untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-17


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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A Daily RetectlM at thai American Tiirf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor, F. H. Brunell. Associate Editor. Clinton C. Kiley. Secretary. Mrs. 1. 1J. Brunell. Entered us seeond-class matter, April 2, 18f 6, at the poat-office. at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of Hatch :,. isT.t. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. • Tills telephone has. no connection with t Lie news or editorial departments and cannot tie used to cum-UUiuleate with them. To be considered and answered, all tiuerles to Dally RaclfJg Icuni ninsi be scut over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and addresses are object to a local and foreign directory test. BACK NUMBERS ■ CENTS EACH. If sent by mail first-class only eix cents. TERMS: Per Week $ -BO ivr Month 1.S0 Ualf Year 900 tine Year 17.00 The above raits are for single copies as sealed lei t -i a Bret iass mail. liaily Racing Iorm Publishing Co. prefers to send t-irili- copies as gral -class mail in all cases. Local subscriptions — outside the down-town district—will be declined at other than tirst class mail Clin l ter rales. Subscription* must be paH in advance. ST. Llil IS. MO.. OFFICE. 112 N. BROADWAY. Wm. Laser. General Agent. Telephone Bell Olive 4055. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, O., OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. V. is. Manns, General Agent. Telephone Canal 1877. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. DETROIT, MICH., OFFICE, 8.1 CONGRESS ST. West, Corner Wayne Street. L. Grosscup. General Agent. Telephones: Main 3252; City 3252. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. PITTSBURGH. PA.. OFFICE. 907-901 THIRD AVE. II. A. Schater Nt ws Co.. General Agent. Back nunttera and monthlies supplied. BLUB ISLAND. ILL.: II. 1 . Wattles. 10 Union Stroat. 1.1 1-TAI.O. .. Y.: K. J. Seidenherg, Ellicott Square News-stand. BUTTE, HUNT.: kt.-fe Broa., 27 West Park Street. i.i. ELAND, tilllt: .1. C. Bndd, !*JJ Superior Avenue. i. s. Sebroeder, 212 B. Superior Street. COU Mill S. OHIO: Columbus News Co. I »A H». OHIO: I it Bouse News stand. DEW ER. COLO.: Kaadrick Bellamy Co.. 000 012 Seventeenth Street. EL PASO, TEXAS: Prank oinellas. Lone Star News ttand. .1. .!. Harrington Newt Dealer, l.l.civ ill . KenuelJ Bros.. News Dealers. EVANSV1LLE, INK.: Veinline Hotel News si ami. HAMILTON, ONI.: UeArthura News Agency. 13 Rebecca Street. Ttaomaa French, 90 James Street North. HOI SPRINGS, ARK.: C. 1J. Weaver and Co.. opp. Arlington Hotel. INDIANAPOLIS, 1ND.: J. A. Moeslein, Ni ws st;n,,l Waiting Room, Terminal Station. KANSAS CITY. HO.: Rteksecker Cigar and News Co., Ninth and Walnut Street*. KENOSHA, WIS.: C. II I mi t ft. Co., 271 Main Street. I.I.NINO r?ON, 1L. i: r Graves, IOC North Uatestoae Sinat. I.ni LSV1I.LE. UV.: c. T Bearing, 232 Fourth Awniie. McKKKSPORT, PA.: Lloyd I oii.vson. I rani W. lorrej son. Ml. Mi HIS I IW.: World Newa Co. Waller Lml. i 182 North Main ::tree-t. I- ,i..„u it,, i, I N.-« Man, I. Mll.V. Al Kl I . IS : I link Mull, in. Third and Grand Avenues. HTNNKAPOLI8. MINN : H. .1 K ivanaugb, ..i Souih Thud Street NAS1I II I I. I INN. : /.lie, ri Bros., 218 North Cherry Street. NEW ORLEANS. LA.: t L. Ihli. his si. Charles Street. OtiDKN. I I A II : .|..e Harrop. OKI. IHOUA CITT, OKI. A.: Mar, h Ball] N,s Co.. Main and Broadway. PloltlA. ILL.: pc.ri.i New- stand, EMM Main Sl!e»t. SALT LAKE CITY, I TA1I: McGillis A Ludwig, Mean Dealers. SAN FRANCISCO. CA1..: Johnson News n., tMi Turk Street. TOLEDO, OHIO: Robr. Downey. 142 St. Clair Street. TORONTO. ON I .. W. • r,nsl, . Iroquois Hotel. II. V. OConnor, Palmer House. F. E. WaWock, Imperial Hotel. 1 1 1 : 1 : 1 . 1 N . . V A : Wheeling Newa Co.. 1112 Y.aler Street. i II. Qdlmuy, 1 1 -*: : Main stn-.i. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 17. WIS.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913021701/drf1913021701_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1913021701_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800