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CHANCE TO BUY CHOICELY-BRED YEARLINGS. It is sot often that buyers have the opportunity to secure either at suction or private sale such yearlings as those owned in partnership by the es tile ol Hie late .lames 1. Keeue and the various breeders who mated their choice mares on shares to the world tamed Castleton staUions. By the terms of the breeding contrails, these yearlings musl be sold to divide the partnership and 11 has in en arranged to dispose of them at auction at Lexington, Ky., Ma ii. dm ins the spring meeting of tin- Kentuck Association, The yearlings are inset of Ben Brush. Delhi, Disguise, Hippodrome, Peter Pan. Superman. Sweep, Iltiiniis and Voter. in the alum nine stallions, two did nol face the starter Hippodrome and Dltimus, but iho other • » ■ n made much turf history, their combined winnings amounting In 55,932, or an average of over 165.000 each. There are iu-i forty-four head in the sale and they are equally divided as to colts and tillies. They are from sssae of the choicest broodmares in the P.luc iiass slate, as the breeders availed thesnseives of the opportunity ami mated their best. The sale is somewhat earlier than is usual for yearlings, which should result In both !■• the yearlings themselves and to buyers, who can "turn them bail, to nature" for severs] months. Ilie catalog for the even! has come from the pre** and will be mailed to any address upon application to The Kentucky Sale- Co.. Lexington, Ky.. under whom management the -ale will be held.