Console is Stake Winner: G. B. Morris Plater Victorious in Sunday Feature at Juarez Course, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-17


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I i ! : , I CONSOLE IS STAKE WINNER ti. U. MORRIS TLATER VICTORIOUS IN SUNDAY FEATURE AT JUAREZ COURSE. Springlike Weather Does Its Shan; in AttiaoUng Big Crowd to the Course — Ten Layers Quote Odds and Do Big Business. i:i la-o. lev., letiriiaiv 10 The fourth running of the F.I la-o Selling Stakes, one mile, value 91,289, was the feature of the racfaig at .Itiarez this after noon. Springlike weather helped to draw an im mease crowd to the CoaiSti and the ton layers worn kept l.u-y all afternoon The track was still slow, hut ill a few days It will he in prime condition it I In- weather conlttiues good, which it generally does at this lime of the year inly five lenses laced starter Caaaidy for tln stake race and toti-olc, tho winner, from the stable of the veteran Green H. Morris, was installed tavat Ite fn. iu the opening of tbe bettiag. He- never rave hi- hackers an] anxiety, for he assumed the lead early and won in heady Fashioa from Hat eras, which challenged al the head of tho stretch, hut. found it futile. Mr. Dougherty look the short end of the stake fraai First Star, which was acconleil u 1 rapport in the betting. The sixth race, one and t luce -ivleonth lllih-. found live carded lo go, hut Hick Maker was ink ;i - ii k iii tho paddock and bad such a high temperature. that In was ecit-ed by the stewards from starling Mel- were declared oil and twenty minutes allowed for a new hook. The outsider. Plying, won iu a hard drive with Shorty Nortluul. which was backtd int.. favoritism and lo-l iu the last stride. Ten books laid odds in the riag. Tiffany Wolf gaag, an eastern layor who was taken siek on bis arrival hero early iii tin seasoa, hut who has folly recovered his health. Initio up his -late today. Frank Shannon w.i- another layer to cut in. while George Rose, win. i- slightly ill with a cold, withdrew. The track was improviag fast this morning and tin- hor-c- were working dose to the inner tail which helped to I. leak up the rough spots. Th" following were among the work out-: Abound Half mile in 51. I- 9«ad. ii. . -no - Half mile in 58. I. «k* aagnaauaka HO" ..I. Altlea Three eighths in :S1. Ad- good Mahv I toil Thioe ipiai lois in l:2t». Acts «".,| Bob Farley Three .piarters in 1 :20. Is aBsjnet ready. Bonaaaa Three eighths in 38. Ads good. tha-. Goeta Three-eighth* in 38. Has had wind. Congrove Half mile In •".::. Is being trained -loniv. Crossover- I In c eighths iu r». Is living tratueil slowly. Helanev Three-eighths iu MX Is good. Hcltnas Half mile in .".;. Has taken en 9esh. Bdlth W. Half mile iu i.»-.. I- al her heat. Flying Feel Five eighth- iu 1:05, breeaiag. Is ini.roving: ha- heea fresh. •tied » hit. Frank G. Hogan Three-eighths in 99. Is going along slowly. Galar- Threi eight bH in 40, Is improving Basket Half mile in ." ::. A nervous tilly thai i-xettling down. Heiiimi II - Ihiie eighlhs iu lo. Is In ing trained -l.iwlv. Geae W I Three eighths in 39. Training welt after long let tip. Gladys V. Three-eighths m lo. Acta good. Ha. lad Half mile in .".::. Ilauiii- Three eighth- in MX Acts good. Harhard line, eighths in lo Is improviag. II, .ih-. hi Three-quarters in 1:20. breeaiag. Si hi race heller; acts gtiod La trials. ilvki. -Three eighth- in 10. Is improving. Ida l.avinia Hair mile in 10-. H at her heal Joe imihohl Three eighths la HX Is heing traiaed -lowlv .lopiier Joe- Three-qaarters in 1:20, hteealag. Is .■■liiin-t ready. Korfbage Three-eighth! in l . Acts good. Little Kit Three-eighths in :». Small, hut fast. Mamlaihro Half mile in 51. I- good. Mi a. la Half mile in 51. Is good old Men Half mile in 53. Arts good. no ma Half mile in ."..; Fast, bat small. ori.iculist Three-eighths in MX Of little ateoaat. i oh flu .-.• .ight h- in 39, breeaiag. iiswaid B. Three-eighthi in 39. Acts good. Pa lata Three-eighths in 39, breeaiag. Iarl.ii Boy Three eighth- iii MX Is goad. Ilime Conrad Three-eigbtbs in 39. Acts good Sake Three eighths in •"•: . I- improving. Sir Alv.sci Half mih- iu 53. Worked kindly for him. slick Pin Three eighth* in 39. Acta g I Suc.e--ion Half mile in 51. haadily. Truly Half mile in •".::. Acta good Wiihiie Five eighths ia 1:05. breeaiag. Wiui.rgreeu Half mile iu 10-.-.. nircBliaaallj work.

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