1:39 or Better, etc.. etc. * PAPER BOUND 50 CENTS * pRTp|? c o rHfO£.9| LaSATHEl BOUND. ... 75 CENTS j Jtlngle copies must l.e sent as registered mall, with an extra charge of ten cents f;.i registration. Not responsible _for books sent hh regular man. 4 With this eminently handy book in his pocket any admirer of racing 4 it can readily answer almost any queiy that may come up concerning facts of 4 4t facing in the past. Its equal lias never lieen printed and. considering the O ± toim s it i imTs. It is an extremely low priced booh of 4410 pages. J Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. Ik 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. : l : CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. 4 ► ? * *+*+++•++++*+••••*•*••••*•••+**•• + • + $+++++* + + *++*******

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913021701/drf1913021701_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1913021701_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800