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RACING DATES FOR 1913. .linker t lub Juarez. Juarez. Hex.: N ivember 2s. 1912, to March 18. 1813 D 2 days. Charleston Fair and Racing Association, Charleston, S. .: January 28 to March 20 53 it-n,. Jamestown Jockey Club. Norfolk, Va.: Apni 1 to Apni 17 1 1.1 daya. Harford Agriculture and Breedera Association Havre de Orace, Mil.. April is 1,, Ma] 1 . 1L- dayp . Marx land Jo, key Cliih. Pimlito. Mil.: Haj 2 to Mat 20 1 18 days. Eiecin Park 1: 1 Ing Asstx-iatlon, Baltlaaore, Md : M111 21 to Haj 27 0 iatya.