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TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS CANDIDATES. At tar Usaraasl aamttas: on March -7 the Blest* stiinV Btakea in ii mill- for tkree-jrear-ohki «as won in a close finish hv .1. B. Joels brown colt. Black NMr, by iolvuielus — Absurdity, with Trinity Square second and Conqueror tliird. four being un-placed. »f the starters Black Jester. CKsatnghasi and Iolvdanius are -classic- candidate*. Comment-ii n on promising raree-year-olda "Warm Hill" aid in LaaaSa aaattfcaa. Life after this race: •■The exciting battle ;ii Liverpool between Stack Jester and Trinity Square brings the clamlc tbree-V-:ir olds into prominence, and it akowt that hey are now forwanl eiiougli in iheir preparations hi be siiidinu along. Sir hint Cassel was down last ■reek la bare ■ took at Hapabant, whlck had i Rood iiillop of a mile and a quarter and went er well indeed. The horae lias not grown to ant appreciable iMciii. hut baa become more robust and iiiiisriilar. and possibly ripeness in condition and early niatur-Kj may enable him to hold his own with the bin ones early in the enr. In size anil style nothing will c.iinpare with Corcyra. which is nms.lir.g op into a tine horse, and niriiitr the past ten day* his ajalloaMI have lieen in reused to a mile ami a quarter. With only a month to the Two Thousand Jiiineas. Copt. Dewhurst has none too much time to tpore, but. fit and well. Carejraa long stride will be grandly suited to the beautiful stretch from the Mart ing-post to the Bushes. It had lieen ascertained last autumn that he preferred firm ground and the inability of his elder brother. Perciral Kcene. to stay beyaatd si or seven furlongs rather trightcned ihem reapecthut his stamina. There exist, however, two strong reasons In hope ilifTeren!-l. . the one that Iolyiioliis ni.i impart More stamina than Kfciger. and the other that age was required to give iMiwer to such a long-striding borne. We inin. safely count. I think, on the nreaeoee of Am baaaador in the City and Suburban field, for he is a powerfully built colt that is alreadj ael in appearance, and will be ri|»e very early in his career. oiirngeoiis is somewhat solt-limking on accouni of his color, but he is a free mover, anil just the sort to OH plai-es in the classic races, without qaite coming out first. His Majestys Sunny Lake we shall see out at Novbury. and if Mr. Rllpla has am thing un to classic form it must Ik- Polygonum. by Spearmint Pretty Iolly. which has impiovcd more in appearance than any. bocinse there was more room for if. He quite dwarfs Saint yr. l.anius. and Lancelot, and seems to have lengthened into more symmetrica! form. Whether he has Unproved eqoall] in racing merit remains to lie seen, bin I do not anticipate his lieing at his best for the Two Thousand Gaiscaa, and for thai rare we shall have to decide between Corcyra. Hapsbi.rg. t.iinageons. and possibly The Caul as a place in esiinoiit at a long price."