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i DATES OF CHIEF ENGLISH RACES. Queens Crizo. Keinplon Dark. I I 2 miles. March 21 Newcastle Spring Handicap, Newcastle, 1 1-4 miles March 24 Battbyanj Plate, Ltecola, 5-8 mile March 31 Lincolnshire Handicap, Lincoln, 1 mile April 1 Brocklesby Stakes, Lincoln, 12 mile and 58 yards April 2 Liverpool Spring Cup. Liverpool, 1 3-8 miles April :; I uion Jack stakes. Liverpool, 1 mile April 3 Urand National StcepW-hase, Liverpool. 4 miles and RM vanls pril 1 Bit keisiaiVt Stakes, LWerpool, 1 mile knell 4 Column Produce Bakes, Newmarket, 1 mile. April Hi Babraham Plate, Newmarket, 1 1-2 miles. . .April 18 Craven Stakes, Newmarket, 1 mile April 17 Ureal Metropolitan Handicap, Epsom, 2 14 miles pi il 22 Ureal Snrrej Handicap, Epsom, 5-8 mile knril 22 city ami Suburban Handicap, Epsom, I 1 4 miles kprll 2:: Hyde Park Plate. Eneom. 5-8 mile kpril 2:: lir-i Sarins Two Sear old Stakes, Newmarket, i 2 mile Mirii 29 Two Thousand Unineas, Newmarket. I mile. April :. March Stakes. Newmarket. 1 1-2 miles ....May I One Thousand Guinea*. Newmarket, 1 mile. ..Ma 2 Chester Cup, Cheater. 2 14 miles May 7 Ureal Jubilee Handicap. Kempton Park, I 1-4 miles Ma. in John oCiiuni Plate, Manchester, 5-8 mile... May 15 Manchester Spring Cup, Manchester, 1 12 miles May U! Newmarket Slakes, Newmarket, 1 1 4 miles. .Hay 21 Bedford Two-Year-Old Stakes. Newaaarket, 1-2 mile Ma 22 Payne Stakes. Newmarket, 1 1-2 miles ...Maj 22 Marrhorougb Stakes, Uatwlek. I miln May 24 Ureal Northern Handicap. York. 1 12 milek. .May 27 leoie Stakes. Epsom. 5-8 mile lame :: The Derby. Epsom. 1 1-2 miles lane 4 stewards Plate, Bpaaan, 1 mile and 41 yards Inne 4 Ureal Snrrej Foal Plate, Kpsmn. 5-8 mile ..June "1 Royal sink-. Epsom, :; 4 mile Inn-- ■• Coronation Cup, Epsom. I 1-2 miles lone 5 The Oaks. Epsom. 1 1-2 miles Inne o Acorn Slake-. Epsom, 5 8 mile June 1: Corehtn Stakes, Ascot, 5-8 mile and 138 yards *"■■* 17 Prince of Walts siakes. Aaeot, I 5-8 miles. -June 17 Ascot Stakes Ascot, 2 miles Inne 17 Ascot Oolti Vase, Ascot, 2 miles Inne 17 Roval Hunt Cup. Aseot. J-8 mile ami 188 yards -J"1"- is As.-oi Derby, Ascot, I 1 2 miles lime is Coronation Stakes. Ascot. 1 mile lune 18 Aseot GoH Cnp. Ascot. 2 1 2 miles Line 1! St. Jaaaes Palace Stakes, As,-,.t. I mile Inne Vi New Slakes. Ascot, 5-8 mile add 138 yards . .June ll Hardwicfce Stakes, Ascot, 1 1 2 miles lame -" Windsor Castle Stakes, .w-,,1. 8-8 aaile ami 138 yards -Dine 58 Alexandra Plate, Aaeot 2 :; 4 miles and s.. yards -T""" - Wokingham Stakes, Ascot, 3-4 mile I«ne 20 Royal June Handicap. Windsor, 1 1 4 miles.. June 21 North Derby. Nesreastle. 1 1 2 miles lone 21 Northumberland Plate. Newcastle, 2 miles. . .June 25 Seaton Delaval Plate, Newcastle. 5-8 mile. . .June 2»i July Stakes. Newaaarket, 5-8 mile ami 142 arils July 1 Duke of Cambridge Handicap, Newmarket. I mile Jwly - Exeter Slakes. Newmarket. :".-4 mile July ". Princess of Wales Stakes. New market. 1 12 miles July :: Fulboome Stakes, Newaaarket, 5-8 mile and 142 yards -Inly 4 Great Foal Plate, Ungaeld. 5-8 mile Inly 12 Dnliingbam Plate. Newnaarket, 1 12 miles. . .July !.* July Handicap. Newmarket, : 4 mile Inly Id Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket. 1 mile July 8 Cheaterneld stakes, Newaaarket. 5-8 mile .July 17 Midsummer siakes. Newmarket, 1 mile July 17 Eclipse Stakes. Sundown Dark. 1 11 miles. . .July 18 National Breeders Produce Stakes, Samlown Dark. 5-8 mile July 18 St. George Slakes. Liver] 1. 1 3-8 miles July 23 Ureal Lancashire Breedera Produce Stakes. Liverpool. 5 8 mile July 2.°. Mersey Stakes, Liverpool, r, 1 2 furlongs Inly *2l Liverpool Summer Cup, Liverpool. 1 3 I miles July 2:. Stewards cup. Goodwood, :.-4 mile July 20 Goodwood Plate, UoodW/Ood, 2 miles Inly i Lav. mi Stakes, Goodwood, 5-8 mile July 30 King Ueorgt Stakes, Goodwood, 3-4 mile. . .July -".n UoodwoOd Cup. Goodwood, 2 1 2 miles Inly -".1 Drayton Handicap, Hood wood. 7-8 miln July :;l Chesterfield Cup. Goodwood. I 14 miles Aug. 1 Nassau stakes Goodwood, 1 12 miles late. 1 Kolecomh stakes. Goodwood, :i-4 mile Auk. 1 Brighton stakes. Brighton, 1 12 miles u. .". Brighton Cnp, Brighton. 1 1-4 miles Aanr. •; Astlev stak s. Leases, 541 mile Aim. 8 Lewes Handicap, Lewes. 1 1-2 miles us. .♦ International I, ret -tiers" Prod nee Slakes. Kempton Dark. 5-8 mile us- 13 St. Janus Stakes. Kempton Dark. 1 14 miles Ahff. 14 Wynyard Plate, Stockton. 5-8 mile A112:. 18 Ureal Northern Leger, Stockton. 1 5-8 miles. Aug. 20 Hardwicke siakes. Stockton. 5-8 mile kag. 20 .111 ham Coiintv Drotluce Plate, Stockton. 1 11 mil.s Anjr. 21 1 1 111-si Park L,nno Plate. Durst Dark. 1 II miles tag. 23 Prince of Wales Plate, York. 5-8 mile uv.. 28 Boor Handicap, York. 1 3-4 miles Aag. 27 Convivial Produce Stakes, York, 5-8 mile.... Aug. 27 Uinacrack Stakes rork, "l mile Aug. 28 Urea! Yorkshire Stakes. York. I ."14 afcBea..Aog 28 iiainplon Breeders Foal Slakes. Derby, 5 S mile Sepl :: Breeders St. Leger, Derby. 1 3-8 miles ...Sepl. 4 Peveril of the Peak Stakes. Dtiby. 1 mile. Sept. :. Autumn Breedera Foai Plate, Haacheater, 5-8 mil- spl*- 7 Iliiie, Rdward Handicap, Manchester, 2 miles Sept. II Champagne siakes. Doncaster, 5-8 mile ami 132 yards Sept. .» Ureal Yorkshire Handicap, Doncaster. 1 3-4 miles Mini 132 yards Sepl. it Ihe St. Leger. Doncaster, 1 ::- miles and 132 yards Sept. 10 Tattersall Sale siak,s. Doncaster. 7 s mile. .Sept. D Portland Plate, Doncaster, 5-8 mile and 132 rarda Sept. 11 Rons Plate. Bo ster, 3-4 mile Sept. 11 Doncaster Cup. Boncaster. 2 1-8 miles Sept. 12 Park Hill siakes. Doncaster, 1 ■• i miles ami 133 yards Sept. 12 Doncaster Stakes, B astir. 1 12 miles.... Sept. 2 Prince of Wales Nursery. Doacaater, 1 mile. Sept. 12 Newbury Autumn Handicap, Newbury. 2 l-s miles Sept. 211 Ni-wburv Autuma Foal Slakes. Newbury. :: 4 miles Sep! 2fl Kingsriere Slakes Newlmry. I 14 miles Sept. -7 Higliclere Ninrserj Handicap, Newhnry, 5-8 mile s.pi. 27 Ureal i"oal stakes Newmarket, 1 1 4 miles. .Sept. 38 Ureal Eastern Rallwaj Handicap, New market, 3 4 mile Oct. 1 Hopeful Slakes. Newmarket, -"is mile Oct. 1 Jockey club Stakes, Newaaarket, 1 • 4 miles. .Oct. 2 Newmarket October Handicap, Newaaarket, 1 12 miles Oct. :: Itoiis Memorial Stakes. Newmarket, ."i * mile. .Oct. .: Imperial Produce Plate, Kempton Dark. 3-4 mile Oct. 10 Duke ol York Stakes. Kempton Dark. 1 1-4 miles Oct. M Kempton Dark Nursery. Kempton Dark. 5-8 mile Oct. 1 ciearwc-li siakes. Newmarket, 5-8 mfle ami 14 yards Oct. 11 Champion stake-. Newmarket, 1 1 4 miles... Oct. 14 Cesarewitcfa Handicap. Newmarket. 2 1 4 miles Oct. IS ill. -by Dark Stakes. Newmarket. o4 mil,-.. Oet. 1". Prendergasi stakes. Newmarket. 5-8 mile .111,1 140 raids Oct. 10 I.roibv Stakes. Newaaarket, 3-4 mile Oct. 18 Middle Park Plate. Newmarket. 3-4 mile o -t. 17 Sainowii Foal Stakes. S.-in.lown Dark. 1 14 miles Oet 23 oreat Sapling Plate, Sandown Dark. 5-8 mile Oct. -". Criterion Stake-. Newmarket . ■■ 4 mil. Oct, 2 Cambridgeshire Handicap, Newmarket, 1 1 I miles »cr. 29 .1.,, kev Club Cup. Newmarket. 2 1-4 miles and 35 rardm Oct. 30 I, w Inn -t Plate. Newmarket. 7-8 mile Oct. :• Houghton Stak.-. N.-wmarket. 1 mile Oct. "I Oueenshnr.i Handicap. Newmarket. ., B mile.. Oct. :.; Urea Toni Plate, Uncoln. 7-8 mile N, Liu,, In Autumn Handicap, Lincoln. 1 1 2 inll-s Nov. 1 Liverpool Autumn Cnp. Liverpool. I 3 s miles . . Nov. 7 Chesterfield Nursery. Derby. 7-8 mile Nov. 12 Derby Cup. Derby. 1 3-4 miles Nov. ,1 Manchester November Handicap. Maacbec tor. 1 1 2 miles Nov. . .