Cheap Platers in Action: Poorest Card of the Season is Decided at Palmetto Park, Daily Racing Form, 1914-01-06


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CHEAP PLATERS IN ACTION POOREST CARD OF THE SEASOII IS DECIDED AT PALMETTO PARK. Halter Men Busy in Spite of Poor Calibre of Winners and Three Run-Ups Take Place Stewards Reverse Mycenae Ruling. Charleston, S. C, January 5. Probably tlu worst racing program that will ever he offered hurt was presented to the racing patrons at Palmetto Park tlti: afternoon. Bad traek conditions, ilue to the heavy rains of last we.k. were responsible for the poor card anil the failure of the feature offerings to lil. There was improvement in the weather and this cireumstanee was responsible for a good attendance. The dillicillt going provided iiuiiiei-i;:is upsets, l.ivjrltes fared poorly on the whole, only two of the lirst choices managing to score. Several nliveiiod iioeecdings. The lirst came when High I lass led AI .loncs and Bulgarian to the finish in the nv -olid race. He was entered for .tWO and was advanced o 05 and retainel. Karl of .Savoy, which accounted for the selling handicap at one mile, was bid up from an entered price of 00 to SSHi," and also was retained. The linal run-up attended the closing dash, when Big Dipper was advanced from y.,M to o0 and bought by E. T. Colon. luc worts upset for the public came in the fourth kit, when Frank Hudson could do no better than i-toiil. 1.. I.ltune. trainer of Earl of Savoy, acini; for 1. SI. Ilcdricl;, claimed Irank Hudson out hi tli race for ,025. C;ilhr Or, starting for the first time, was intended as a gmd tiling in the opener, but lost on account f M Taggarts Inability to ride a strong linish. B. M;i tin piloted ISaiijn .lim to victory in this race. Martin also rode High Class In the following race, f r which Unitarian ruled favorite and was Inist. but list through iiicompeteiit handling from the ii c . l it need F. Murphy. Hans Creek was the cl. ik in the third, but Eatou took his measure 1. 11 ilv when it came to the final drive. I.. A Carey, acting for the Beverwyek Stable, pre listed to the Jockey Club against the recent ruling by the local stewards in connection with their disallowing his claim for the horse Mycenae .7.. njar 1. Carey based his protest on the ground, tk..t 1iuiu J. Nolan, owner ir the Beverwyek Stable. h:nl filed the necessary papers with the .Tori.., Cidi in ample time to qualify Carey ti represent the stable as Its authorized agent. On ri r.t of advices from the Jockey Club corrolxirat-Jng Careys stateinent. the stewards reversed their fori iir ruling and notitied II. G. Bedwcll to turn Mycenae over to the Beverwyek Stable. C. R. Consolvo. J. V. Treby and Albert Simons arrived today from Norfolk. Simon reports that twelve horses he is wintering at the Jamestown track for Hairy Payne Whitney are going along in s-Undid style. .1 !!: s SlcCulloch has succeeded William Shields as trainer for E. J SlcGrnw and will also handle the iilly Chuckles, which McGraw secured from I. Gallagher. N. IS. Davis sold Ella Grane at private terms today to J. W. Graver. Secretary Nnthanson received notification today from KaySpenee at Juarez to declare Hodge out of the Palmetto Park Derby. Improved track conditions permitted trainers to give their charges much needed work this morning. Among the best trials were the following: Briar Path Three-quarters in 1:19. Canipccn Three-quarters in 1:21. Chuckles Three-quarters in 1:20. Deposit -Three-quarters in 1:20. Donald Slacdonald Three-quarters in 1:1S. High Private Eive-eighths in 1:07. Lady Lightning Three-eighths in 3S. Leiaii Shark Three-quarters in 1:21. Slonocacy Three-quarters In 1 :21. Oakland Three-quarters in 1:23. Old Hen Three-quarters in 1:2:!. Palanquin Three-quarters in 1:20. Scrimmage Five-eighths in 1:05. Surpass Half mile in .0. Tarts Three-quarters in 1:20. Trade Slark Three-quarters in 1:19.

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Local Identifier: drf1914010601_1_2
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