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NOTES OF THE TURF. J. C. Ferris has purchased Winifred I, from W. S. Trevey. The Maryland legislature is to adjourn Monday night, April 0. Wade McLemoros stable is due to arrive at Denver Saturday from Juarez. A. W. Hauicl and Charles Cocliel are jointly interested in the horse Forehead. Edward Jasper, who served as racing secretary ;t Juarez the past winter, passed through Chicago yesterday en route to Cincinnati. John Wkalen and Frank Buehacek have registered a partnership in the horses Honey Bee and Orowoe, which are to ruu in Wlialens name. A. P. Humphrey, Jr., of Louisville, has been granted a gentleman riders certificate by the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. The four-year-old filly Hannah, and the two-year-olds Princess Ormonde and Duke of Dunbar, are to run in the name of the Elk wood Park stable. George Wingfieid, Nevada multi-millionaire, is planning to engage in the breeding of thoroughbred horses ou an extensive scale. He has purchased a ranch near Reno for the purpose. R. F. Carman has complained to the Jockey Club that jockey V. Rightuiire has left- his employ without consent or a written discharge and notice has been formally Issued warning owners and tr.-jiners lium harboring biui. Two superbly bred foals are reported at the East View Stud of James Butler. East View, N. Y. They are u chestnut filly by Superman Turf Star, by Nasturtium and a bay colt by Superman Jest, by Ben Brush. Tho granddam of the latter is Cap and Bells, the oidy American-bred winner of the Epsom Oaks. Jockey J. McTaggart is visitiug his mother in New York city. Tommy McTaggart, his elder brother, is also in New York, so it is more or less of a family reunion. Tommy is still under suspension as a result of a ruling made at tho last Laurel meeting. Johnny McTaggart will resume riding at Norfolk next week. Auiericau-bred horses and horses owned by Americans are credited with winnings on the French turf last year as follows: H. B. Duryeas Blarney, 533,010; Shannon, 0,000; The Irishman, S0.300; August Belmonts Vulcaln VI. 5,S15, Orage II., ,200; W. K. Vauderbilts Bavard III., 1,350; the late Charles Kohlers Restigouche. ,525; Novelty, ,035; Puggins, ,810. Charles A. Bergin, who has been appointed oflieial censor for the Kentucky tracks by the Kentucky State Raeing Commission, is tarrying for a day or two in Chicago on his way from Juarez to Ixmis-villc He came north on the same train that brought Eugene .El rod, manager of the betting rings at Juarez, Lexington, Churchill Downs. Douglas Park and Latonia. Mr. Elrod will continue on to Kentucky at once.