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J B HAGGINS VETERAN MANAGER IS DEAD DEADNew New York April 25 John Mackcy died early this morning in a cottage he occupied nt Sheepshead Bay which is one of the numerous buildings owned by 1 B Haggln He spent yesterday in W L Powers office and told Frank Stevens he was eighty years old and had never felt better His daughter Miss Margaret Mackey had spent the winter here also She has made frequent journeys to Europe with her father in connection with sales of Haggln horses Deceased had only recently returned from California nnd was getting ready to assist in cataloging the Uaggin yearling which are to be sold hi a few weeks by the Powers Hunter Company Lexington Ky April 25 John Mackey the vet erau manager of thoroughbred horses and breeding for James 15 Ilaggin died suddenly in New York this morning Details arc not obtainable here Mackey was eighty years old and wus one of th conspicuous figures of the American turf lie was an international character having visited many countries in buying and selling horses for his million ¬ aire employer Mackey himself was welltodo He has considerable property in Sacramento Cal where he spent the winter lie had four daughters who survive him himIntelligence Intelligence of the unexpected taking away of John Mackey will lie received with unfeigned re ¬ gret by many real friends scattered from the Atlantic to the Paeilie Mentally and bodily he was a big man and for the last twentylive years or more was in charge of the extensive breeding enterprises carried on by J B Ilaggin who entrusted the busi ness to him completely with implicit reliance in his ability and integrity In the palmy days of thoroughbred breeding at Rancho del Paso he was iu charge of the greatest band of stallions broodmares and their offspring ever possessed by one man or gathered in the confines of one breeding farm It was said of him that such was his grasp of details be knew every one of them by sight at all times Unquestionably his death will lie a shocking blow to his longtime intimate friend and employer