untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-04-26


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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILLINOIS A Daily Rellcctlon of the American Turf by Telegraph Editor and Proprietor P II Brunell BrunellAssociate Associate Kditor Clinton C Rilcy RilcySecretary Secretary Mrs P II Itruncll Entered as secondclass matter Airil 2 1SOG at the postollici at Chicago Illinois under the Act of March 1ST TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON Kor business and circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot bo used to com mnnicale With thorn To be considered and answered all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent over the full name anil with the address of writer The names and ad ¬ dresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test IJAOIC NUMBERS G CENTS EACH If sent by mail firstclass only six cents TERMS TERMSPer Per Week 50 50Per Per Month 130 130Half Half Vear 000 000One One Year 1700 1700The The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass mail mailDaily Daily Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to send singlt copies as firstclass mail in all cases casesLiiiyil Liiiyil subscriptions outside the downtown dis ¬ trict will lie declined at other than firstclass mail matter rates Subscriptions must be paid in advance ST LOUIS MO OFFICE 112 N BROADWAY Win Laser General Agent Telephone Hell Olive 4555 Hack numbers and monthlies supplied CINCINNATI O OFFICE 720 MAIN ST STW W S Manns General Agent Telephone Canal 1877 Back nnmlH1s and monthlies supplied DETROIT MICH OFFICE So CONGRESS ST Wyjit Corner Wayne Street Streetfi fi Grosscup General Agent Telephones Alain 3252 City 3252 Back numbers anfl monthlies supplied PITTSBURGH PA OFFICE 307309 THIRD AYE AYEII II A Schafer News Co General Agent Back numbers and monthlies supplied BLUE ISLAND ILL ILLII II D Wattles 103 Union Street BUFFALO N Y YU U J Seidoribers Ellicott Square Newsstand BUTTK MONT MONTKecfe Kecfe Bros 27 West Park Street CLEVELAND OI1IO OI1IOJ J C Budd 922 Superior Avenue AvenueO O S Schroeder 212 E Superior Street DAYTON OHIO OHIOPony Pony House Newsstand DENVER COLO COLOKcndrlckBcllumr KcndrlckBcllumr Co 900112 Seventeenth Street EL PASO TEXAS TEXASPrank Prank Orncllas Louo Star Newsstand NewsstandJ J J Harrington News Dealer EVANSV1LLE 1ND 1NDVeudomo Veudomo Ilotel Newsstand HAMILTON ONT ONTMcArlhurs McArlhurs News Agency 12 Rebecca Street StreetThomas Thomas French t0 James Street North HOT SPRINGS ARK ARKC C II Weaver Co opp Arlington Hotel INDIANAPOLIS 1ND 1NDJ J A Moesleln Newsstand Waiting Room Tcrml nal Station StationIlicksecker Ilicksecker Cigar and News Co Ninth and Walnut WalnutStreets Streets KENOSHA WIS C Hi Ernst Co 271 Main Street LEXINGTON KY KYB B l Graves 105 North Limestone Street LOUISVILLE KY KYO O T Dearing 252 Fourth Ave McKEESPORT PA PALloyd Lloyd Torreyson TorreysonFrank Frank W Torreyson MKMPHIS TENN TENNWorld World News Co CoWalter Walter Burke 182 North Main Street StreetPcalwdy Pcalwdy Ilotel Newsstand MILWAUKEE WIS WISFrank Frank Mulkern Third and Grand Avenues MINNEAPOLIS MINN MINNM M J Kavauaugh 50 South Third Street NASHVILLE TI3NN TI3NNibart ibart Bros 218 North Cherry Street Nmy ORLEANS LA LAO O E Hill IOS St Charles Street OGD1JN UTAH UTAHi i Toe Harron OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA OKLAMarch March Daily News Co Main and Broadway PEORIA ILL ILLPeoria Peoria Newsstand 500 Main Street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAHMcGillis McGillis Luilwig News Dealers SAN FRANCISCO CAL CALJohnson Johnson News Co CO Turk Street TOLEDO OHIO OHIORobt Robt Downey 112 St Clair Street WHKHL1NG W VA VAWliecling Wliecling News Co 1112 Water Street CHICAGO ILLINOIS APRIL 20 1913

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913042601/drf1913042601_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1913042601_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800