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OLD VS. NEW METHODS. I In ,|is, u-s-on over the superiority of the Bborl stirrup in race riding is over in most countries. and most people arc content to abide b. results. The disqualification in the Derbj last year was attributed to lack u control of their boraes bj rider? who did not nit la the old style. Some ot the "Improvers" who are out with remedies by lie -eoie as so.,n .,s i|,e damage i done w n bound i" have a rale made that only the long stir raps sbould be use,] bj race riders. The obvious answer to this was hat as there was no rule op the question those who preferred Mag siirrups. • •; thought better results woakl be obtained from riding in this stvl- were at perfect liberlv to adopt ii. The question i revived bj an article in the last Badminton Magaxtae, in which rjeL It. r li.scy Thompson, a wcll-kaowa writer aa the liorse, -ives th« results of measuring the strides e| a hose ridden iir ImiIIi Styles. the trials u-en carried on on a sand beach, and ihe measurements taken by surveyors clerks. The] thawed, according in Colonel Thompson and iraine,- Johnny Osborne that the length a a bride was greater when ridden in ibi I style bin there js not great ral is in ihe .• liisi.ns reached by ihe writer of ihe article. Ih. borse used was St isener. and Vigiiaat points out in The Lou. Ion Sportsman that this horse last appeared In lublic fourteen years ago. If there was SB deelded advantage in the Cngli-h style It w.nilil have been apparent in all thai Interval. s, it Instead nt making beadwaj the obi style his Leon practically abandoned by rac riders. The i.r the race course, not thai of the sea beach, ass given tin rerdtel to the American style, Francis Nelson in Taraajte Cilobe.