W. K. Vanderbilts Winnings in France, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-17


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I i i , I . i i i , , , l . 97. K. VANDERBILTS WINNINGS IN FRANCE. Since embarking actively in raclag in France, w K v imh i hiii ha- been .. reaiarkably sacceeafal turfman and hla partlallt for French ractaaj la hacked by rea«-eus of the im-i i oiviming character. Since 1905 his horses raced there have won the huge aggregate of ,313,453, his only rival heing .lames B. Keene |a this roantrr. Hi- atahle earalaga tar each of tin- years were as FoIIowm: Veat mi. Tear. Atnt. ton:, ... f. s:..i;:,.i IPOfi 9230.R38 1900 245.008 1910 203.700 loo? •;"•. 727 191 I I35.S05 1808 292,813 11 12 61.1-75

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913021701/drf1913021701_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1913021701_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800