The Brookdale Stables String., Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-04

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THE BRO0KDALE STABLES STRING. P.atrie. int.. April $. — Contrary to the experience of a year ago. the Brookdale stable thoroughbreds of Messrs. Albert and Simon Ihnioni have wintered exceptionally well at Brookdale farm, near lien-. Sixteen head make up the siring for rhe coining seasons campaign, the largest number that ban represented the local turfmen in years. Trainer George Walker is c east nnently looking forward to a more successful season on the the Canadian tracks than the stable has had in recent years. The stable will be particularv strong in the tWO-year -old division, with eight likely looking young sters to carry their color*. s the Kings Plate candidates number only three, two of which have yet to make their appearance in public, the sami can hardly lie said of irs chances far the Cnineas. The complete list of the horses in this stable follows: Heresy, br. h. 5. nv Sain— Hera. i rysti.iwoga. ch. g, 4. In Tbogorder— Crandma II. Beau heval. ch. c, :;. by Tongorder Depends i Plater i. Beadei, ch. e, ■:. by i.ncie -Bremen. Double Pass. b. c, .:. by Incle -Double Si. Moss Fox, bik. c. ::, by Ked Fox ii. p.eiia Hamburg Plater. Tippecanoe, eh. c :i. by CmUdaeh Toaaeae Agnes Fox, b. f, 2. by Ked Pox II. Depends Pair Fox. eh. e. S, by Ked Fox II. -Fair Annet. •lack Morgan, br. c. l. by Tongorder- Miss Morgan John Thompson, eh. ,-. 2. by Tongorder -Baroness Pepper. Kellon. br. c. 2. by Kelston — Drowsy. Lady CuiaOB, b. f. J. by Plaudit" -The Bella of May lair. Mail Order, b. ■-. ::. by Tsagsrm.1— hflaa Morgan Plater. Minnie Fox. bik. f. 2. by Led Fox II.— Minnie m ask a. Rowe, ch. c, 2, by Red Fox II.— Clarmie. Heresy, which raced in brilliant form when I three-year-old. and numbered among his victories the Kings Plate and other slakes jn 1012. is stiil a little shaky la front from his breakdown of last year. That he will stand training this season is doubtful. The son of Sain and Hera has been used for breeding purposes during the past month and in the eent of his failure io stand training this sniu mer he will be permanently retired to the stud. Crystiawoga. after a hard course of preparation and race in the Kinds Plate of lasi year, rounded to in mid season and proved to be ihe best winner for the stable. He was a tall, range animal, but has tilled out since Inst fall and should show improvement during the coming season. The stable is relying on Moss re* for net CSS in the Kings Plate. He raced moderately well as a two-year-Old lasi season, despite s bad foot, on which be is now going soundly. With the benefit of l good Winteriaaj this sturdy little celt Is likelv to give ■ good account of himself in the big race. As Bean Cheval iin i Mail Order, the other Platers, have yet to go to the |Mist. there is no form on Which they can be judged. Heau Cheval displayed good speed in private, but was on the shelf during most of last season saffering from bucked shins, which is common among two year olds. II was found necessary to operate on Mail Order this winter on account of wind trouble, and whether In- will ■itnount in much is problematical. Tippecanoe. Bendel and Double Bass are colts which Messrs. Dyment purchased in England last fall. All three are American-bred, however, and wen- taken to England by Ihe late Charles Kohler Tippecanoe and Bendel were secured from Joseph Butters and Double Pass from Ilerz. of Me Cbesney fame. They are all maidens, but raced promisingly iu England last rear. Tippecanoe is tiie best looking one of the trio, but thoroughbreds do not always race io their looks. They are well turned colts, of good size and conformation, and great things are expected of them. The two year olds are the best-looking lot thai the stable has bad in years. John Thompson has BOJ done as well as sonic of ihe others. Jack Morgan and Rowe are both fine, big youngsters, while Lady Cur/.on is also a nicely turned filly. The stable is not so well fortified for next year in Ihe matter of young material. The yearlings number only four, two colts and two Tillies. The] ate: P.ay colt by Kelston —Drowsy. Bay Illy by Bed Fox II. — Bella Hamburg. Pay HUy by lied Fox II. -Baroness Pepper. Chestnut colt by Red Fox II. -Depends. The Kelston Drowsy coii has already beeai asmrd Walker, after the stable trainer. Oeorge Walker. Roth colts nre good-looking individual*. Three foals have arrived this season, the first of which was on January 5. This is a tillv bv Ked Fox II IM x iu-r Bess. Soli.i Comfort has as her lust foal ■ bav colt by Kelston. Mlnnlewaska has I bay tillv b. Red Fox II. and Hera a bav tillv by Keil Fox II. Depends foaled twins by Ked Fox II. both of which died. Failing t.. show his merits as a sir,. Tongorder. hero of many brilliant vacs, has been gelded and will be usnl as a saddle borse. Fort Hunter is now the property of the Fnited states rioveraeaeai and. as a saddle borse. led the inaugural parade of President Wilson at Washington, D. C. Two broodmares have been added to the stable in Donation and Amcliana. The latter is n black tillv. four years aid, by Sain, and was purchased from Barney Schreitx-r. Donation is seven years old. ami was a wellknowi racer on the Canadian half mile tracks in t nr years in the colors of II. C. iili.nt. Both have been mated with Red Fox II.

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