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PIPING ROCK SUBSCRIPTION ENTRIES. New York, March 20. The Piping Rock Subscription Serial Handicaps, recently closed, shows t lint interest in the Piping Rock special races is still keen. The handicaps are restricted to three-vear-ohls that were included in the original distribution as yearlings to the snbseriliers to the Piping Rock Subscription, and the fact that twenty-three have been entered, and are uow being made readv for the events to be included in the schedule arranged liy the committee in charge J. E. Davis, Allan Pinkerton and F. Ambrose Clark is fluttering; While the event is under the auspices of the Piping Rock Racing Association, tlie races will be run at various tracks, the idea being to keep up interest in limit meetings at different pdlnts and to provide really good contests for those who patronize the amateur end of racing. It is expected that at least ten races will be provided and as all will lie handicaps it should mean a sustained interest all season as several of the races are to be run in the fall. Tlie .events already provided are as follows: Rockaway Hunting Club, May 2, six furlongs, value 1914.sh00. Meadow Brook Steeplechase Association, May 9, six furlongs, value 00. United Hunts Racing Association, May 10, six furlongs, value 00; .May 23. value 00. k Country Club, Brookline, June 20. six furlongs, value 00. Two races will probably be provided for the spring meeting at Piping Rock, one of which will be at one mile with a value of ,500. For the fall evcrv effort will be made to frame conditions that will suit all eligible as well as locating the races at points that will serve to continue interest. It has been suggested that a steeplechase be provided should it be found that present intentions to school a number arc Carried out. The list ot those who have taken subscriptions are as follows: Mortimer L. Schiff, Sandow; W. R. Coe, Election Bet: John B. Dennis, Aurora: Edward F. Whitney, Caglipstro; C. K. G. Billings. Peg o .My Heart; llarrj-,Payiie Whitney, Some Kid: Samuel Willetts, - Jtosa: Hiirvey S. Ladew. Knick Knack; Henry W. Warner, Lily Orme; Jay F. Carlisle, Golden Prlffie; Jericho Stable. Andes: F. Ambrose Clark,-Babisa; J. E. Aldred, Virginia Lass; W. R. Coe, Piping Hot; William D Thornton, Delegate; Frederick Johnson, Arlington; II. W. Sage, Bergamot; Clement N. WH-liajnSK Armament: S. F. Rothscuild, Lokomlsr Jesse Williamson 2d, Burgrave; Edward C. Blum, Optimist: John J. Graham, Overyonda II.; Jericho Stable, Bombay.