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MILE TRACK FOR CALGARY. Prominent Citizens of Alberta Organize Chinook Jockey Club and Have Ambitious Plans. Calgary. Alberta, March 20. The Chinook Jockey tub, which is alioill lo establish racing here on a s ubstantial basis, lias eighty acres of land on the Macleod Trail, just south of this city. The property is surrounded by a six-fool fence, which is already completed. The track will be a mile circuit, eighty feet wide in the si ret dies. The rough work was dene last fail, and the grading is now under way. The Chinook Jockey Club will lie the pioneer hereabouts. Whmeiieg will have a new track soon, and several other cities in Ihe Canadian northwest have, applied for charters. Within a few years time it !: probable that a new racing association will be formed. None bur mile tracks will lie included in this promised, circuit, as the half-mile tracks with which tlie west is dotted are considered hush" tracks. Tne organization of the Chinook Jockey Club was not done wllh Ihe idea or making money for anyone. Tlie men who are behind it are well known and established citizens of Calgary. Eventually tliev hope to have equally as good racing as thai of -eastern Canada. Hut that will take time, of course. The otlicers and directors of the club are: F. C. I.ow -s, -president; George Lane, first Vice-President; K. A. Cross, Second Vice-President; Alex. Morrison, Secret a rv -Treasurer. Tlie aliove, together witli the following, form the Board or Directors: O. A. Crit-ciiley, M. S. .McCarthy. S". H. Roe, B. S. Mitchell, Osmsiml Brown, W. J. Stokes, T. M. Fish, George Rods and W. A. Georgcsen. Tlie p.irl-iniitucls will bo installed and bookmakers will he barred.