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GOSSIP FROM THE BLUE GRASS REGION. Lexins-toa Kg., April is. Hamburg Belle foaled a tine ihestnui coll by Star shix.t at James B. Bag-gins Elmendorf Farm this morning. .i ». Keene lias sold bis eoo,l insre Logistil i t Arthur P.. Hancock and »he lias . en shipped I" Kll rslie stu.l. Chariottesi tile-. V i. I. T. chinn left last night for New V«»rk. t i make preparations for his trip to Euroiie. Five Ae.-s. the proper! of U. r. Little, ol Sew Yurie foaled a baj filly by Stalwart, at Arch Ham iltons. hUrklevington farm this morning.