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KENTUCKY OPENING TODAY1 SPLENDID CARD PROVIDED FOR INAUGURA ¬ TION OF THE LEXINGTON MEETING Interest Probably at Greater Tension Than Ever Be fore in Blue Grass Region and Meeting Begins Beginswith with Brilliant Outlook Lexington Ky April 25 The card Mr the in ¬ auguration of tlie 1013 racing season at the Ken tucrky Association course tomorrow nftcmoon in ¬ sures Rood sport It is mado up of six of the best filled and most open races ever programmed n a sliigle day at the historical local track As he as ¬ sembled the entries this morning a smile sprcjid over tlie feature of secretary Will Shelley and ho said with a greatdeal of satisfaction It makes as gortd an offering as any association could wish for llp a line card Xlie horsemen are a unit in enter tanilng the same opinion Kcally the least inspiring race of the half dozen Is the feature the Phoenix Hotel Spring Handicap and that with Bell Horse Humiliation Princess Callaway Flora Tina Any 1ort luipresslon and Donerail to go is bound to produce whileThe a contest well worth while The attendance unless it should bo showery will he large and representative for interest in racing was never keener in this section than it is right now Tor weeks the people in all stations of life have been talking much of the relative merits of the threeyearolds particularly the candidates for the Blue Crass Stakes and Kentucky Derby the former to lie run here May and the latter at Churchill Downs May 1O And the twoyearolds especially those preparing for the Breeders Futurity which will lie the feature of the closing day here May S discussionOn have also been the subject of spirited discussion On top of this came Mrs Clarence LeRns brilliant racing party at Hiuata Farm yesterday alid that has o whetted the appetite of the society folk for the sport that they are awaiting the morrow with impatience Many of Mrs LeBus guests have re ¬ mained in the city and will form a gaj gathering at the track tomorrow afternoon They spent sev ¬ eral hours today seeing some of the great farms in the neighborhood of Ilinntu including Jaines B Huggins famous Klmendorf Farm David M Looks Iron Works road at the side of which lies the Hlnatn track and Kingston and Dixiami and Glen Helen Farms in the near vicinity The horsemen have voted Mrs LeBus showers of thanks for the big boost that she has given to racing through her entertainment and 1resident Catesby Woodford this morning called her on the telephone and invited her to accept a badge for each of her guests for the racing at the Kentucky Association course tomorrow The inlleld will be free to all who wish to enter it tomorrow and if it does not rain it is safe to say that it will be the mecca of many a person wlujjias the inclination but not the price to see the sport of kings for a day dayWith With the exception of the starter who this season is Harry Morrissey nf Gloucester X J the otlicials for the meeting will he the same as last fall Cnptain Tims 1 Clay presiding judge Secretary G 1 Wilson and President Catesby WootJ ford asso ¬ ciate judges William II Shelley racing secretary Kugcne bettingThe Klrod superintendent of betting The grounds are looking at their best The grass Is green and the trees have assumed their foliage while here and there beds of tiowers rise out of the lawns The fences have all been whitened and puint has been used where needed Superintendent Itoss never had the track in more perfect condition conditionStarter Starter Harry Morrissey will at the conclusion of tlie racing here return to his home in Gloucester X 1 to remain until just prior to the opening of the racing at Iutte Mont where hi will do the starting as well as at Anaconda AnacondaMessrs Messrs II K Knapp and Frank Hitchcock will arrive from New Yorl tomorrow to be in attendance it the opening and witness the performances of Sprite and Notoriety members of their racing establishment that are being trained by W II Karrick Yankee Notions is carded as a starter in the owning dash hut proluihly will not IH sent to tin post The great Hawthorn was to have made his threeyearold debut in the opening dash but failure on the part of jockey Loftus to scale 10S Miinds caused trainer Trovey to decide on letting the colt remain in his stable as he is not willing to entrust tlie Derby favorite to a strange rider riderlames lames Davis former owner of Luralighter Itonart Boscrrian and others hits decided to return to racing and is now in quest of likely material to campaign Ills retirement from the turf three years ago was due to illness He appears fully recovered Jn health at present presentThe The Louisville delegation expected tomorrow is a nig one and will include C F Grainger and General Wi 15 Ilaldeman Kngene Klrod who has charge of the betting arrangements will introduce a new feature tomorrow and it probably will be taken up by the other Kentucky associations This idea is ii relieve congestion at the two dollar machines through the medium of a change man who will convert big bills into smaller denominations for the bettors Ten inntnel machines of 2 5 and 10 denomination will be used during this meet ¬ ing Ten cashiers will pay oft winning tickets There will be in the neighborhood of 000 horses iimirtered at the course or adjacent that will be available for the racing Never before has there JMtin so many good horses at one time in Loxinglon nP there is at the present time said Secretary Shelley this afternoon and that sums up the situation here accurately accuratelyThere There will lx no dearth of good riding material iw jockeys available including J McDonald W W Taylor 1 Kederis J Daniels C W Carroll U ltep 7 Loftus C Gams U Goose J Henry C KIrschbaum O Fain C Peak T Koerner F Toiilian Gross is Steeled W Dale J McCabe 7 Callahan C Vandiisen W Andres W Hopkins K Karrick P Sumter J Glass C Borel J Han ¬ over and D Wishard WishardCharles Charles F Buschemeyer owner of Hawthorn waK mi arrival this afternoon from his home in Louisville He is sanguine that his representative will carry off the honors on May 10 In the Kentucky Derby and looks for strongest contention to his champion to come from the easterner Ten Point