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USE OF WHIP AND SPUR CRITICIZED CRITICIZEDIn In Sydney I have often heard It suggested that apprentices should be deprived of their whips and spurs and the following from the pen of a writer In a Calcutta paper lends itself to the idea that that course is to be adopted in some parts of India in connection with native riders Touching on racing at Bombay he says I am not altogether surprised that some of our native jockeys are to be deprived of the use of spurs and whips much as they will be handicapped Almost without excep ¬ tion they scarcely use their hands at all and where a finished horseman begins to use his liands these at once come out witli the whip Not only are they too ready with it but most of them neither know nor care where they will bring it down I have aften seen ponies return to the paddock with spur cuts bleeding and also cut with the whip on cer ¬ tain parts which must have caused agony As men ¬ tioned those who are checked in this manner are seriously handicapped but it will teach them a lesson and act as a warning to others Pilot in Sydney Referee