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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART HAVRE DE GRACE MD FRIDAY APRIL 25 1913 Seventh day Ilarford Agriculture and Breeders Association Spring Meeting of 12 days 30 books on Weather clear iresiuing Tstewara K C Smith Presiding Judge C II Pettingill Starter James Milton Raciu Secretary F Reliberger lu 145 p m indicates apprentice allowance 7849 ngs 7841 51 2 109 Purse 5400 2yearolds Maidens Fillies and Geldings S Social Weights Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 7 7 I UXCLB JIMMIE IMIE IOS S 3 3v 11S 1 = 1s C Turner F Johnson 75 2 75 out 7 74SHGLIDAY v IOS 1 1 1GE 01 f Troxier H p Whitney 1 C511lOout 7483 STONEHENGE STONEHENGEMORDECAI GE v 109 2 2 2v 3J 3l 3s J Wilson S Koss 30 30 30 C MORDECAIEL MORDECAI v 108 7 4 4 41 1 Butvell K Parr S 12 8 2 35 EL BIOD BIODSTAKE IOS G 511 5l II Itadtkc Mr Earle 100 3tiO 100 40 10 10S STAKE AND 3 CA CAP 108 a S 7 = 6 Wolfe Oak Ridge Stable20 41 40 S 3 3C1 7805 POLLY II IIMOUMA v IOS 4 5 5A C1 C 7 Schutger II S Kearney 50 100 100 20 10 MOUMA A n IOS 5 7 7 Ss S3 Skirviii W P Scully 40 CO W SO 10 7829 PANAMA IOS 3 S 3 U 9 Connolly J G Oxnard 100 1H 100 30 10 Time 23 47 54 equals track record Track fast Winner iinier B g by Uncle Catherine Carson trained hy J P Mayberry f Went to post at 243 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third inviiig UNCLE I1MM1E showing a great burst of spued from the start sprinted to the front in the tirsfc Ixtcenth and drew away into a decisive lead in the last quarter HOLIDAY ran gamely lint could never get up and was tiring through the last eighth STONEHKNGE was a forward contender from the start but was fastScratcliea outpaced by the two leaders MORDECAI ran well EL BIOD linished fast Scratcliea 7S2 = D lly AVaters IOS Veilcheii 108 Overweights 108Overweights Stonehenge 1 pound SECOND RACE 34 Mile 7810 111 3 91 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horses AWtPPSt VI V Str Fin Jockevs Owners n o P S 7801 AGXIEH wn C 107 5 5 U 5U 1i In Montour G J Duy S 10 0 2 780G3STAJ GIFT IFT WB 4 111 S C 5 h 11 n Robbins W Culiill 2224 7803 03 iMusgrvciTONIATA I5AYTHOKN KN 2224KN WB 5 114 11 1 3 37 42 SU iMusgrvc II C Hallenbeck S 10 4 2 1 1A 77GiTONIATA iTONIATA A wit 6 114 1 4 1 lt 3 4J Butwell A Garson 7 8 7 W H 78 GDYNAMO wn 3 101 12 D 105 8 GJ Halsey 31 Foley 10 15 15 G 3 7771 71 McDmttU3 = AHIIAN WB 3 101 411 S 1 S Gt McDmtt F Musante 20 30 12 C 778U3 U3 AMEJ1ICUS CUS w 5 115 D 2 i 4J 0 i Dcronda JW Hedrick S V V 5 3 i 3 U0Oiv FISH ISH wi 3 IOS 612 Il llu lOl S1 Wolfo OakRlilseStable 20 SO 10 4 a awit 780i i GARRY wit 4 121 7 S flf I2 7J I3 G Burns A G AVeston 4 C 6 2 05 05AID 7785 Madeirafi 5 AUTO MAID AID 20E w 4 110 10 3 Gi G u i iij ij Madeira H M BIrney 50 100 100 40 20 780fi fi Forehand5MAYERDALE HORACE E w 1 113 2 1 71 103 ll ll Forehand 15 L Johnson 30 So m 12 fi fiALE 7785MAYERDALE ALE w3 S6 S 10 12 12 12 12 A AVIlson AVIlsonTime W B Carson fiO 100 10D 40 ZO fastWinner Time 23 47 115 Track fast Winner Br m by Clifford Maiest trained by G II Morton Went to post at 309 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the siiine AGNIER after Ixing outrun to tie stretch turn came through next to the rail and finishing fast wore STAR GIFT down and outstayed bin in the final drive STAR GIFT iMgau slowly and Iwing forced to rim wide all the way covered much i lore ground tlmn the winner and tired in the Him drive BAY IllORX tired after moving up rapidly the stretch turn DYNAMO closed a big gap TONlATA unit after setting a fast pace t tlit lumestiet h AMERKTS also quit after displaying speed Scratched 7SOO Madrigiillan 117 fMM7 llumniou Pass 109 r7 O K 1 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 7SJO 111 01 Purse 4001 4yearolds and upward1 O O JL Selling Net value to winner 00 second 70 third 30 ml Horss AWtPPSt V Str Fin Tinkeys Owners o II GPS 7801PARI NEU w 4 107 7 1 1ifi10 11 lh lot 11 Dcronda H G Bedwell 3 3i 3J 1 12 ifi10 WORKING IAD wn 4 112 1 7 77802sI5l 7 5 = 4 it C Burns H Moegfl 10 25 in 4 4OJ 7802sI5l vrKFORD W 7 10U 5 S S7818aOAKHITRST OJ 3 3h 3 W Burns K E WiUltins 75 S5 7818aOAKHITRST vfl 100 fi 3 5 G 4J A M MthewsP thews P M Walker u 5 52 710 5547 SIR DI2NRAII w 4 112 3 4 2J 7102J 2l 2U n = Musgrve H C HaJlenbeck 13 3 20 20 C 2 7 780 TROY WEIGHT w 5 10 S 82 2 27774TrNION 3 71D4l 4 4nk k 5J J C C Turner Miss E A Tyson C G 5 95 71D 7774TrNION JACK ws 5 104 2 fi 4l 10S 7 7 72 W Ward H P Bonfield 25 CO 00 X 20 2010 10 87J POD AND GUN wn 4 107 45 S S S S Schutger H L Price 3 50 HO lu S fastWinner Time 24 48l5 114 Track fast Winner BedwellWent Bc by Cminrd Lady Bache trained by If Bedwell Went to post nt 332 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow for all but BLACKFORD Won Imndily second and third driving PARDNER set the pace and raced Sill DEXRAH into e tiicn drew away in the last sixteenth aftor a liard drive WORKING LAD a slow beginner gained tindlly and closing a big gap outstayed BLACKFORD at the end BLACKFORD was pulled up itthe Start and forced to go wide all the way and ran a good race OAKHUIWT finished fast SIR DERAH bltywcil speed aiul ran a good hif thcn tired as if Uvrt TJjOY WEIGHT ran well for U half T Q PI O FOURTH RACE 12 Mife 7827 1S 2 111 First Running Germantown Selling I O O A Stakes Value 1000 2vcarolds Net value to winner 073 second 200 third 100 s AWtPPSt Vj StrFiu Jockeys Owners O H O P S 7813GOBDOX w 117 4 2S 2J 1s J Wilson J Li Holland 12 12 So out ViBllX511 CSr w 109 75 1s lnk 22 Xathaii E J McGraw 10 10 10 3 Go GoCANTO CANTO wn 11 27 41 32 32 Butwell A H Morris 10 20 20 7 3 7770 MTLKY WAY w 99 3 2 G 61 41 Wolfe R T Wilson 10 15 15 6 21 7 82 = DALLY WATERS w 104 11 5 4 5 t Deronda H G Bedwell 10 10 S S5 710 710FOOL FOOL O FORT17VE wit 112 4 S S S 61 G Burns K C Bates 10 30 30 10 4 ROGER GORDON w 98 S 3 3 51 71 Snider S Ross 20 40 40 10 4 7838 CHAS CAfNiNELL AV 104 50 72 75 8 C Turner J M Zimmer 10 12 12 3 G5 G5Time Time 23 48 new track record Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by Martinet Suave trained by II Marshall Went to post at 3S At i ost 0 minutes Start good iind slow Won easily second and third driving HiVDON was outrun for the lirst quarter but rcs onded with a good burst of SIKHM when called on in the homestretch and wearing VEIICHEN down got up in the last sixteenth and was going away at the end YiiLCIIEN is a quick beginner and ran Into a Ions lead in the lirst quarter but tired badly when chal ¬ lenged by the winner CANTO began slowly and was taken around on the outside then finished fast MILKY WAY and DALLY WATEKS were caught in a jam while rounding the far turn The others were ° scratched 7827 = Vega 114 7S29GalIop IOC 78272Pomctte Bleu 9S 7S3S Lennic D 100 Private Cheer 109 109Overweights Overweights Milky Way 1 pound T Q PC Q FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 5158 105 = 3 103 Purse 400 3yearolds and np O O 5 ward Allowances Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 770 ALDEBARVN wn 4 117 1 2 lh 1s I5 Wolfe R T Wilson WilsonSat 21 3J Si 3o 13 4 7 VIRILE wn 3 10S 3 5 577882DISCOVERY Sat 4 2 iButwell J E Davis 20 3D 30 S 3 3G 77882DISCOVERY w 3 94 G C C7814PH 3l 4 3 31 Snider H P AVhitney G C C 111025 1110257814PH 7814PH ANTOINETTE w 3 103 2 3 30037aLAIGLON 22 2 = 2nt 45 Nathan A L Aste 45 1 9201G out out0037aLAIGLON 0037aLAIGLON w 3 97 5 4 6 5l 51 51 Montour A B Davidson 100 150 150 GO 12 3285 SIR MARION w 4 114 41 4 1 6 C G Musgrve H C Hallenbeck 40 SO SO 20 6 6Time Time 23 47 59i 106 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Planudes Passan trained by T J Healey HealeyWtnt Wtnt to iwst at 423 At twst minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third dnvln ALDEBABAN raced PHYLLIS ANTOINETTE to defeat in the first threeeighths and drew away in a muter in the homestretch VIRILE made up ground steadily and outstayed DISCOVERY through the last eighth DISCOVERY began slowly and was forced to go wide In the early running but made a fast finish PHYLLIS ANTOINETTE unit in the last quarter after running a fast half halfScratched Scratched 7S032Toe Knight 117 77SO Marjorle A 110 7000 Jack Kellogg 102 77SS Early Light IPS pr CJ SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 4979 142 t 107 Purse 500 3ycarolds O O t and upward Selling Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 A Wt PP St il k Str Fin Jockeys O H C P S 78300 MACDONALD WB 7 115 1 1 tt I2 3i 1 720720720out 7 78 HASSON w 3 10 3 oman arn TO 50 50 5 4 7815 MBKRY LAD wn 5 115 255 5 41 32 35 Robbins F E Brown S S S 1 1 14 7735 CHERRYOLA w G 111 5 4 4 41 5 5 41 Frach A R Joplin 31 5 G 43 15 157X15 7X15 FUTURITY wn 4 108 4 3 3 32 31 4 ° 5 Schufger W F Cannody 15 30 30 4 45 45Time Time 24 4814 114 140 144 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g bv Sombrero Berriodale trained by II Marshall Went to post at 443 At jwst 4 minutes Start fair and slow Won cantering secopd and third driving DON LD MACDONALD raced fnto an easy lead on the backstretch shook off his opposition in ihi last iiarter and won pulled up HASSON ran in closest pursuit from the start but was tiring through lh last eighth MERRY LAD was as good as left and closing a big gap was wearing HASSON down at tile end CHEKRYOLA and FUTURITY showed speed but both quit The winner entered for 800 was bid up to 1805 and bought in inScratched Scratched 77S52Fonr 109 7793IMary Ann K S3 7S37 Spellbound 114 781S2Eddie Graney lOo Overweights Hasson 5 pounds