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f I The American I Maeing Manual ! 4f for 1914 4 An Excellent and Low-Priced Book of 486 Pages T It holds Information for people Interested In racing contained j ?" In no otlHr publication. It is simply a mine of records. OIXB OF THE jSTEW FEATURES 4 A. of this pnlilication Is a tabulated compilation showing the winners, values, times and other particulars of the great races of the world, from their in- y Mitution. including tlie Epsom Derby, Epsom Oaks, St. Leger, Two T Thousand Guineas, One Thousand Guineas. Grand Prix de Paris, French Derby, French Oaks. Melltourne Cup and other imjMirtant events or the turf in foreign lands. No other publication in the world carries all this iu- T jp formation. AI.I0NG OTHER FEATURES IT HAS: Method for Calculating Pari-Mutuc! Prices J With Examples. Record for 3013 of Every Horse That Raced In North America During the Record Prices in tho Pari-Mutuels. "V English Racing Records to Date. Thn.-e Handicap Systems with Examples. Y "Records of All Distances of the Tracks of the United Slates, Canada and fh. Mexico. X American yearling Sales in 1913. y American Racing Records at All Distances. A T Cauadiaii Racing Records. 1 K English Racing Records. m T Australian Racing Records. . T The Great Money Winners of tlie American and English Turf. a Tabulation of Whining Two-Year-Oids of 1913 Arranged Under Their r Resjiective Sires. Oilicials and liOeatiou of Racing Organizations of tlie United States. Canada and Mexico. V List of Horses That Have Sold for Great Prices. A The leading Winuing Two-Vear-Olds Since 3870. X tr Remarkable Feats of Jockeyship. A Leading American Sires Since 1S70. T V. Twenty Leading Sires of 1913. W Table of Comparative Speed of the Tracks at Various Distances. a X TIl Sca"es of Weiglits of the Jockey Club, Kentucky Stale Racing Com- mission. Western Jockey Club. Pacific Jockey Clnb. Canadian Racing T Associations, Jockey Club Juarez, American Turf Association. Mexican and Jockey Club, and of England. T Tables of Speed of AH Tracks. qand The English Betting Rules. , , The First, Second and Third Horses, Jockeys, Weights. Values and Times W of American Stakes. . v a Winners of All Stakes of 1913. -,-. T W Racing Statistics of 1913. A. Horses Disqualided in 1913. X W Dead Heats in 1913. A Horses Which Died in 1913. T Y Horses Bid Up in 1913. Records of Miles Run in 1:39 or Better. Etc., etc. t T PAPER BOUND.... 50 GENTS PUT OP and LEATHER BOUND 75 GENTS df Single copies must be sent as registered mail, with X au extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mall. i A With this eminently handy book In his iwcket any admirer of racing X c readily answer almost any query that may conio up concerning facts "f racingin the past. Its emal has never been printed and, considering A be topics It covers, it is an extremely low-priced book of ISi pages. Z Y - Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. . 1 PLYMOUTH COURT, :: :: :: CHICAGO. ILLINOIS S2 X SPECIAL GOES TODAY OR TOMORROW, sure. Better, not miss it. Wire ?2 for, it right now. Remember, it must win and win only, or you get a ?5 subscription to our Dally Ine-Horse Wire. FREE. New lwok Is now onsale at all newsstands where Racing Form Is sold.- 2H cents is all it cost mailed direct from ollice in plain sealed envelope, 2.5 cents a week. Yesterdays Special scratched. Daily ran secoud. FRIDAYS SPECIAL: WMte-Thursday-Go-Law-Go-Bot. THE TURF REPORTER. Room 509, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Hlinoii, A Yesterdays Dailv lost. Form Special ran third. FRIDAYS FORM SPECIAL: October Pear 25-35-60-42-24-32-61-33-30. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Hlinoii. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW, f TODAYS SPECIAL: Maine-Mountain-Mighty-Robin. Yesterdays Special, Free Trade, 7-5, second, and Wire, Premier. 2-1, second. Room 1181, 327 South La glle Street. CMoc, UK