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HIS MAJESTY SHOWS GOOD SPEED G W Langdons Derby Candidate Works At Chur ¬ chill Downs Kentucky Gossip Louisville Kv April 25 His Majesty figured In a good Kentucky Derby trial at Churchill Downs this morning lie worked a mile as follows 12 24f 3 4S 101 K 115 120 143 and went the mile and an eighth in 200 pulled up The son of Ogden showed that he possessed speed of a high order and he cooled out well wellA A B Spreckles Californiabred horses were all worked by trainer Carroll and showed good racing speed The threeyearold Amity and tlie twoyear old BIska went a half in 4t Sosius and Ilykl went a half in 49 running the first quarter in 23f while Galar and Harbard went a half in 50 and Coos worked alone a half in the first three furlongs of which he covered in 3Cr The entire band appear to be close to the pink of condi ion and to all appearances their winter campaign at Juarez was beneficial to them themTlie Tlie Kentucky Oaks candidate Semprite went Ihrecqiiartcrs in 11S Trainer Pete Coyne ordered ler rider to work her in but the filly was feel ¬ ing so good ihnt IIT jockey could nut hold her back To all appearances she has improved since last sea ¬ son Other workouts included Adelaide T Half mile in 51 Coreopsis Seveneighths in 1 35 breezing Coy Fiveeighths 111 103 Klsli Ware Fiveeighths in 113 cantering Husky Lad Quarter mile in 24 Lambs Tail Half mile in 53 cantering Maid of Norfolk Quarter mile in 25 IMtrJrk T Half liiUe in 50 handily Pulsation HaK mile in 51 handily Slllrix Mile in 145 Superl Ualf mile in 50 Wander Aiiir in l52Vi In hand all the way The best work at Douglas Park was by William Gersts twoyearold rolt Maeknez a Breeders Fu turity cand ate He went a half in 4l running the llrst three furlongs in C F Buschemeyer owner of the Derby favorite Hawthorn lft tor Lexington tcday and will b there off and on until after the son of Hastings runs in the Blue Grass Stakes andis returned to Churchill Downs Trainer Treviy telephoned Mr Biischemeye that Iiawliiorn could not be doing better He said he told the boy to work him yestefdny no faster than a mile in 141 Hawthorn shaded this per formancc in the workout and with Trevey waving him on at the Mid he went the last eighth of the trtiif in flie miirvtlioiw time of ll Trevey has never wavered in his confidence as to Hawthorns ability lie does not believe there is a horse of any age in training capable of beating Hawthorn at any distance distanceJohn John Hachmeister manager of Douglas Park and Latonia only remained a day upon his recent visit here He is expected to return Saturday night when he will be in constant charge of the otiice at his course Manager Hachmeistcr will attend the Lexington races Saturday SaturdayLady Lady Innocence and Salon twoyearolds that J W Messcrvy liought at Charleston last winter out of the Comstock lot are training nicely for G W Langdon They are both by Salvation sire of Jim Basey Salvation as a race horse was one of the best of the get of the immortal Salvalor and all Salvations sons and daughters that have been trained are apparently able to raco well Both of these youngsters are out of daughters of K J Baldwins famous horse Kmperor of Norfolk the winner of the American Derl 3 of 1S8S Charles tonlan Messervys twoyearold by Woolsthorpc Kspionage by Inspector B has gone a bit wrong and trainer Langdon has decided to fire the colt and let up on him for a while Langdon thinks that a little punch firing will put him in line condi ¬ tion for training later on in the season seasonSuperintendent Superintendent Keegan is digging a long ditch on the backstretch at Churchill Downs running in front of the first long stable By this means he proposes to completely drain the track in a short while The track is in fine condition at present presentRio Rio Brazos the western gelding in J II Deaven norts stable is training well for Harry Herdel anil lias apparently recovered from the soreness which afllicted him a bit after he had been here a week or more from Juarez Another horse that was un ¬ der the weather at the Downs and now going along well is Calash in the stable of Al Woodman While WoodmanWhile much has been written about the great Kentucky Derby and the Kentucky Handicap on the opening day at Douglas Park Monday May 20 to which event that association has added 10000 horsemen are also discussing the Kentucky Oaks which bids fair to be a great event this season It is the concensus of opinion that more good fillierf are engaged in it this season than have raced in the Oaks since its early days Among the eligibles are such promising fillies as Christmas Star Floral Park Gowell Tlie Widow Moon and Setnprite to say nothing of a number o others regarded highly by their trainers All the ci cks engaged in the Kentucky Oaks this season are training well and can work fast fastG G W Langdon trainer of His Majesty lias a more wholesome fear of Ten Point for the Derby than of the popular Louisyille favorite Hawthorn Langdon saw Ten Point race In the east last fall and considers that he is a real good colt Of course his estimation of Hawthorn in comparison to Ten Point is hardly as clear as if he had seen Haw ¬ thorn at his best in Kentucky last fall He was then in the east and saw all of Ten Points good points and nothing of Hawthorn r angdon says that Ten Point is a horse of enormous bodily size Haw ¬ thorn is a taller horse than Ten Point but he has not such enormous Ixxlily size sizeThe The meeting which opens tomorrow at Lexington will have a bearing on the Derby to lie run here May 10 as such cracks as Foundation McCorkle Helios Hawthorn and Lord Marshall will all be seen under colors there Ten Point Iwing a sure starter and accorded the bucking of eastern turf ¬ men the Kentucky Derby tills season will bo one of the most remarkable betting races in its long history as well as one of the greatest threeyear old contests ever run in this country With good weather conditions and a fast track a new Derbv record is likely to be hung np this spring at the Downs DownsAt At Douglas Park everything is being put in per ¬ fect order for the opening of the spring meeting there on Monday May 2 when the feature race the Kentucky Handicap with 10000 added will call to the post the l ost horses of all ages now in training