Test Votes Favor Racing: Maryland Senate Deffer Consideration of Williams Anti-Betting Bill, Daily Racing Form, 1914-03-27


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TEST VOTES FAVOR RACING MARYLAND SENATE DEFERS CONSIDERATION OF WILLIAMS ANTI-BETTING BILL. Advocates of Drastic Legislation Urge Immediate Action in Vain Lowor House Also Sends Kali Bill Back to Committee. tlnltiinnre, .Aid., March 20. That racing in Maryland is assured for at least two more years, was indicated this afternoon, when the senate at Anna-polls, ly a vole of sixteen to ten made a special order of the Williams anti-betting hill, with the lbneii amendment, creating a racing commission with a high license lax on racing, for next Tnes-c.iy. This action shows the complexion of the scn-iie on Hie racing quest hin, inasmuch as tlx: sena tr.tr : refused to take immediate action on tile ques ii n, in spile of being urged lo do so hy hackers of tl. anti hotting legislation. If is ni-w confidently hclieved that the Williams I ill and the IScuscii amendmeiil: in the senate, and II. ll.ill hill and he lioHman .amendment in the jre, which are identical, will either lie carried aiIi provisions for the racing commission aud a IMMI per day lax. or thai the legslaturc will .. , all racing legislation lo ie in commit lee. When Ihe senate look ils action this afternoon. Senator Williams, author of the ami hefting hill, made strenuous efforts to have Ihe senate lake Immediate action, saying thai Ihe delay prohahlv would lull such legislation, Despit,. his fight, the senate Kfis.il to act. The Hall hill and tile Hoffman amendment caused a furore in the house last night, when, after a tight vhowiii much hltlerness. the measures were sent back lo the judiciary committee without any action In in; taken. Delegate Hall presented three" amend lu til - lo his hill. Mo put teeth in it," he said, hut the house refused to take action. Delegate Hall accused Seaker Trippc of using his inlluonce in having Mr. Cowan named as one of the proposed racing commission. This brought about a bedlam sind evidently turned the tide of opinion in favor of . li ; truck Interests. Delegate Halls position became less strong wheo In U zu ;e uiiuuings asked: Did you ever make a bet at a race track?" "s." answered Hall, amid laughter. The only unexpected features brought out by the Hol.in.iM and Benson amendments are items provid-ii g for betting by pari-muluel methods only, for the vcmpthm of "county fair tracks from the heavy lax, and fliat racing in- conducted under the juns-I i lion of the commission. 1 ven the most enthusiastic supporters of anti-race track lulls admitted tonight that there is small chance of anything more than the restrictions re-f rred to passing at this session of tin; legislature, which will end April C.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914032701/drf1914032701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1914032701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800