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ANSWERS TO QUERIES, L. II. W.. Detroit. Mich. The show bet on Chen-nult in nice 12401 won at 4 to 5. V. I.., Buffalo, X. Y. A handltook bet on Fuzzy Wnzzy in race 123S0, .Monday, Xoveiuber won. provided the bet was at track prices. A bet on any Held horse wins if a field horse wins. Albert It., Detroit, Mich. Yellow Eyes was in two races and if no race was named, the parlay attached to him in the one In which he started. However, since the parlay lost on Arran anyhow, the controversy as to Yellow Eyes is of no consequence. J. L. S., Kansas City, Mo. If the bookmaker accepted the two 0 parlays regardless of the fact that but 5 was coming from the First Degree scratch money, he should pay the show parlay on Itracktown Belle and J. B. Robinson. The parlay on Howdy Howdy and Ihil Mohr lost. J. S. II., Hamilton, Out. Yon had 5.90 due from the straight and show bet on Some Kid and the show bet on King Worth. Deducting from this for the straight bets on King Worth and Sam Hirsch, left the net amount of 1.90 coming to you. The if coming" bet on Some Kid was void.