Charleston from Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-03-07

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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON, S. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914.-Palmetto Park. Eighty-tlrst lav. Charleston Fair and Racing Association. Winter Meeting of 1H days. 10 books on. Weather threatening first five races, wet last race. Presiding Steward. C. 11. Pcttiugill. Presiding Judge, .Martin Nathauson. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary. Martin Nathansou. Racing starts at 2-:50 p. in. Chicago time 1:50 in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 1 Qftftl FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 18691:12.-4113. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and up- JL O J J JL ward. Selling. Net value to winner 3225: sceond. y0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSti vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S i:;ri:i5JlTAQUIX wn 4 106 4 3 l4 1 1 li J Smyth II G Bedwell S S G 2h 0-5 13038 VEILCHEN wis 3 Mi 5 4 M 71 5i 2h F Murphy T F Ryan 3 5 5 2 1 13 IX5TYRO w 4 101 G 8 41 Ii 4 3 R Neander.I T West 2S 3 1-1-31 l- IXiaoaCHIIrON" QLEEX w 7 111 7 7 5 3 3 41 W Doyle J J Alctauley 3" G C 21 6-5 13589 SC. PIAIPERXKL. wn C 110 9 9 9 G 61 51 J Callahan W Walker G 10 10 3 3- " 13510 ETHEL. BERRY w 1 101 1 2 3 o 7 C" W Obert O Hackney 30 50 30 12. G 13104 JIAUTY LOU wn 3 102 S G 21 23 21 7 F Moore R J Powers 20 20 12 5 "1 13518 BAD XEWS II. w fi 113 2 1 6l 8B S S It Pickett Mrs J McCarthy G 10 10 4 2 13032 FIRST AID w 5 113 3 5 S 9 9 9 C Knight Mrs E R Steele." 15 15 S 3 S-5 Time, 24l5. 49i, 1:195. Track muddy. AViimer- Ch. g. by AUGce Sweet Charlotte trained by II. I. Bedwell. Went to iiost at 2:5. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driving. .11 VQIIN, favored by the going, moved into a long lead at once and easilv held swav through the entire i ace. VEILCIIICN suffered from early interference, but closed a gap and finished fast and ganielv TYRO closed a big gap early and linished close- up. CIIII.TOX QUEEN tired in the last eighth and infgut have been second but for racing wide all the way. MARTY LOU showed speed, but unit iii the stretch SCR-I FT PLMPERNBL was going fast at the end. Scratched 13330 Untouch. 100: 13117 Coining Coon, 110; 13011 Tov. 100: 13580 Trov Weight 10S-13r.l3Tho Turkess. 104: 13039 La Sainrella, 104. Ovcmclslits Veilcheu, 1" pounds; Marty Lou, 3. 1 if-iO SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 1809 1:12-4-113. Purse 00. 3-year olds and up. JL U UUaJ ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S r,.KIATTLK EI w 0 m 2 - lh 11 lb lh 11 WaldronS Ross S 25 20 10 1 V 1 i;P.mL,L,V STUART w 3 96 1 3 3 3 2 2- J Smyth F Brown I G 4 S-5 7-10 1J03DSCHALLER ws 1 114 10 4 4. 4l 4A 3i G Corey X K Beal S il 9 3S 8-5 h!1;!H..L,ELI wn 10 113 4 5 2 2J 5 4U J JlanoverA G Woodman 20 60 50 20 10 13294 FASCES w 11 4 109 5 0 and of 3J rk J AIcTagrtC Reed C 7 C 21 G-5 13035JOE FINN wn 4 106 S S Cot o jj g F RandphJ AV Bean 5 S S 3 3-2 13i51JUDGE MONCK wn C 113 2 7 Si 1- 8 7s R XeanderC Herbert 15 20 20 8 1 135593CARBURETER w 3 96 9 9 7i 9J 9S S F Murphy II A Brown 2 2 9-5 1-5 1-3 13521 BELFAST w 6 113 6 1 9l S 7 91 J Frach O Hak 30 SO 75 30 15 13594 A. STURTEVANT wn S 113 7 10 10 10 10 10 J WilliamsL P Hainel G 10 10 1 2 Time. 24. 49, 1:18. Track.muddy. inner B. g, by Phiiiudcs Elizabeth I!, trained by W. Brooks. Went to post at 3:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LITTLE EP, showing the most speed for the going, set the pace all the way and, in a close finish, outstayed BILLY ST FART In the final drive. BILLY" STUART ran a -jood race and was gaining steadilv at the end. SCHALLER ran well and stood the final drive gamelv. ELFALL showed earlv speed and held 0.1 fairly well. FASCES had no mishaps. JOE FINN ran poorlv. AUSTIN STUKTEVANT pulled up lame. CARBURETER was never prominent. Scratched 13017 Inspector Lestrade. 113; 13053 Alalik, 104. Overweights Little Ep. 1 pound. "I QiQ THIRD RACE 1-2 Mile. 174 117 2 103. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 1 OUUO Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt,4 ZX Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 13037 COMMONADA v 107 9 6 4 2 l3 AI Nathan R J Austin S 10 10 1 2 13037 SPLIT1T w 96 3 3 lh in 211 p Alurphv T J Brown 6 S f 2 1 13591 YELLOAV FLOWER w 111 1 1 2" 3 3" F Teahan X B Davis 6 9 S 2A G5 1SG37 I AIAY w 9S 2 2 3" 4l 4 E Alartin I Ar Hedrick 40 40 20 S I 13591 STALAVART HELENw 102 4 5 S 5 5 F Aloore I AVcies 40 100 100 30 15 A. X. AKIN w 107 7 7 7i G Gi G Corey It V Dodson 15 10 10 15 7 13517KEWPIE w 10S G 4 f.i 7i 7t J HanovcrJ II Xichols 3-2 8-5 G-5 1-2 out I3495.TESSE JR. wily S 9 S S SI C Knight J W Hedrick Jr 3 4 4 3 2 3 5 13591 SANTO w 100 5 S - 9 9 9 J CallahanW G King-Doddsl2 GO GO 20 7 Time, 24. 37, 50. Track muddy. "A inner Ch. e, by The Commoner Nevada trained by A. G. Blakcley. Went to post at 3:49. At post 5 minutes. Start good and sjow. Won easily: second and third driving. COAI.MONADA, showing much improvement, bumped most of the early contenders and interfered witli SPLITIT when an eighth out, but drew clear near the end and won easing up. SPLIT1T showed the most early speed and set the pace to the stretch, but began tiring in the last eighth. YELLOW FLOWER Tan a good race and was lucky in getting away forwardly. I AIAY ran fairly well. KEWPIE was almost thrown in the first eighth. JESSE JR. was in a jam most of the wav. Scratched 13409Alledo, 111: 13115 Gladwin. 9S. Overweights Conimonada, 2 iKimds: I May. 3: Stalwart Helen. 4: A. N. Akin, 5: Santo, 2; Splitit, 1. "1 Ql FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1S23 1:00 I 109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ami JL O 3 O tJb upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 13597 COPPERTOWX wit 7 107 S S 7nfe I 3 1?. P Murphy T J Brown 9-5 2 3-2 7-101-3 I3015AIARTRE w 5 111 2 3 P U 2i 2" G Corey R V Dodson 4 5 4 S-3 1-5 13035 ETI 1 E LB 1 7 It G II. wn 4 94 9 1 2 2s 11 3l. J Smvth J II AlcCarren 30 50 50 20 8 1303 1 DICK DEADWOODw 4 101 1 7 8" 6i5 41 AV Obert Airs W II Frey 10 If. 15 fi 2 1 3051 RYE STRAW wn 6 10S 7 2 4h 3S" 4. 5l. W Dovle P E Brown G S 7 3 G-5 ir;53I LOAN SHARK w 4 94 6 9 9 7- 6S 0 II Bresch II G Bedwell 15 23 25 Vl 4 13051 3PARLOR BOY wn 6 106 1 4 31" 5h 7 71 F Mooro J A Chipps G 9 S 3 3 2 13051 FLYG YAXKEE wn 3 103 3 f ;V 8 S 8" C Turner F Gering G 10 10 4 2 13500 - DOUBLE FIVE w 6 102 5 G Gu 9 9 9 J AIcTagrtJ AV Hedrick 20 20 20 S 1 Time. 24, 48. 1:02, 1:10. Track muddy. Winner -Blk. g. by Kenilworth Atitten trained by T. J. Olleam. Went to post at 4:17. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COPPERTOWN was away slowly and outpaced to the stretch, then moved up witli a rush and won going away. MART RE was much used in setting the pace and racing closely with ETIIELBUBG II.. but held on well in the closing drive. KTIIELBURG IL. running in suddenly improved form, showed much speed and took the lead in the stretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. DICK DEABWOOI came fast in the stietch. RYE STRAW tired badly in the last eighth. PARLOR P.OY had no mishaps. FLYING YANKEE ran poorly. Overweights Alartre, 3 pounds: Dick Dcadwood. 3: Bye Straw. 2. 1 Q d C PC FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 124S 1:10 1103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Selling. i OUUO Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Index Horses -AWtPPSt ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 13552IIELEX AI. WD 104 4 2 2s 2s 1 1 Is J AIcTagrtJ O Talbott 2i 3 S-5 4-5 1-3 13000;iPATTY REGAN w 96 1 1 3 il 4 3 2 F Alurphy P AI Bailey 3 16-516-ot 2-5 13049 JEZAIL wn 96 6 3 l1 1 25 2 3J J Smyth H G Bedwell 15 25 25 S 3 135943PEACOCK wn 92 2 6 4 3 3h 4 4 II Bresch B C Evans S 15 15 I 3-2 13593TOAI HANCOCK w 100 3 5 5and 41 5 " 5 R XeanderW" V Casey 5 9 S 2 1 13Gl73BAXJO JIAI wit 103 5 1 6 G 6 6 G J CallahanW AValker 2 3 17-56-5 12 Time, 25. 50. 1:17, 1:46. Track muddy. Winner Br. f, by Hermis Estimate trained by W. S. House. Went to post at 4:40. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HELEN AL, running well in tho going, followed JEZAIL closely until after going a half mile, then moved Into the lead and, drawing away, won as her rider pleased. PATTY REGAN lost ground in the first quarter, but closed a gap and coming fast in the stretch, disposed or JEZAIL in tho final sixteenth. JEZAIL set the early pace and tired badly in the stretch. TO.M HANCOCK ran poorlv and had no mishaps. IwVN.TO JIAI, was badly outpaced from the start. The winner, entered for . was bid up to ,005 and lKiught in. Scratclicd-13017 Buzz Around. 90. -I Q 4O 4O iO SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 1S30 1:51 0 1 10. Purse 00. 3-year-obls and "tip lOODO ward. Selling. Net value winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt, Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1 30 12 "-All ETON B. w 7 107 1 3 lh Ill I1 1U C Knight .1 W Johnson 0 6 5 9-5 9-10 13592:AIAR AXX K. wn 4 95 6 I 41 3 3s 2 21 F Alurphy R Hyanis 2 2 9 5 4-5 1 ", I35923COCKSPlR wit 5 106 7 G 5J 2 2J 3J 3l C Turner G Paul 4 6 5 2 1 !3030TAY PAY wit G 102 S S S S 5J 4 4 J AIcTagrtAV AI Shoedy 6 7 7 2 I.. 13042BILL1E BAKER w 4 106 2 5 21 1 6 5 5 J Smyth J U Stnde 8 10 10 4 2 I3030 KNT OF UXCAS w 6 108 4 1 GJ, G 4i G. 6 J Hanoverll G Bedwell 3 5 5 2 9-10 130 IK 3 PLIANT w 5 103 3 7 7 T" S 7 7 F Rand phF J Pons 25 25 25 S 1 I3i3i3PTARLlN"GTON wn 6 95 5 2 3. 3s 71 S S R XeantlerAV Walker 15 GO 50 20 6 Time. 26. 52, 1:18. 1:45. 1:59. Track muddy. Winner B. g, by Claude ViHe .Marie trained by J. W. Johnson. Went to post at 5:07. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving .MILTON B., showing sudden improvement in the going, was sent into the lead at once and held sway for the entire way. MARY ANN K. raced well up all the way and stayed well in the closing drive. COCK SPUR, showing vast improvement, moved up with a rush after going a half, but lost ground on the last turn bv coming wide. TAY PAY closed a big gap and finished fast. BILLIE BAKER showed speed, and tired in the stretch. KNIGHT OF UXCAS ran poorly. Overweights Cockspur. 1 jiound: Knight of Uncas. 1.

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