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AMERICANS SCORE ABROAD W. K. VANDERBILT HAS WON MILLION AND A HALF ON FRENCH TURF. Wealthy Now Yorker Has Headed List of Winning , Owners in France Five Times — H. B. Duryca and Others Also Do Well Of all A iii.-ii :iis whose colors have bean icon seated on t in- 1- "r.iii li l m !". W. K. audcrbill has 1m-ou by far the most successful. Mr. "andcrhilt 6r*t began to race in Frame in ls:i7. His beginning was Bade in an exceedingly modest way and it was mil until the season of 1901 that his horses began j to figure prmnlllintlj In that .year his purse and slake winnings aniounleil to the ••omforialilc sum of 7,272. and from that time on they Increased li.v mapa and bouuds until the dene of* the season of l.xio foitnd iiini tilling tlic coveted role of leading money -winning owner of France, with wiuuings of 45,960. The- succeeding year brought sueh a sluinii in the stables showing that it dropped hack to the same position iL liad oecnpied two years before, ith. with winnings of but 865,725. Then followed a series of triumphs and saecesefal seasons for Mr. Vaaderbilt, lac like ot which has never lieen duplicated b an other American racing in foreign lands. Daring the four years beginning with 1906 and ending with Mil, the Vaaderbilt stable stood supreme in France. Its haulier ] ear was l!tt s. in which the horses carrying the Vaiidor-1 i 1 1 colors, won the princely sum of 82,813. lie-record for 1899 was a tittle less Imposing, and the two following years brought a further diminution of earnings, hut it was not until 1912 that Mr. Vanderliilt lust the distinction of being the leader. In that year his stable slood tiflh. Last season was the poorest in results lor the Vanderliilt stable that it had experienced since it feral came into pi eminence. .Mr. Vaaderbilt continues to maintain an elaborate estabiishmeal and it is among the possibilities that tip- present season will see a re turn of its olieiionienal successes. The tabulation that follows sets forth Hie record of the Vanderliilt stable on the French turf: Year. Won. Year. Won. 1N97 ? 2.2:ai 1906 $ 243.980 l viv 3,594 J!M»7 63,723 [998 2.IHHI MMIS 2tB.Sl;» ipoo 19 I9 238 14-1 *- I.Hti 27,272 miit i:i i ::m». UMi: :.::. 133 1911 i:::, mi:, 1896 B5.988 1912 si s7;, 1 004 63,344 1913 12 ."» 1.". 1905 88,738 T«dal SI .571;. 397 Other Americans who have raced with success in Prance during the past few years include Herman 1". Puryca. August Belmont and Frank .lay Goald. Mr. Daryea feral t«Mik part in French racing in 1999, but il was not until 1912 that he achieved prominence. In thai year he stood fourth, thanks tu the prowess of shannon. Blanker, Banshee. The Irishman and other sous ami daughters of the American stallion Irish Lad. which he established nt the head of iiis stud in France. Last year Blarney and Banshee were the chief contributors to his lotal of 177,789. which gave him seventh place. His record in France is shown blow: Year. Won. I90B $ 7 17:; 1910 1.634 1911 14, bib 1012 85.900 1913 77.761 Total *1S7. |s;; Frank Jay ib.uM entered French racing as an owner in 1910 tad did fairlj well until last season, as shown bj the following tabulation of his stable winnings: year. Won. 1910 $ 22,880 Mill 81.675 1912 20.7S7 1913 3,948 Total 1136,896 August Belmont established w French stud a few veais ago ami his colors ferst appeared on the Kronen tracks in 1911. li was no until tin- following year that the] figured promtaeatlj and then Mr. Kelinout si I seei,ih in the winning owners list. The record of the Belmont stable in France is as follows: Year. Worn. 1911 $ 3.391 1*13 66.95 i 1913 43,442 Total 13,78 I The late Charles Kohlor sent a strong string of American horses lo France in charge of S. «. Hildreth in the fall of I.lll and the* raced with some success in Mill" and Mil.:, until the death ■ [ their owner led t.. the dispersal of the stable. Its lee. .id na» as follows: Year. Won. 1912 $ 31,634 1913 22.*s-; Total * 53,537 .1. K. Widenei of Philadelphia, has figured in French racing since 1999, with a moderate degree ,.f gajeeeSK. Ibis rear his stable will be campaigned on a more ambitions scale than ever and he lias engaged a skilful American jockey, .f. Lofton, to supplement the efforts of his American trainer. Thomas WeKh. The record of this stable to date in France is as follows: Year. Wan 1906 * 8.742 1810 11.309 Mm IL28B 1912 "■•:■•.; IMS is. OKI Totals $ 36,721 Thomas Hitchcock has maintained a French racing establishment since 1900. His horses have raced through tin- steeplechase feald and have made the following record: Near. Won 1908 $ 14,019 1910 i::T" Mill 7,948 M.r_ 5,697 1913 14.668 * 12,747 Total ■ • fc P Hart La Montague began to m.,. m Frauce in 1916 and his stable has made tin- following showing. •N ear Wo,, 1910 • • --6 -•"•»■"• Mill 12.534 1912 s •■"•"! rw* 4-« Total * -J.:. -.sit II. Fug -im- l.cigli. I prominent American owior trainer who weal to rraace many rears ago, at lirsi inniiitaiiicd a formidable Btame Of his own. Continued on second page.