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SELECTIONS Spurred on bj success also a desire to close up my subscription book 01 lOlIS VIILK Churchill Downs I am going to give one and all my selections on Lexington FUKK Better still I am giing to in ¬ clude How to Beat the Mutuejs Xow th latter system which by the way was invented by me showed a net winning power of ofWins Wins 317 on 30 Capital 17 on a capital of 1O for the entire meet ¬ ing at Louisville last spring In order to thoroughly test the system FVICUY race from opening to closing days was played The beauty of the system is that there are no mathematical problems to solve no ex ¬ pert compiling and it can be played at track handbook or poolroom These state ¬ ments have been verified by this paper paperGollyers Gollyers Special Offer OfferIn In order to close up my subscript on Louisville 1 am not selling infoi on Lexington I am making the most I literal offer in my turf career Here it Is TIIIO WHOLK OP CliriHHILL DOWNS MEETING MAY 10 TO 24 OXB HOUSB i DAILY AXD MAILED TUB NIGHT ISE FOUK for the nominal sum of 10 10NOW NOW WAIT A MINUTE In addition I will on receipt of subscription mail yon a copy of How to Peat the Mntuels FUBE You also will receive ALL specials siMit out on Lexington Xow if yon are a bargain hunter here is a rare opportunity Dont hesitate but rush your subscription XOW This offer POSITIVELY closes Wednesday April o at 10 a in inBEHT BEHT E COLLYEft COLLYEftFormerly Formerly with the Chicago American AmericanSUITE SUITE 309 OXFORD BUILDING 118 N La Salle St Chicago 111